In how many pieces, I want to know.
I'm thinking 12.
Terrorist: "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."
The Hill feed has 3 port-a-potties
Here's a thought.
Don't provide evidence of a crime against yourself anywhere, ever.
And then don't spotlight it.
No, the abomination is hard AI, a statue of the ruler of the world that speaks, and moves, and has power over everyone who is chipped, to kill them. so, the mark of the beast has a poison pill in it, among other things.
The beast, possessed by the devil, demands that the world worship him as god, for he has created life.
Artificial life.
Life without spirit or soul.
That is the Abomination that Brings Desolation in the future (the one in the past was a pig to Zeus, same place, Holy of Holies, Temple, Jerusalem, by Antiochus Epimanes (sp?).
Yeah it was.
Difficult maintaining rage levels while watching people placidly shop for groceries looking like a hospital patient who just escaped.
The two red stripes were seen as representing the Senate and House of Representatives where DC residents were not represented, while the three stars represented the three commissioners who ruled over the city with accountability to the people who were innocent and represented in white.
Er, we have laws here in California too.
Laws that apply to you.
Like, say, inciting riots, assassination threats, etc.
mazel tov cocktail is way funnier
You misspelled "Japanese Onry".
Yup. International terrorists with domestic wings.
Followed the other 4 billion dollars down the high speed rail money pit.
Now that looks like the Herridge pens.
Sec Esper and Gen. Milley called to testify in front of House Armed Services Committee, negotiating terms.