Anonymous ID: 24ecb3 June 5, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.9488623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8946 >>9337

Excluded from Netanyahu’s annexation plans, military must somehow prepare anyway


‘The army hasn’t seen the maps!’: For one of the first times in history, the IDF is out of the loop on a move that could radically affect central aspects of the country’s security


With less than a month to go before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he intends to annex portions of the West Bank — a move with potentially immense security and geopolitical ramifications — the country’s security forces remain overwhelmingly in the dark about what exactly the government plans to do.


A verbal statement that does not actually apply Israeli civil law over the territory and thus does not have any real-world implications may result in only limited reactions by Palestinians, but full annexation of all Israeli settlements and the Jordan Valley — which Netanyahu has indicated he is considering — would likely result in a far more violent and widespread immediate response. The annexation of only the Maale Adumim settlement or Etzion bloc — both of which are almost guaranteed to remain in Israeli control under any political resolution with the Palestinians — could also result in a potentially more muted response by both Palestinians and the rest of the world.


Without knowing which of these — or if anything at all — will happen next month, the Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet security service cannot fully plan accordingly and must instead anticipate a broad range of potential immediate reactions to the move by Palestinians, from minor rioting, to widespread terror attacks, all the way up to a full-scale uprising.


in the Gaza Strip, at the Kirya headquarters in Tel Aviv, on November 12, 2019. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)


With less than a month to go before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he intends to annex portions of the West Bank — a move with potentially immense security and geopolitical ramifications — the country’s security forces remain overwhelmingly in the dark about what exactly the government plans to do.


A verbal statement that does not actually apply Israeli civil law over the territory and thus does not have any real-world implications may result in only limited reactions by Palestinians, but full annexation of all Israeli settlements and the Jordan Valley — which Netanyahu has indicated he is considering — would likely result in a far more violent and widespread immediate response. The annexation of only the Maale Adumim settlement or Etzion bloc — both of which are almost guaranteed to remain in Israeli control under any political resolution with the Palestinians — could also result in a potentially more muted response by both Palestinians and the rest of the world.


Without knowing which of these — or if anything at all — will happen next month, the Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet security service cannot fully plan accordingly and must instead anticipate a broad range of potential immediate reactions to the move by Palestinians, from minor rioting, to widespread terror attacks, all the way up to a full-scale uprising.


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These different scenarios would of course require wildly different responses and deployments by the military — from sending in a handful of additional battalions to contain low-level protests, to wide-scale call-ups of reservists to fully reoccupy major Palestinian cities. This would also potentially divert intelligence and airpower resources from the IDF’s current focus on Iran’s activities in Syria and Lebanon to the West Bank.


Beyond the expected immediate violence, the country’s security forces must also prepare for the larger strategic shifts that may come in response to annexation — or extension of sovereignty, as the Israeli government is wont to call it — for instance in a breakdown of the quarter-century peace treaty with Jordan, which has harshly warned Israel against expanding its sovereignty into the West Bank. Israel’s hard-won relationships with other Arab countries, particularly those in the Persian Gulf, could also be threatened, as well as its ties with some European countries.


Annexation could also push Hezbollah and Hamas to launch attacks on Israel, buoyed by a potential nadir in international support of the Jewish state.


And all this comes at a time when the military and the country are still reeling from the devastating effects of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 24ecb3 June 5, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.9488628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8946 >>9337

Trump Orders Pentagon to Reduce US Troops in Germany by 9,500 Soldiers - Report


Currently, the number of US troops permanently assigned in Germany is 34,500.


US President Donald Trump has directed the Department of Defence to remove 9,500 US troops from Germany by September, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing US government officials.


Trump also ordered to reduce the total number of US troops that may be stationed in Germany at any one time from 52,000 to 25,000, the paper said.


Discussions about the reduction of US troops in Germany started in September and the move is not linked to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision not to take part in the G7 summit which was originally scheduled for June, the WSJ added.—report/

Anonymous ID: 24ecb3 June 5, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.9488933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9017 >>9337

New York Politician Livestreams Call For Rioters to Loot in Communities That Aren’t Their Own


Buffalo City Councilman Rasheed N.C. Wyatt livestreamed a call for rioters to loot and destroy communities that aren’t their own.


The politician also said that the only reason Dr. Martin Luther King was anti-violence is because black people didn’t have enough guns.


Wyatt appears to be not-so-subtly implying that the violent mobs should go to white neighborhoods.


“Don’t go that way, the police are over there,” Wyatt tells rioters, to redirect them at the beginning of the video. “We trying to do so much in our community, and I’m telling you, we can do better. We gotta find out how to do this. But not in a way that tears up our neighborhood.”


