>Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria?
I was kind of hoping he did it because he wanted to pull out of Syria. Seems I was mistaken…
The big question here is, does Trump want war or peace? He promotes known war hawks in his inner circle, and now he actually promotes an obvious false flag designed to pull us into WW3 as truth! WTF?
I'm STILL willing to give him the benefit of a doubt and assume there's some great ingenious plan for good behind this, but this position is getting rather tenuous lately TBH. And I quite frankly don't know anyone IRL I can convince Trump is a man of peace, because his actions say otherwise…
Many people I know are terrified about Trump getting us into WW3, and all I've got to calm them with is "Nah, it may look bad, but it's all just 4D chess!". It's a lame argument, and no-one is buying it!