Lost my children to this bullshit. Won't talk to me.
Faith in humanity matters not at all right now.
Devastated. Have give years to this, and it's really for nothing.
Not sure how to proceed.
Lost my children to this bullshit. Won't talk to me.
Faith in humanity matters not at all right now.
Devastated. Have give years to this, and it's really for nothing.
Not sure how to proceed.
WTF are you talking about. Yes, heard POTUS at the presser, but you have other news?
Pfft. Got one of those, too. That's what anon gets for paying for ivy league college.
Really it's ok. Strongheaded to a fault. Fine with walking away. Got them this far. The can fucking figure it out for themselves.
Spouseanon is not quite so stubborn, alas.
Yep. Every dime.
HFS. You think you did the right thing and then it lands on you in a pile of misery. Life can be fucking stupid.
No one died. Maybe I can trek to Illinois for recreation soon.
Little goals. Not like booms are headed our way or anything.
Can identify with this perspective. They're alive. They aren't dead. It is what it is.
Oh, no worries. Everyone pretends it didn't happen. Only my heart knows for sure.
Moongazing for now. Maybe tomorrow.
It is! Thanks for the reminder.
Love you anons. A couple of hugs. A couple of kicks in the arse. There's a better balance again.
Fuck the kids.MYlife matters. Shadilay.
Why are David Clarke and Ed Flynn suddenly darlings here?
NG was hit by lightning?