Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.9521206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1448

Order Restored: Donald Trump Withdraws National Guard from Washington, DC


President Donald Trump on Sunday ordered the National Guard to withdraw from the District of Columbia, as violent protests in the city subsided.


“I have just given an order for our National Guard to start the process of withdrawing from Washington, D.C., now that everything is under perfect control,” Trump wrote on Twitter.


The president deployed the troops last week, after looting and rioting threatened businesses, national monuments, and the historic St. John’s Church near the White House.


Trump’s decision to order in troops followed by a heavy show of force in the district quickly restored order, although protests continued.


The president specified, however, he could send the troops back, if the protests became violent again.


“They will be going home, but can quickly return, if needed,” Trump wrote. “Far fewer protesters showed up last night than anticipated!”


On Saturday, Trump also said that there were fewer protests than he expected.


“Much smaller crowd in D.C. than anticipated. National Guard, Secret Service, and D.C. Police have been doing a fantastic job,” he wrote. “Thank you!”

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.9521226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1248 >>1540 >>1647 >>1816 >>1852

Protest leader who threatened to burn NYC's Diamond District taken into custody for questioning by NYPD


Friendly piece of advice, don't threaten to burn down New York City in a TV interview


A protest leader who threatened to burn down New York City's Diamond District if the governor and mayor didn't meet with him has been taken into custody by NYPD for questioning.


On Saturday afternoon, a man who identified himself as "Ace Burns" gave an interview on Fox News. During the live TV interview, the man said he was organizing a march from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn to City Hall on Saturday night.


The man, who said he was a leader of the "FTP movement," warned that there would be violent repercussions if Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and Mayor Bill de Blasio refused to speak with him and fellow George Floyd protesters at City Hall.


"I'm a leader of this FTP movement. It means a lot of things," the man said. "It could mean 'free the people,' it could mean 'for the people,' or it could also mean 'fire to property' and you know that's very possible."


"Today I'm leading a demonstration from Barclay Center at 6 p.m. to City Hall, and that's the first stop. We're hoping de Blasio and Cuomo come out and talk to us and give the youth some direction," the protest leader said. "But if they don't, the next stop is the Diamond District. And gasoline, thanks to Trump, is awfully cheap."


Shortly after 9 p.m. on Saturday, NYPD announced that they had taken the man into custody for questioning.


"Earlier tonight, a man wearing this mask threatened, in a live @FoxNews interview, to burn Manhattan's diamond district down," the NYPD tweeted. "Within hours, we identified the man & took him in to be interviewed."

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.9521245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1257 >>1660

George Floyd protests are just like US-backed color revolutions abroad, says leading Russiagate journalist


Nebojsa Malic is a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for from 2000 to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT. Follow him on Twitter @NebojsaMalic

There is no need to speculate any longer about the odd similarities between ‘color revolution’ regime change operations overseas and the current protests across the US, when a leading purveyor of ‘Russiagate’ outright admits it.


What the US is experiencing now is “more like the nonviolent movements that earned broad societal support in places such as Serbia, Ukraine, and Tunisia,” the Atlantic’s Franklin Foer said on Saturday, in a piece titled ‘The Trump Regime Is Beginning to Topple’.


Foer doesn’t go into the details of the events in Serbia and Tunisia, and he only brings up Ukraine in the context of the 2013-14 protests that turned violent and resulted in armed militias taking control in Kiev. In his telling, these were all genuine popular movements that overthrew ‘dictators’, which just so happened to be guided by a 93-page pamphlet written by US political scientist Gene Sharp.


He makes no mention of the US government’s role in any of these events – even in Ukraine, where US diplomats handed out cookies to “protesters,” and senators like John McCain shared the stage with their leaders.


Nor does he gush about a US operation of “engineering democracy through the ballot box and civil disobedience” emerging as a “template for winning other people’s elections,” as the Guardian described the 2004 turmoil in Kiev, and directly linked with the 2000 events in Serbia.


So when someone with such connections in the circles of Trump’s political and media critics says the current protests are really about overthrowing the president, and writes approvingly of the tactics involved without once noting they are a weapon previously wielded by both Democrat and establishment Republican administrations overseas, there is no reason not to believe him.

