Anonymous ID: d3e56a June 7, 2020, 10 a.m. No.9520870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0929

ok i will tell you.

Lb pb


>>9520317 (You)


>You should have finished school.


Tell me exactly what I have wrong you clueless fuck.


== your faulty logic and projections without being informed of ALL the facts, for one.. Also your butchery of the english language, grammar and spelling, two...

Anonymous ID: d3e56a June 7, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.9521021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1081




Well.. You have nothing meaningful to bring to the conversation.. You parrot the party line propaganda.. You know nothing about world history.. And your pride is blinding you from seeing how much you need to improve you game …


If you want to be a part of this movement you should be able to hold an argument why you believe what you believe. Because as soon as you look deep into the liberal mind/ thinking, you'll realize it doesn't match reality, it doesnt stand to logic, and it can't be reasoned with.


Im starting to wonder if its a mental illness…..tbh


Prove to me that you can think for yourself! Free of any prejudices and blame , reason and research all events, not just believe your tour media is telling yoy…. Then I'll listen…