Anonymous ID: 9c644e June 6, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.9505853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5869 >>5883 >>5897 >>5929 >>5934 >>6228 >>6276 >>6411 >>6562

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Supports ‘Defund the Police’ Movement



Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) threw her support behind a movement that would defund the New York Police Department in the wake of George Floyd’s death, the goal of which is to combat police brutality.


Ocasio-Cortez said in a congressional primary debate Friday night on NY1 that she has “actively engaged in advocacy for” a “reduction of our NYPD budget and defunding a $6 billion NYPD budget that costs us books in the hands of our children and costs us very badly needed investment in NYCHA [New York City Housing Authority] and public housing.”


The self-described Democratic socialist echoed the demands of Black Lives Matter activists that New York City should be spending less money on law enforcement and more money on social services, education, and housing.


Her stance puts her at odds with the head of the Congressional Black Caucus and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who do not support defunding the police.


Ocasio-Cortez, left-wing New York City council members, and left-wing activists are calling on New York to get rid of at least $1 billion out of the NYPD’s $6 billion budget.


Meanwhile, de Blasio defended the NYPD’s budget, saying that the money was necessary to keep New York City safe.


“I do not believe it’s a good idea to reduce the budget of the agency that’s here to keep us safe,” de Blasio said Friday during a press briefing.


Ocasio-Cortez offered her support for the #DefundthePolice movement while talking about what she would do to reform policing. Of the reforms she laid out, she said she would get rid of qualified immunity that protects police officers from legal accountability and stop the transfer of military arms to police departments.


The Defund the Police petition has also gotten celebrity support from Lizzo, John Legend, and Natalie Portman. All are demanding that police budgets be slashed in favor of investing in health care, education, and community programs.

Anonymous ID: 9c644e June 6, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.9505875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats Want to Abolish the Police and Confiscate Our Guns


A radical, utterly sincere, and determined movement is on to abolish police departments.


A radical, utterly sincere, and determined movement is on to confiscate our guns, to confiscate our right to defend ourselves.


This is no accident.


But first the facts…


Links to mainstream Democrats calling for the police to be defunded, which will obviously result in the police being abolished, can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and most especially here.


Links to mainstream Democrats like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and others calling for — not just gun control — but straight up confiscation, can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.


Secondly, to those of you who think this idea of abolishing the police and the Second Amendment is insane and can therefore never happen, you need to remove your head from the sand. Here are some more facts…


We went from zero to gay marriage in less than ten years.

We went from zero to drag queen story hour in about ten seconds.

The left is blacklisting us for referring to biological men as “he.”

The corporate media are now describing the burning and looting of cities as “political speech.”

This same media are describing peaceful protests by Tea Partiers and those ravaged by anti-science lockdowns as “dangerous” and “violent.”

Lego is blacklisting its own toys.

The NFL just committed suicide.

Drew Brees is now on his third 1984-ish public confession, a full-blown grovel tour, for the sin of expressing respect for the American flag.

Legions of white people are kneeling to ask forgiveness for something they had no part of.

Healthcare “experts” are telling us the coronavirus is lethal if you want to go to work, school, or your grandmother’s funeral, but not so lethal if you are out en masse to support “approved” causes.


The Democrat Party has been completely radicalized, emboldened, and is currently eating itself alive in the kind of cultish moral panic we have not seen since McCarthyism or the McMartin preschool scandal.


Now, you might say, there’s no way Democrats will abolish the police; this will only make life infinitely worse for the people who live in Democrat-run cities, which is where a bulk of the black population live.


Must I explain everything?

Anonymous ID: 9c644e June 6, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.9505912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5936 >>6228 >>6411 >>6562

Hayward: Democrats Embrace the ‘Four Stages of Ideological Subversion


“Progressive” ideology always rests on a conviction that the current “regressive” system is comprehensively unjust and must be destroyed by exploiting its weaknesses.


The most famous proponent of such tactics in recent years has been the late Saul Alinksy, the intellectual godfather of the modern Democrat Party, but former Soviet journalist and KGB informant Yuri Bezmenov laid out an even more concise strategy for subversion in a 1984 interview.


Alinksy’s seminal book specified 13 Rules for Radicals, but Bezmenov had only four “stages of ideological subversion,” and they will sound very familiar to anyone following the current wave of left-wing riots, or the politicized final stages of the coronavirus panic before it: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization.


Bezmenov defined ideological subversion, or “active measures” as the KGB preferred to call it, as a “slow brainwashing process” to “change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite their abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”

Anonymous ID: 9c644e June 6, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.9505936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6228 >>6411 >>6562



Stage 1: Demoralization


Bezmenov said the first stage, Demoralization, could take 15 to 20 years to complete because “this is the minimum number of years it takes to educate one generation of students.”


“Marxist-Leninist ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism,” he warned in 1984, judging that the demoralization process had been “basically completed” by that point.


“Actually, it’s over-fulfilled, because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously, not even Comrade Andropov and all of his experts would even dream of such tremendous success,” he added, referring to former KGB head and Soviet leader Yuri Andropov. “Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to a lack of moral standards.”


Bezmenov explained that demoralization is important because it robs the targeted population of its ability to process valid information. Even when demoralization targets are “showered with authentic proof” of contrary positions, they simply “refuse to believe it.”


