>“We” are the original creators of “Q”.
>We are the legit Q.
If you truly were the "original Q", one must question why you are no longer. As it stands now, you argue from a position of defensiveness; no one believes you. If they did believe you, you wouldn't have to perpetually claim your position because it would be self-evident.
Unfortunately, no matter how many times you copy and paste your version of events, it isn't going to work. Why?
It's quite simple. The nature of Truth is that it is evasive. Truth must be sought out. Anything claiming to be truth that is blatantly pushed in front of someone's face is by nature not truth, but propaganda.
Now, I know this will fall silent on your ears, but this isn't for you anyways. It's for all the other anons subject to your diatribe.
The truth of the matter is you will continue pushing your agenda, day in and day out, hoping to gain some sort of relevance or following. But it will never happen. And so you will continue for awhile (days, weeks, months?) until sometime you give up and simply post no more. And when that happens, you and your bullshit will likewise be immediately and forever forgotten.