Anonymous ID: 8b41e5 June 6, 2020, 6:35 a.m. No.9501125   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hello Anons:


Wanted to share an idea that I've been developing for a while: an idea to help sort the non-violent protesters from the violent agitators in these protests, and deprive the bad element of cover, both visual and audible, and EXPOSE them. The technique can be used by anyone; in its basic form, it only requires a small amount of preparation and for the non-violent folks to bring their smartphones or other recording devices with them to the event. I call it, "Sit Down, Phones Out, Shut Up."


The concept is that since there's no way you can reliably screen out bad elements from infiltrating, if on your march or whatnot you see people start breaking stuff or hurting people or whatnot, at a predetermined signal, EVERYBODY sits down, breaks out their phones, and starts silently recording. Record the bad guys, record the police's reaction to them, record the crowd and what everyone is doing.


If everybody sits down, the cops will be able to clearly see what is happening and respond… IF they're not hamstrung by a stand down order that is. But if so, that will be exposed by multiple camera angles. If everyone is quiet, audio recordings might help ID some of the masked vandals etc; silence is golden. Multiple recordings will ensure that there's no question that the event was genuine, and will help greatly to sort out any deceptive edits or fakery of any kind.


A while back when I first came up with this idea, I suggested it to some socialist protester types who were insisting they were committed to non-violence. They HATED the idea, because their whole thing is that the less-violent ones provide cover for the vandals and thugs. But everyone I've talked to that DOESN'T get down with wanton looting, arson, and violence thinks it's a great idea to make it clear who's being violent and who doesn't want to participate in that at these chaotic protests.


I would also strongly suggest that any protesters using this technique, if the cops respond and arrest the bad guys, to applaud and say "Thank You" before resuming their peaceful protest or march after it's all cleared up. If the cops refuse, someone should loudly ask, "Why aren't you stopping them? Please arrest that man, he's destroying our town!" and see how they react.


Love to hear your opinions on this; if you agree, perhaps share this idea with others. Wonder what ANTIFA will do when they can't use peaceful protesters as human shields and crowd cover anymore?