The politician goes on to direct looters and rioters to go to non-black neighborhoods.


“Why would we tear up our neighborhood? I see all the protests going on all throughout the country and we tearing up our neighborhood. Go somewhere else and loot, loot somewhere else. Don’t loot in our neighborhood.”


The Nationalist Review, who first broke the story and obtained the video, noted that “the obvious implication of his rant is that the individuals ought to be looting in predominantly white neighborhoods. During the 16 minute video, Wyatt helps direct rioters away from the police and towards safer places to cause mayhem, comments on how he believes Dr. Martin Luther King was only nonviolent because black people didn’t own enough guns to win, and stated that he believes looters should leave their own communities and wreak havoc in others.”


“Do you know why Dr. King talked about non-violence? Because we don’t have enough guns.”

Anonymous ID: 24ecb3 June 5, 2020, 12:24 p.m. No.9488994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9337

Black Lives Matter Sues Trump, Barr For Clearing Lafayette Square


Black Lives Matter's Washington, D.C., affiliate is suing President Donald Trump over the measures his administration took to disperse protesters in Lafayette Square ahead of his June 1 visit to St. John's Episcopal Church.


In a new federal lawsuit, the affiliate's ACLU lawyers say the government had "no legitimate basis" to clear the square, arguing that the use of flash bombs and rubber bullets against protesters "is a continuation of an unlawful history of oppression of civil rights activists." Attorney General William Barr, Defense secretary Mark Esper, various agency heads, and unidentified law enforcement officers are also named as defendants.


The lawsuit accuses Trump, Barr, and others of constitutional violations and conspiracy to violate civil rights. The plaintiffs are also bringing Bivens claims against law enforcement at the scene, a cause of action available against police for unconstitutional conduct under a 1971 Supreme Court case.


The government's move to clear the square sits at the apex of an ongoing national debate over the use of force against demonstrations prompted by the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers. The ACLU said the Lafayette Square suit is the first of many actions it plans to bring against authorities around the country for what they call police brutality.


BLM and the ACLU claim the decision to clear the square and the dispersal measures used violated free speech rights and the Fourth Amendment right to protection from unwarranted seizure. They claim the defendants' actions were "the manifestation of the very despotism against which the First Amendment was intended to protect."


The status of Lafayette Square will be a major issue in the suit. The complaint says the square is a historic venue frequently used by activists given its proximity to the White House. But government lawyers may counter that it had a special interest in protecting the White House campus during a period of unrest, justifying the actions taken to scatter the crowd.


In a Thursday press conference, Barr situated the June 1 protest within the broader trend of unrest and rioting in the preceding days, much of which centered around the White House. He said he made the decision to extend the perimeter around the White House by one block earlier in the day, after rioters burned a historic building on Lafayette Square over the weekend, attacked St. John's, and wounded police during clashes in the area.

Anonymous ID: 24ecb3 June 5, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.9489112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9118 >>9126 >>9234 >>9274 >>9337

Utah National Guard confirms they were kicked out of DC hotel, mayor claims budget issue


The Utah National Guard confirmed Friday that 200 service members are being kicked out of hotels in the nation's capital as D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser clashes with President Trump over the handling of the George Floyd protests in the city.


Bowser, who wants all non-D.C. troops out of the city, blamed the National Guard relocation on a budget issue and said the city will not pay for the accommodations — amid days of protests over racial injustice, some of which have been violent.


"Last night, we were informed that our service members would be relocated from their hotel rooms," the Utah National Guard said in a statement Friday.


Maj. Jaime Thomas told Fox News they identified another hotel and will relocate Friday.


"It has been heartbreaking for our Utah National Guard service members to witness the pain, suffering, and frustration in our communities across the nation," the National Guard added. "The Utah National Guard has been supporting civil authorities with our top priority of protecting lives as well as preserving property and critical infrastructure in our nation's capital."


The District of Columbia's National Guard said it is working to resolve the matter after hundreds of soldiers had been staying at a Marriott hotel near downtown Washington since being activated on Monday.


On Friday, Bowser said the removals were over a budget issue, saying D.C. residents would not cover the hotel bills. “This is overbilling,” she said.


Pressed on the matter, the mayor said they did not “evict anybody from a private hotel” but said the city will not pay for National Guard housing. She said they have no desire to see soldiers on the street but said the armory or the home state of the National Guard should pay for their arrangements. "If they are going to use rooms we reserved, they have to pay for them," she said.


"At no time did we intend or would we would be able to effect evicting any guardsman from any hotel," Bowser added.


Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah – who broke the news Thursday about the removals “Fox News @ Night" – has slammed Bowser as an "ungrateful mayor" over the situation.


Bowser said Friday she hasn't had a chance to talk to Lee.

