Investigate The Erotic Review next.
Correction, it's for faithful christians, not just the apostate cult. Anyway it's symbolic, to signify that they live not by bread alone, but by every Word of God, which Jesus was and is. Satan always perverts Godly things, so naturally they turn it into literally eating humans.
>Lure your enemies with something to entice them to show their hand
AKA rope a dope with a svelte finish one could expect from Trump.
>You must be new
No. I remember when you were "asked" to leave Github, I just didn't follow the site or your rationale for using CF, because I'm an anon not a normie newfag and I get intel direct from source. Why is CF the only solution at this time? You don't need to use CF.
He's a low grade tech that's probably used to running Windows servers and is becoming dangerously pompous. He can't even properly configure SSL through a GUI, let alone manual configuration from command line.
>What's the right path here, in your opinion?
You have to strike a balance. If your site is running sensitive info like anything Q related would be, using 3rd party stuff should be last resort as to limit the exposure of your users. Before using Cloudflare, I would have launched direct from server and then monitored. If traffic grows beyond a server, implement simple scaling. If DDoS couldn't be handled, or traffic needs exceed one's ability to scale, then and only then would a CDN be reasonable.
Sure, anything is possible. What's the goal though? That's the best place to start.
>using the code on
Being that the dev behind the site is obviously a low grade tech, I wouldn't touch the code. It's trivial to implement your own CDN, for example, so thinking about CF as a necessity is further telling.
>everything in one area 8ch
The problem is that floods the site with more normies than have already been flooded to it. You need a separate site to refer normies to when referencing Q posts.
Go back to plebbit nigger. Typically I would but I feel too many normies here and some offensive material is needed. Keep encouraging me and we'll gore it up for a few threads.
That's why standard practice is to post archive links, but from the beginning the flood of normies hasn't cared enough. So fuck them, they can get exposed and waxed.