Demoralization is quite obvious among today’s young people, whose faith in their country has been systematically destroyed throughout their lives by the education and media establishment. To take a recent high-profile example, the New York Times’ fraudulent “1619 Project” argued that “American history” actually began with the arrival of black slaves in North America and the Revolutionary War was fought by the colonists to preserve slavery. Although comprehensively debunked by actual historians, and even the original author has admitted her core thesis was not true, the 1619 Project is now part of some school curricula.


Another word for demoralization is guilt. Americans are routinely compelled to feel guilty about their society and national history. Guilt is the most powerful force in left-wing politics and academia. People will not accept the radical expansion of punitive government power unless they feel guilty and deserving of punishment.


Stage 2: Destabilization


The second stage, Destabilization, is much faster, requiring only two to five years under KGB doctrine. In this stage, the fundamentals of the targeted population’s economy, political system, and culture would be attacked, while the demoralized population could not mount much of a defense.


Bezmenov in 1984 found it “absolutely fantastic” how much influence Marxist-Leninist ideas had developed in the American economy and military. In essence, a demoralized population becomes willing to believe the worst criticisms of its own society, while learning to see defenders of that society as their enemies, while avowed enemies become natural allies. The defenders are held to strict standards, while anything goes for the most strident critics.


Whatever Bezmenov saw in the destabilized American society of the early 1980s with respect to the Soviet Union, it’s easy to see how the American Left has destabilized entire segments of modern society after demoralizing them. They see enemies everywhere, while no pro-American authority can be trusted. It’s hard to imagine a better illustration of demoralization followed by destabilization than hordes of anti-capitalist activists texting each other on their iPhones.


Not coincidentally, hostile foreign powers like Communist China and Iran are reaching out to destabilized American communities and offering themselves as guides and allies. Their sales pitches aren’t exactly smooth, but they definitely are making an effort.


A destabilized population becomes obsessed with hypocrisy as the ultimate political sin. They believe the best ideas – individual liberty, sovereign rights, capitalism, even the rule of law – are presented insincerely by sinister powers who seek to exploit and manipulate them. The precious resource of goodwill disappears from society as everyone comes to believe their neighbors hate them and cannot be trusted. Demoralized people lose faith in their nation, history, and ideals; destabilized people lose faith in each other.

Anonymous ID: 9c644e June 6, 2020, 1:02 p.m. No.9506005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6228 >>6411 >>6562

Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now


Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò warns the president that the current crises over the coronavirus pandemic and the George Floyd riots are a part of the eternal spiritual struggle between the forces of good and evil.

Anonymous ID: 9c644e June 6, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.9506151   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 9c644e June 6, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.9506270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6411 >>6562

Ahmadinejad’s Back? Veteran Iranian Politician Reportedly Plans to Run for President Again in 2021


The former Tehran mayor served as president between 2005 and 2013, famously waging a war of words with the Bush administration while attempting to improve Iran’s relations with emerging powers. Last year, he blasted President Trump over his tough-guy approach, saying the US couldn’t simultaneously ‘choke’ Iran’s throat while saying ‘come and talk’.


Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to make another run for the presidency in 2021, Iran’s Young Journalists Club news agency has reported.


To take part, Ahmadinejad’s candidacy will first need to be approved by the Guardian Council of the Constitution, a 12-member constitutionally mandated body determining who can run for national office. The body rejected his candidacy in 2017, but YJC noted that his supporters plan to make every effort to ensure approval this time around.


Iranians will go to the polls in May or June 2021. Current President Hassan Rouhani cannot take part, since he is serving his second and final consecutive term.


Although his past as mayor of Tehran, ascetic lifestyle and populist economic policies are rarely discussed, Ahmadinejad enjoys something of a celebrity status in the West over his war of words with the Bush administration between 2005 and 2008 over the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as his 2006 statement that Israel “must vanish from the page of history,” often misquoted as “wiped off the map,” a sentiment which sparked outrage throughout much of the world at the time he said it.


Also in 2006, he was famously misquoted by CNN, who translated his statement about Iran’s ‘right to nuclear energy’ as Iran’s ‘right to nuclear weapons,’ a mistranslation which cost CNN its accreditation in the Islamic Republic. In 2007, during a trip to New York, Ahmadinejad told students at Colombia University that gays and lesbians "don't exist" in Iran, which earned him angry front page coverage in many major US newspapers.


The politician enjoys the support of Islamic hardliners, workers and the poor in Iran, and is known for making blunt, biting and controversial comments. Last week, Ahmadinejad got in trouble online after quoting the Tupac Shakur lyric “Pull the trigger kill a N**** he’s a hero” from the rapper's 1992 song on racism and police violence in a Tweet expressing his outrage over the killing of Minneapolis black man George Floyd by a white police officer.


In 2019, Ahmadinejad called on Washington and Tehran to find a peaceful resolution to the raging tensions between the two nations, saying he recognizes President Trump’s “business”-like approach to politics. At the same time, he warned that “if you choke the throat of anyone in the world and say come and talk, it won’t be valid,” and said that “negotiations must take place in calmer, more respectful conditions so they can be long lasting.”