Anonymous ID: 0908ce June 6, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.9506625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Armageddon the Movie


The battle for the minds of humanity approaches a climax. The souls of humanity will follow wherever the mind creates.


Everything has been turned upside down, inverted, just as human vision in an infant begins upside down, as the raw image on the retina comes in that way and must be inverted by neural network processing in the brain, to correct the raw image into correspondence with the orientation of objective world.


The clowns of the secret agencies are baring their motives in the public media and their deception through confusion is working overtime.


“Virtue Signaling”


Not a sign of virtue, a required ritual of group think to show that conformity is a “social virtue”!

“Social virtue” is a null concept, incapable of withstanding any critical thought! The word “social” is an abstraction employed to blanket individual motives, a fiction useful in engineering mass compliance.


To correct the inverted meaning, some decodes:


• Dishonesty displaying

• Deficiency signaling

• Defect telling

• Failing fawning

• Immorality miming


In times of war, citizens come together in unity.

Every day, more people realize there IS a war ongoing against freedom and justice in the united States and are choosing to rally against globalist propaganda.


Those who hate freedom and worship endless slavery (for others) are showing their asses in public!

Indoctrinated in politically correct groupthink dogma is NOT an indicator of being educated but of being programmed by superficial media massage!


Education classic definition means to draw out from within, awareness, critical thinking, reflection and intuition.

How many heartless intellects running agitprop programs qualify as “educated”?


Do you make one of your children free by browbeating the other child for something a neighbor child did?

Do you teach your children to be peaceful by attacking them?

Do you teach your children to be tolerant by being irrational?

Do you teach your children to be moral by being raising up those defiant of common decency and deficient in character?


In unintended irony, when the people begin to clearly see that the divide is intentional between lovers and haters, the good versus the evil, the heart following against the heart denying, the deceivers try to take refuge behind the usual inverted lie:

That the good when they judge are acting badly and the evil, when they label and judge with group think, are the secular good!


Yet another inverted truth used to confuse the mind and bury the heart!


The infiltrated churches, the social institutions corrupted by the power of money, gave us the Inquisition and the dark ages and the busybodies minding other people’s business. The historical examples of overbearing institutions has been so effectively dramatized by Pedowood and indoctrination schools into denying people their right to call out evil when they see it trying to violate their freedom!


Ironically, now we have Karens and Brians, powered by social media delusion, deployed as a thought-police force out to mind everyone’s business but their own, unproductive lives!


In the inverted world of mass delusion manufactured by the media Matrix, we now have corporate institutions, banking, media and medical, joining with corrupted bureaucrats from the unelected government of the deep state, imposing an Inquisition upon the ENTIRE populace, or at least, those who do not take a knee and bow to the will of the mob! Lockdowns, enabled and emboldened insurrection, where the people are supposed to stand down while their homes and business are destroyed in front of them!


People’s minds are bound by so much inverted thinking that they were not allowing themselves to call out evil and must call evil “good” or ELSE!

Or else, have their livelihood, their pursuit of happiness, their very freedom taken by a despotic social order far worse than any church in history, even the Spanish Inquisition!


Your work is in vain, death cult deceivers!

You may take your pride in your wet work of ages with you into your self-made hell, along with your delusions of grandeur!

We who chose to live for a higher vision of universal love and a united humanity will not miss you when you take yourself away from the greater good.


Where we of good will go one, we go ALL!


We may look for death cult deceivers but will find them no more, nowhere to be seen when the battle is concluded by the Son of Man, LORD of lords, rightful King of the world.