The Disney Bloodline
The Illuminati have refined the art of deception far beyond what the common man has imagined. The
very life & liberty of humanity requires the unmasking of their deceptions. That is what this book is
about. Honesty is a necessary ingredient for any society to function successfully. Deception has
become a national pastime, starting with our business and political leaders and cascading down to the
grass roots. The deceptions of the Illuminati's mind-control may be hidden, but in their wake they are
leaving tidal waves of distrust that are destroying America. While the CIA pretend to have our nations
best interest at heart, anyone who has seriously studied the consequences of deception on a society
will tell you that deception will seriously damage any society until it collapses. Lies seriously damage
a community, because trust and honesty are essential to communication and productivity. Trust in
some form is a foundation upon which humans build relationships. When trust is shattered human
institutions collapse. If a person distrusts the words of another person, he will have difficulty also
trusting that the person will treat him fairly, have his best interests at heart, and refrain from harming
him. With such fears, an atmosphere of death is created that will eventually work to destroy or wear
down the cooperation that people need. The millions of victims of total mind-control are stripped of
all trust, and they quietly spread their fears and distrust on a subconscious level throughout society.
One problem about lies is that one lie will call for another and then another. It's hard to keep lies
single. They seem to want to breed more of their kind to protect themselves. Soon the liar becomes a
victim of his own lies, trapped in a dishonest web that demands lots of energy to protect his false
fronts. This is the sad fate that the intelligence agencies have painted themselves into. They must
maintain groups that oversee their double-agents' lies to insure that the lies that they have
disseminated don't contradict themselves. Finally, they have put out so much disinformation, they
lose track of reality themselves. Far from saving this nation, the intelligence agencies have spread the
cancer of deception into all walks of life, so that this cancer is contaminating and killing anything of
value in the United States. The soon-to-come death of this nation's sovereignty, as well as the
destruction of this nation's morals are the results of this cancer.