Anonymous ID: a867f7 June 6, 2020, 3:17 p.m. No.9508344   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9508023 lb


It’s not about Russia per se, although that’s not negligible. Russia is repeatedly used by the Anglo-American cabal as the bogeyman since they lost control under Putin. What their long running coup has been about is preventing the disclosure of many decades of high criminality. That truth will only be revealed by POTUS if he is in a position to do so. Everything since the election has been about delegitimizing Trump in every way possible. It’s not merely a US operation: in Europe the media has been trashing Trump since the beginning. The operation is to so denigrate the man that whatever is finally used to remove him will seem like righteous action and have the support of the populations throughout the West.


This has been the largest mind control op since WWII, and far more insidious than that.


It must be routed, fully and finally.