Anonymous ID: b8a25a June 7, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.9521391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Now that the economy is doing well again, Obama will be taking credit for it.'

Anonymous ID: b8a25a June 7, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.9521532   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rough Draft 06062020 Ilhan Omar


The congress woman of the 5th district of Minneapolis is Ilhan Omar. She and her family were rescued from a refugee camp in 1995. Even so, Ilhan has many complaints about America, even the way people say America. Logically, if someone doesn't like a place, they leave. Omar enjoys the safety of the country that saved her and her family, but would allow cities in her district to burn.

Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is Ilhan Omar's brother. She is alleged to have married Ahmed in order for him to get into the USA. "If Omar did marry her brother, she could be found guilty of committing marriage fraud — a felony offense punishable with a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $250,000" (NYPost, 2020). Questions surfaced as early as January 26, 2020, yet she is still serving as congress woman for Minneapolis. A simple blood test would determine Ilhan's guilt or innocent in this matter. How much more time will pass before these questions are answered? If she is guilty, there is a criminal serving Minneapolis right now.

George Floyd died in Ilhan Omar's district. Not Minneapolis are attempting to disband the police. What will happen to the people of Minneapolis during the next riot without the police there to protect them? If Ilhan was a good leader, we would not even get close to finding out. Ilhan, like other Democrats, pushes socialism ideas. It's hard to understand how someone who had to be rescued from a refugee camp would still want socialism. Why not just move to Venezuela?

Socialism is …






if you have any sources to strengthen article please post, ty

please answer the Questions if you know the answers, ty

take this 'start' and make it your own, Write it with SAUCE, post it; stronk Frens will take it from there


Notes/Questions section:



"Jim’ale The Jihadi Organ Grinder and his Little Tweeting Monkey


What Ilhan Omar omitted in her tweet was the actual reasons why she promoted Hormuud, the identity of the people that facilitated her 2011 and subsequent trips to Somalia, and their agendas. Considering the fact that Omar (known back in Somalia as Elmi) has protected status in the US MSM and carries a non-expiring ‘Do not investigate me with extreme prejudice’ certificate, I decided to shed some light on the main subject of her tweet: the mysterious Somali Telecom Hormuud and its founder, Ahmed Nur Ali Jim’ale—a cuddly, lovable man with a henna dyed beard anda ceaseless passion for violent jihad."

Anonymous ID: b8a25a June 7, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.9521544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Future proves past [events unlock].

Think CEO departures.

Think FBI departures.

Think DOJ departures.

Think State departures.

Think WH departures.

Think DIA departures.

Think Pentagon departures.

Think Senate departures.

Think House departures.

Think Amb departures.

Think IG departures.

Think Judge install.

Think SC install.

Think WH install.

Think FBI install.

Think C_A install.

Think DOJ install.

Think US ATT install.


Game theory.

If you look you can see.'

Anonymous ID: b8a25a June 7, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.9521742   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe squared off with former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday, during Rosenstein’s anticipated testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee blaming one another for lying about what they were aware of during the bureau’s debunked investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia.


During Rosenstein’s testimony, McCabe issued a statement saying the former DAG was giving “false” testimony about his recollection regarding former FBI Director James Comey’s memos about his interactions with President Donald Trump.


Interestingly, both men accuse each other of lying, pointing the finger at one another, in one of the biggest hoaxes in modern political history. They lied to each other, all the while creating a hoax to fool the American people and the world. McCabe and Rosenstein, along with their colleagues in the bureau, DOJ and the intelligence community know that eventually they will get caught up in the lies and explanations. This is when the finger-pointing will start.


Now the investigators are being investigated. Former FBI Director Comey, FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka, FBI Special Agent Kevin Clinesmith, as well as a slew of other FBI agents, lawyers and intelligence officials are going to have to find a way to explain their malfeasance as Connecticut prosecutor John Durham continues to put the pieces together and connect the dots.


During the hearing, Rosenstein said during his testimony that McCabe did not share details about Comey’s memos or his conversations with Trump prior to opening the special counsel investigation. Rosenstein claimed that he didn’t know about the memos until they were leaked by Comey’s friend Columbia Law School Professor Daniel Richman to the media. Comey admitted to Congress during testimony in June 2017 that he purposefully leaked several memos to Richman in an effort to ensure a special counsel investigation.


“Lying is when you ask someone a direct question and get a false answer. Candor is when you’re forthcoming with information someone needs to know,” said Rosenstein. “I believe McCabe should have recognized that when I became acting AG (overseeing the Russia probe), I needed to know about Comey’s memos and he didn’t tell me until a couple of hours before they showed up in the New York Times.”


It didn’t take long for McCabe to fire back at Rosenstein, saying “Mr. Rosenstein’s claims to have been misled by me, or anyone from the FBI, regarding our concerns about President Trump and the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russia are completely false.”


Anonymous ID: b8a25a June 7, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.9521810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Historically, the president’s power has been deployed against the forces of racism that state governments either could not suppress or actually supported — in response to the Ku Klux Klan after passage of the 1871 Civil Rights Act, and to enforce desegregation and civil rights in the years following the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education."

Anonymous ID: b8a25a June 7, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9521850   🗄️.is 🔗kun


kek, Newbie in training is always rough to watch

I'm a better person for it

If you won't remove your ego, Anons will remove for you

Then who are you?

All (who don't become bored) will see.

Most importantly, i saw and learned about myself.