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.9521274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Governments Have Crippled the World's Economies. Revolution May Soon Follow.


The world seems to be on fire. A couple of months ago, the economic upswing was still firmly established, production expanded, and unemployment was declining. It all changed with the advent of the coronavirus or, to be precise: things turned really sour with the politically dictated lockdowns. As a reaction to the spread of the virus, governments in many countries ordered shops and firms to shut down and people to stay home. The inevitable result was a close to complete breakdown of the economic system. Hundreds of millions of people were thrown into outright despair; in India alone 120 million workers lost their jobs in April 2020.


The economic collapse sent the unbacked paper money system into a tailspin. Borrowers were unable to service their debt, and banks unwilling to roll over maturing loans, let alone extend new funds to struggling debtors. The entire credit pyramid was about to come crashing down. To prevent this from happening, governments and their central banks went “all in,” providing huge amounts of money to pay for people's lost incomes and firms' evaporating profits. Of course, governments do not have the money that they have promised to spend.


Central banks have started running the electronic printing presses, issuing great amounts of newly created money into the banking and financial sector and also injecting new balances into people's accounts held with banks. In other words: as production contracts heavily, the quantity of money is rising strongly. This is, no doubt, an inflationary policy, for, if anything, inflation must be understood as an increase in the quantity of money. One possible outcome of a policy of increasing the quantity of money is price inflation: the increase in the money prices of goods and services.


Another result of a rise in the money stock is a redistribution of income and wealth among people. Not all people will get a share of the newly created money at the same time, as there will be early receivers and late receivers. The former can buy goods and services at unchanged prices. The latter, however, lose out: they can only purchase vendible items at already elevated prices. As a result, the early receivers of the new money get richer compared to the late receivers. The money injection, therefore, amounts to a redistribution of income and wealth.

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9521311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Looting and Destruction Will Not Force a Revolution, It Will Bring About a Massive Police State


“When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you—pull your beard, flick your face—to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you.”—John Lennon


Brace yourselves.


There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country.


Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by political theater and public spectacle that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware.


Anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware.


And anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware.


What is unfolding before us is not a revolution.


The looting, the burning, the rioting, the violence: this is an anti-revolution.


The protesters are playing right into the government’s hands, because the powers-that-be want this. They want an excuse to lockdown the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law. They want a reason to make the police state stronger.


It’s happening faster than we can keep up.


The Justice Department is deploying federal prison riot teams to various cities. More than half of the nation’s governors are calling on the National Guard to quell civil unrest. Growing numbers of cities, having just barely emerged from a coronavirus lockdown, are once again being locked down, this time in response to the growing upheaval.


This is how it begins.


It’s that dystopian 2030 Pentagon training video all over again, which anticipates the need for the government to institute martial law (use armed forces to solve domestic political and social problems) in order to navigate a world bedeviled by “criminal networks,” “substandard infrastructure,” “religious and ethnic tensions,” “impoverishment, slums,” “open landfills, over-burdened sewers,” a “growing mass of unemployed,” and an urban landscape in which the prosperous economic elite must be protected from the impoverishment of the have nots



Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.9521324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1443 >>1540 >>1647 >>1816 >>1852

425 illegal migrants disembark at Maltese port after threatening to blow up vessel


A total of 425 illegal migrants onboard four tourist boats were allowed to disembark at a Maltese port on Saturday after they threatened blow up one of the vessels, the government said.


According to a statement issued by the Maltese government on Saturday, the decision to permit the migrants to disembark was made because the circumstances onboard the vessels had worsened considerably due to “commotion”, Malta Today reports.


Today, Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that the decision was made after migrants onboard the Captain Morgan vessel Europa II stole knives from the kitchen and threatened to blow up the ship’s gas cylinders.


“Up until Saturday morning, we had no intention of allowing the vessels to dock, but the situation escalated. The security forces told us that some migrants had barged into the kitchen and stole knives. They were threatening the crew and saying they would set gas cylinders on fire,” Abela told Maltese media.


“We took a difficult decision. The easiest thing to do would have been to send the army on board, take over and resolve the situation. But I did not want to risk people’s lives,” Abela continued.


“We also kept in mind that some of these people had been at sea for over 40 days. We did our duty, saved them and gave them their basic needs. But a person cannot even spend 40 days on a luxury cruise.”


