Anonymous ID: db5978 June 6, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.9506353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6380 >>6411 >>6562


RE: @robbystarbuck tweeting the NYT article lb


What they are doing is emotional, familial, financial and racial BLACKMAIL. The proposition to withhold love, affection and time from loved ones (family) unless political demands are met, up to and including demanding funds to their organization of choice.


This is unacceptable, regardless however much one agrees or disagrees with the grievances expressed. Turning family member against family is one of the steps towards Communism as it undermines the bedrock foundation of civilization. When a person is moorless, floating alone, divided by various identity boxes, they are less self-confident, they are less grounded and they are far, far easier to control.


And that is what this is really about –control. The New York Times piece makes that very clear. Others should be in control of how you spend your money and time, which causes you support and how, with whom you may be friends and spend time with, whether or not you are worthy.


So, too, are the riots about control. Peaceful protesters have the right to peaceably assemble. The violent rioting, arson and looting is about instilling terror in the public. The message is: this will not stop until our demands are met.


This is domestic terrorism.


This has been done before, notably in Russia. It was called the Red Terror, and there is a reason we are not taught about it in schools. ANTIFA hail from these same people, same ideology, same roots and same current beliefs. ANTIFA was the paramilitary wing of the German Communist Party. ANTIFA now is the paramilitary wing of the modern Democrat Party in America.


Americans are a hard-working, fair-minded people. We will not be hostage to domestic terrorism whether it by by ANTIFA and other groups, or groups who attempt to blackmail the nation with very large mouthpieces who give them a platform.