underlooked post
curious how you are presenting the sequence of events anon?
russia hoax fail
impeachment fail
covid pretty goddamned annoying, and killed a bunch of old people, but other than that, fail
riots nowhere near the impact [they] were hoping for
what else?
but the trick in all of this is making sure the required machinery (surveillance, police state type shit) actually gets dismantled when it's no longer needed
more difficult than threading a camel through the eye of a needle
but we're going to do it anyway
nothing about Pantifa riots?
this map needs updating as news becomes available
here's another good one
lockdown protests are gonna kill all the grandmas (but not cuomo)
but literally burning down cities is totally fine
also making the connection between first normalizing masks and then having rioters wear them too
and the redpilling is just gonna get easier over time (pic related)
yes, we see proofs and correlations from Trump steadily escalating towards outright confirmation as the storm also escalates
I have shared Q explicitly with very few people
I think you can tell when someone is ready for that
conversation usually goes something like this:
>This shit ain't right
<what do you think of qanon? it's not 100% true but it's better than most of what's out there. also the fake news is totally lying about what it is
>What's qanon? How do I find a source that's not fake news?
has only happened a handful of times so far, but I feel like there will be more