Abela has urged the European Union to show solidarity by immediately redistributing the newly arrived migrants throughout the bloc.


“The EU told us that they would help only once we reopened our ports. There are no more excuses now. The EU must act. I expect that the relocation concept takes a tangible form as from Monday,” Abela said.


To combat the unending flow of illegal migrants making their way to Malta, Robert Abela on May 28th signed an agreement with Libyan president Fayez al-Sarraj that will allow joint coordination units in the capitals of each country.


The centers will “offer the necessary support relating to combatting illegal immigration in Libya and the Mediterranean region”.

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.9521343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1349 >>1540 >>1647 >>1816 >>1852

ormer Acting DNI Richard Grenell: “There Were Red Flags Early On in the Russia Investigation” and the Deep State Classified and Hid Them


Former Acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell was on the Rubin Report and he dropped some shocking information related to the beginnings of the Russia collusion sham.


At the 25:00 minute mark, Richard Grenell shares the following:


Grenell: The current intelligence community, not the former intelligence community that the New York Times and the Washington Post constantly quote. You’ll notice they always say a former intelligence official. That’s clearly a former person who was a political appointee.


Rubin: It’s also possible a source on Capital Hill who could be a janitor. You just don’t know.


Grenell: Yep. The current intelligence community was clamoring for reform, which I delivered. It wasn’t, truly, it wasn’t, most of these ideas were not my idea. I just said ‘yes’ to them because the system was saying we needed to reform.


And the current intelligence community believes there are a couple of bad apples that they got to get out there and that they were manipulated. And I will say this – there were red flags early on in the Russia investigation from a variety of agencies and some people made those red flags and those comments from people coming forward, saying ‘this Russian stuff is not true’, they classified that information and pushed it away.


I’ve seen that information and I’ve called for it to be declassified. It’s a process that’s ongoing, it takes time. I wasn’t there long enough to do it. But there are instances where red flags were raised very early on in certain agencies and I’ve requested that information to come out and I hope that it will.”

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.9521364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HYPOCRISY: After Saying ‘Stay Home, Save Lives,’ And Shutting Parliament, Trudeau Attends Packed Protest Without Social Distancing


What a joke.


Thousands of people died alone.


Millions of Canadians lost their jobs.


Countless business are gone forever.


We were told this was all worth it.


We were told, “stay home, save lives.”


We were told to avoid funerals for our loved ones.


We were told we would be fined and punished if we didn’t.


We are told it was too dangerous for politicians to show up in Parliament in large numbers.


We were told anyone who went out and gathered was “killing the elderly.”


All of this, we were told, was for “our own good.”


And now, we see this:

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.9521382   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Investigates and Clears Self over Coronavirus Response


Senior Chinese Communist Party officials released a lengthy report Sunday on the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, claiming a rigorous and lengthy investigation shows China provided information to the world in a timely and transparent manner at all times.


China “wasted no time” in sharing information such as the genome sequence for the new virus with the World Health Organization as well as relevant countries and regional organizations, according to the report as seen by the state-run Global Times.


Further, the report outlines China “did not delay or cover up anything” and stands as a moral exemplar for the world to follow in future pandemic responses, given its “decisive victory” over the virus.


National Health Commission Chairman Ma Xiaowei announced the astonishing exoneration.


He claimed there were many unknowns in the early stage of the outbreak and it took time to gather evidence and define the characteristics of the new virus, claims that run countrary to countless allegations China obfuscated from the moment the virus was first discovered in the city of Wuhan last November.


“The Chinese government did not delay or cover up anything,” Ma Xiaowei said. “Instead, we have immediately reported virus data and relevant information about the epidemic to the international community and made an important contribution to the prevention and control of the epidemic around the world.”


The report, which ran 66 pages in the English version, saluted China’s success in reducing the daily increase in new cases to single digits within about two months and the “decisive victory … in the battle to defend Hubei Province and its capital city of Wuhan” in about three months.


China was forced to conduct the investigation after an Associated Press report found the genetic map of the virus was held back for more than a week in January, delaying its identification in a third country and the sharing of information needed to develop tests, drugs and a vaccine.


