Anonymous ID: 30fedc June 6, 2020, 5:33 p.m. No.9511017   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Twitter's version of a link preview is called a 'Twitter Card'. Currently, Twitter Cards will only be displayed in a post if the site you're linking to has Twitter Card information available on the site itself which tells Twitter to display a Twitter Card.


The following page provides more information about Twitter Cards:


Twitter Cards Overview


You can also check to see if a page you're linking to in your Twitter post contains Twitter Card information by using Twitter's validator:


Twitter Card Validator


This means that we currently have no control over Twitter Cards and when they are or are not displayed however, we are hoping that Twitter will give third parties like Sendible access to Twitter Cards in future.


The only option we can currently provide which is similar is for images to automatically be pulled from links and for this to be included in your Twitter post.


If the “How link previews should be posted” option on the Twitter posting service your posting to is set to “Ignore images”, then Twitter will just ignore the link preview.


If the “How link previews should be posted” option is set to “Post with images”, then Twitter will post the image as long as this will not truncate (replace part of the text with '…' so it is not more than 140 characters) the message text.