Short list:
Rothschild family - banking
Soros - Funding / community organizing
Vatican - Power/belief structure
Masses that buy into and or work for above.
That is (((They)))
Short list:
Rothschild family - banking
Soros - Funding / community organizing
Vatican - Power/belief structure
Masses that buy into and or work for above.
That is (((They)))
This works because the bankers do NOT have any loyalty to any nation or people. Only to themselves. They have the assets to make their will happen.
and you are here??!!
Have you any idea what Rush would say about 99% of the info posted here?
It's tricky:
Pull out (right thing to do) MSM goes NUTS. How dare you let a gas attack go unchallenged. Impeach Trump for dereliction of duty!
Stay in Syria, do nothing, threaten action. MSM still throws fits.
Stay in Syria, attack someone, prolly russian backed whoever. Hope Putin is ok with this, talking with him of course. MSM happier
It would be nice if we could tell the MSM to shove it and ignore them as a nation in whole. But not enough are awake for that yet.
Stay, gather intel on the bad actors. Strike them with covert ops.
This problem has to be killed silently
Not related:
It's nice the letter blocks are back in the toybox and the room doesn't look like a tornado hit it.
Damn that was fun last night.
Lindsey Grahmnisty will tell us all we need to know about the narrative today.
He's the point man on the syrian war shit.
Gather intel on the idiots that pulled the gas attack.
Marked for death.
Activate seal team x….
7th attempt for WWIII
3rd attempt using Gas Attack as the means by which the war is started. The arch duke Ferdinand moment if you will.
The problem with the plan is this
Innocent people still die. Death is still forever. They never knew the roll they played in world history.
I know Q. Its war. People Die. It still sucks it has to be that way.