The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) echoed Beijing by claiming there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.”

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.9521400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Enemies Of Homeschooling Are Scared. Here’s Why


Nearly every family with kids has gotten a taste of homeschooling over the past two months. In an attempt to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, at least 124,000 schools have closed for over 55 million children in the U.S. At the same time, opponents of homeschooling launched several unfounded attacks on the practice. For example, The Washington Post ran an opinion piece claiming “homeschooling during the coronavirus will set back a generation of children,” and a Salon article said that “homeschooling as a result of the pandemic will likely worsen education for students and pose serious problems to the economy and nation’s social well-being.”


The most relentless attacks on homeschooling, however, have come from publications affiliated with Harvard University. Harvard Magazine initially released an article on “The Risks of Homeschooling,” highlighting the work of Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Bartholet, who calls for a presumptive ban on the practice because she believes it “violates children’s right to a ‘meaningful education’ and their right to be protected from potential child abuse.”


Harvard Law School also planned to host a now-cancelled anti-homeschooling conference this summer, co-organized by Bartholet, on the “problems of educational deprivation and child maltreatment that too often occur under the guise of homeschooling.”


Since then, The Harvard Crimson published the column “In Defense of Elizabeth Bartholet” by a Harvard University employee and The Harvard Gazette released an interview with Bartholet titled “A Warning on Homeschooling.”


Although the attacks on homeschooling lack situational awareness – coming just as parents and students try to make the best of the situation they’re in during the pandemic – the persistent backlash might be more understandable if one’s goal is to reduce the number of homeschoolers in the long-run. About a month ago, I pointed out that when it comes to the numbers, the enemies of homeschooling might be freaking out because they have nothing to gain and everything to lose from the lockdown.


Even in the unlikely event that every single family decides that they do not like their test-drive of homeschooling, the post-pandemic proportion of homeschoolers would simply return to the pre-coronavirus level of about 3% of the school-aged population. This is because the people who figure out that they do not like homeschooling – or at least the watered-down version of it during a crisis – weren’t homeschooling anyway.



Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.9521421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1507 >>1521 >>1647 >>1816 >>1852

Police Chief Lays Face Down to Appease Black Lives Matter Protest


Police Chief Michael Shaw of the Webster, Massachusetts, police department lay face-down on the ground at the urging of a “Black Lives Matter” protest on Saturday — and the entire incident was filmed and posted to social media.


According to the Webster Telegram, Chief Shaw joined a crowd of several hundred demonstrators “in laying on the ground for 8 minutes while screams of ‘mama’ and ’I can’t breathe,’ the last words of George Floyd,” were yelled out.


Floyd, 46, was killed in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota, no Memorial Day as one officer had his knee on Floyd’s neck. The officer involved, Derek Chauvin, was arrested and faces second-degree murder charges. Three other officers involved in the arrest have also been charged, and the Department of the Justice is also investigating.


Protests have been held nationwide, with demonstrators in several locations urging police to join them in “taking a knee.” Some did so; others refused.


However, Shaw went much further than that, and prostrated his entire body on the ground as part of a “die-in” to re-enact Floyd’s death.


The Telegram reported that the protest was organized by a local high school sophomore and that protesters met with the police chief beforehand to ensure that the demonstration would be peaceful, safe, and orderly.


The Webster Police Department reported on its Facebook page that the protest was held without incident, “with the exception of a motorcyclist failing to stop for an officer and almost hitting him.”

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9521429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1647 >>1816 >>1852

Greece Releases Footage of Turkish Coastguard Escorting Migrant Boats Towards Greek Islands


Greece has released footage which they claim shows Turkish coastguard vessels escorting illegal migrant boats as they make their way toward Greek islands in the Aegean Sea.


The footage includes video from two separate incidents that took place in the last few days off the Greek island of Lesbos, and show Turkish vessels close by illegal migrant boats as they sail toward Greece’s territorial waters.


According to a report in Greek newspaper Proto Thema, the Greek coastguard has recently deployed technology that allows it to locate and track migrant boats as they leave the Turkish coast and inform Turkish authorities of any incidents that occur in their territorial waters.


