Anybody here in a red state and know people in NG? Are they called up? On alert?
Relax anon…enemy is not a robot, they can withdraw and reassess…they may be pulling back and changing tactics.
Like Q, they have war-gamed many scenarios, and probably think they can win a different way now based on POTUS response.
"Moves and countermoves"
Another treasonous general?
internal I believe. Don't think it's been released. Could be optics, who the hell knows at this point, but in light of Mattis and Kelly, all bets are off.
Q's post last night may have spooked them.
Might be pulling back.
Hard to imagine given how much they have invested in this
"protesting"…perhaps the whole thing was a probe…see how
POTUS reacts. I'm ready for anything.
destruction of evidence
Think Podesta is an 11.4 marker