Mattis is the reason we are taught by our DI's to hate officers…fuck Mattis and Kelly and Dunford…
I served with the National Guard, they are a joke the PRT ran like little bitches when we got attacked by insurgents from the village of Taliban in the Korengal Valley, and took 3 of their gun trucks those fucks from Fort Lauderdale Florida…the ODA145 caught them sleeping on the LPOP's and the towers…citizen solders…what a joke…
says little bitch…with not one ounce of intestinal fortitude you little cunt…but you keep showing your liberal suck dick bullshit
i did respond but your to fucking ignorant to read…
Projection…says the liberal suck dick who never did anything in their life…but a load mouth troll who faps to trannies and fatties…like you are in your basement…like you have some legitmacy…who has probably never did anything for this board or for this country…
Honorable 100% disabled from being shot and blown up…but keep talking and yes i have the DD 214 to prove it and my DD 215 with the updated honors i recieved want me to post them you fuck…and we hated the PRT and so did ODA 145 but i bet you don't even know who ODA is…cause your just a Civy
says a civy who know shit about war and about cowards…or about ODA-145 cause you still haven't answered my question…or know shit about Asadabad or Afghanistan…but keep thinking you know something about something…
fat sgt's who couldn't even make it up the hill, prt who got pregant by marines for being whores…keep talking about brothers and sisters…Why did the Green Berets aka ODA 145 operation detatchment alpha but keep showing what you know about the miltary cause its funny…Asadabad was a CIA FOP…keep going…part of the reason i hate the CIA but i guess they are brothers too huh…who hired Naj Mudeen to our FOP and he worked in our Chow Hall while we were all looking for him as our HVT…but keep talking CIVY like you know something about something…