On Thursday, a boat containing 32 migrants, mostly Africans and Afghani nationals, arrived on Lesbos during the afternoon. The boat was the first to arrive on the island this month, while arrivals to other islands have stopped since March — likely due to Chinese coronavirus restrictions in Turkey.


All 32 migrants who arrived this week will also undergo medical tests for the Wuhan virus and will be quarantined at the Megala Therma camp on the north of the island.


Last month, two migrants who arrived on the island tested positive for the virus and some expressed concerns that the Turkish authorities may be purposely sending migrants infected with the coronavirus to Greece.


Greek journalist Lygeros Stavros was among those who feared Turkey may send coronavirus-infected migrants, saying: “everything leads to the conclusion that the Turkish state has consciously orchestrated an informal biological warfare attack against Greece.”


For several months, Greece has attempted to alleviate the overcrowded migrant camps on its islands by transferring some migrants to the Greek mainland.


Some communities have expressed anger over the new mainland migrant camps, however, such as the small town of Malakassa — which has just 514 residents contending with a migrant camp of around 3,000 people.


Plans to move more migrants may be stalled due to increased opposition from locals, with a plan for a new camp in Nea Peramos being actively resisted by the local community.

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.9521441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1509 >>1647 >>1816 >>1852

Deported Drug Trafficker, Money Launderer Arrested After Illegally Crossing Border into California


El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a convicted drug trafficker and money launderer after he illegally re-entered the United States. Immigration officers deported the Mexican criminal alien less than one year ago after he served less than half of a 20-year prison sentence.


Shortly before midnight on June 4, El Centro Station Border Patrol agents came upon a migrant who illegally crossed the border from Mexico about 12 miles east of the Calexico West Port of Entry, according to information obtained from El Centro Sector Border Patrol officials. The agents arrested the man and transported him to the station for processing.


All illegal aliens arrested or apprehended by Border Patrol agents undergo a medical screening and biometric background investigation. That investigation includes a check for criminal history and warrants in local, state, and national criminal databases.


The agents identified the man as a 42-year-old illegal alien from Mexico. In June 2011, a court in Florida accepted a guilty plea from the man charged with Conspiracy to Possess with Intent to Distribute Five Kilograms or More of Cocaine and Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering. The Tampa court sentenced him to more than 21 years in state prison for drug trafficking and 20 years for money laundering. The sentences were set to run concurrently, CBP officials stated. He also received a fine of $25,000. The court ordered the forfeiture of $21 million and other assets that included multiple properties, vehicles, and a gun.


Immigration officers deported the man, who was not named in the CBP statement, to Mexico on June 25, 2019, officials stated.


He now faces new federal charges in the Southern District of California for 8 USC 1326 — Illegal Re-Entry of an Aggravated Felon. If convicted on the new charges, the Mexican national could face up to 20 years in federal prison.

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.9521503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ANOTHER Rolls Royce pulls up during NYC looting: Passengers get out of $350,000 car and steal packages from other thieves during chaos in Manhattan


Thieves in New York City have been seen pulling up to a scene of frenzied looting in a Rolls Royce, and stealing from looters as they ran away with their haul.


In an undated video posted on social media Friday, a Rolls Royce Cullinan is seen driving up to the riot as people are making off with armfuls of stolen goods.


Two people in white hoodies are seen getting out the back of the car, along with another man, and attacking the looters.


'Holy s***,' says the man filming the scene from his balcony.



Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.9521534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mother is slammed over photo of her young daughter taking the knee on her doorstep while holding a placard reading 'privileged' during Black Lives Matter protests


Helen Leathem, from London, posted a picture of daughter kneeling on doorstep

She tweeted the picture alongside '#TakeTheKnee' and with a raised fist emoji

The Metropolitan Police gave green light to officers taking a knee at protests


A mother has sparked outrage after sharing a picture of her daughter 'taking a knee' while holding a placard stating 'privileged' with an arrow pointing up at her child.


Helen Leathem, from London, posted a picture of her daughter kneeling on their doorstep while holding a poster with 'privileged' in rainbow letters and an arrow pointing upwards alongside '#blacklivesmatter'.


She tweeted the picture captioned: 'My daughter helping to show our solidarity #TakeTheKnee' which she accompanied with a raised fist emoji.


