Anonymous ID: f64426 June 6, 2020, 4:15 a.m. No.9499992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0043 >>0062 >>0076 >>0135 >>0230 >>0255 >>0268 >>0416

>>9497438 (pb)

Last week I got the crazy notion that perhaps we were going to see the White House overrun. It seems that notion wasn't so crazy and that day is getting closer.

There are no great options, only less worse.

It appears that there will be some resistance to the rioters, at least for a time. What would it take to protect the White House against a continued siege in deep blue DC? At some point, you have to ask yourself is it even worth it?

We know we're watching a movie. In one way or another we've been conditioned to accept future events through predictive programming. How many movies have you seen over the past few decades where the White House or other parts of DC are under attack?

If the WH is overrun over the next month, expect rioters to become even more emboldened to advance on other symbols of our government. Destruction of our government and our nation, after all, is the end goal of this insurgency. Despite the fact that much of metro DC depends upon the existence of this government, there are many who are willing to let it be torn down because they believe they are the architects of a new, better way.


Now the good news. While the script is written for destruction, in the end, God wins. And while Trump is not the Chosen One, he is the one chosen for this time. He has vowed to drain the swamp, but how do you dismantle and entrenched system that has fortified itself for hundreds of years? You let it destroy itself, and move the center of government elsewhere.

I admit I don't fully understand the special systems of self governance the 3 city states of DC, City of London, and the Vatican function under. Whatever special protection that small piece of real estate has in the US, it is likely that those protections would not exist within a new, relocated government.

What of the infrastructure built up around DC? The the lobbyists, the businesses, the homes, all the trappings of power? The move would show they function as parasites who live by diverting the will of the people to their own benefit.

I won't be surprised if President Trump abandons the White House to rioters. The frenzy won't stop there until the whole rotten edifice consumes itself.

Wherever POTUS plants his feet, he will still have authority to maintain control of the military who has sworn to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States of America.

Anonymous ID: f64426 June 6, 2020, 4:44 a.m. No.9500161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0197


They are only truths if you believe them. Many on the left don't believe anything POTUS says, because they believe he is evil. The only way people will know true evil is if they see it for real to compare to their own propaganda inspired version of evil.

Anonymous ID: f64426 June 6, 2020, 5:09 a.m. No.9500336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0465


I can understand that from a completely practical perspecive. The military well able to defend the WH.

But at what cost? One way or another the coming events are going to be used for propaganda. What will repel, and what will rally the people?Just watching the videos over the past few days a few police with batons provoke calls for withdrawing police. Video of the rioters provokes the average person to self protection.


From a spiritual perspective, what do the buildings and city layout represent? POTUS has it all. I admit I don't. At what spiritual cost should we maintain the seat of control in a region that longs for our own destruction?