KEK this one's AWESOME
The prior post is not accurately describing why the overtaking of the WH is a possibility. It has to do with the fact that there is a coup attempt forming, and the "spark" will be the use of lethal force against a protestor. Anybody who's watching this knows there are desperately trying to provoke an incident that will result in WH security, riot police, SS, or NG to fire on the crowd. This is why they keep throwing firecrackers…sound like gunshots. Thing Boston Massacre…
The moment a protestor is shot, all hell breaks loose, and if as many people descend on the WH as they are encouraging, security forces will have know option other than to stand down unless they want to give CNN their ultimate Trump=Hitler moment. The only choice would be to evacuate and relocate. Of course, we know, if that happens, the plan is in motion and military will swiftly take out/apprehend the plotters. I'm not saying it will work out that way for sure, but there is NO WAY to stop 300,000 people who are all trying to jump the fence at the WH without massive bloodshed. And, you KNOW that CNN will claim the initial incident was some "order" to "kill them all" by the Mad King.
We need to be prepared for anything at this point.
Sorry Grammar Nazi for typos and misspellings
From a spiritual perspective, the buildings and layout represent occult freemasonry. I would not shed a tear for many of those monuments. History can preserved in many other ways.