The post, which went on to be shared by another Twitter user Sydney Watson, quickly went viral online, with many people criticising Helen for the image.

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.9521569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1816 >>1852

WHICH IS IT? Democrats demand mail-in voting because they can’t leave their homes due to Covid-19, but now they’re protesting in the streets standing shoulder to shoulder


Being a liberal in America means you can hold two opposing ideas or stances in your head at the same time while believing both are true. You believe you are fighting racism while standing face to face with a black cop while flipping him the bird. You can believe that everyone should be on lockdown due to Covid-19 so Trump’s economy will get crushed, and then believe you should also go to a Metropolitan city and protest in huge crowds that all blacks deserve reparations for slavery.


You can also protest racism in America and the ill-treatment of blacks, while you spray paint and deface the memorial statue of Abraham Lincoln – the very man who freed the black slaves. Maybe it’s time to lock up all the rioters and prevent them from voting in November, since they can’t make any sense of their thoughts anymore. It’s time to tag ‘em and ban ‘em all from participating in the very system they seek to destroy.

Democrat Governors keep small businesses shut down, threaten to arrest anyone who opens their business, while praising Democrats for protesting in crowded streets and destroying property


All small businesses in blue states must stay shuttered, while BLM and the terrorist organization Antifa hit the streets protesting, along with Democrat politicians cheering them on and joining in. That’s the hypocritical Left for you in America. None of it makes sense and they don’t care, because the whole liberal platform is rooting for a communist takeover of America where everyone gets free money for nothing while losing all their Constitutional rights and privacy.

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.9521617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1661 >>1725 >>1816 >>1852

Three Australian men arrested over alleged child abuse in the Philippines - as police rescue 13 children from a horror sex den


Three Australian men have been arrested for alleged Philippines child sex abuse

AFP and Philippines police work together as part of International Justice Mission

In May alone, 23 children were saved from child sex dens across the Asian nation

The three Australian man allegedly involved in live streaming of child sex abuse

All three will face courts across New South Wales and Queensland on charges


Three Australian men have been arrested over their alleged roles in facilitating child abuse in the Philippines, during a month of major AFP-led breakthroughs in the Asian country.

In addition to the capture of the three men, police also uncovered a horror sex den in which 13 children, the youngest just 12 months old, were sexually abused on camera.

A mother arrested in that case had allowed four of her own children to be abused.


With a big number of predators visiting the Philippines to prey on children Australian Federal Police work closely with their counterparts, using their intelligence gathering to provide tip-offs about tourists or locals who may be involved in child sex abuse.


The efforts are coordinated through the International Justice Mission and in May this year resulted in 23 children being saved - and the arrests of several suspects, among them the three Australian men.

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.9521685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jeff Bezos corrects irate customer who said 'All Lives Matter' to criticize Amazon for posting a 'Black Lives Matter' banner and tells her 'I don't worry that my son might be choked to death while detained'


Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has expressed his support for Black Lives Matter, as protests over the death of George Floyd continue across the country.


Bezos, the world's richest man, shared a customer email as well as his response on Instagram on Friday, explaining why Amazon's website had added a banner reading 'Black Lives Matter.'


The irate customer wrote: 'I am for everyone voicing their opinions and standing up for what you believe in, but for your company to blast this on your website is very offensive to me… ALL LIVES MATTER!'


Bezos responded: 'I have to disagree with you. 'Black lives matter' doesn't mean other lives don't matter.'

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.9521695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Social-Distancing Is For The Little People


Clown World Virus

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.9521724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1911

Independent Journalist Attacked By The Mob and Then Arrested For “Disturbing The Peace”


On Friday June 5th 2020 while covering a Black Lives Matter rally in Vancouver, independent journalist Dan Dicks of Press For Truth was attacked by a mob of hundreds of people while being physically assaulted then subsequently arrested and charged with disturbing the peace and assault!


In this video Dan Dicks breaks down in chronological order the events that led up to his arrest and how mob mentality and group think can be steered so easily by bad actors into very dangerous directions.

Anonymous ID: 55322b June 7, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.9521754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Regime change and professional agitators (Video)


The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the a regime change operation that has appeared to fail, for the time being, and how professional agitators were brought in with the hope of toppling the Trump White House.