Australia has a pedophile problem too. Big time. It's like a big nest of demented, psychotic satanic pedophiles. Ok, not the majority, but a shockingly high percentage. Higher than anywhere else I've been. A lot of sort of low-level, meat and potato child-trafficking pedo satanists. The poor, stupid kind who don't even get mansions. It's like they just drive shit cars and eat babies.
They have?
You mean when ScoMo pretended to cry?
That doesn't count. He seems like he's probably one of them, or at least in their back-pocket. And no one seemed to notice that he said it, except Isaac Kappy's friends who pretended it was some kind of victory. Meanwhile, Australia just went right back to trafficking children in plain sight. The cult is like the number one religion in Australia, I reckon. Really, really evil.
There's just a lot of them around. And they seem to be telegraphing their membership right now by putting stuffed bears in the windows of their homes. They call it "the bear hunt" and it was supposed to have something to do with coronavirus, but it's obvious it doesn't have anything to do with coronavirus. Yes, it is a somewhat global thing, but there's definitely a weird pattern to it in Australia. It's like they're outing themselves to anyone who knows what to look for.
I agree. I think New Zealand has it bad too. Not sure it holds a candle to the extent of the problem in Australia, but maybe it does.
When all is revealed, they have a choice. Repent or be lost forever. Some will be too far gone, even though we will try to reach every last one of them before it's too late. After that, it's up to God what to do with them in the after life.