Anonymous ID: d17f47 June 7, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9521239   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is the kinda shit I have to wake up to. Frankly I have grown weary of all these "I'm no good if I"… My family is off the chain and all their friends. I stay off fb as much as possible. This pissed me off today.

10 handy ways to spot a racist on your timeline:


  1. Posts about mass gatherings during the pandemic for protests about racism but has never posted about reopening schools or gathering on beaches etc (where there are NO masks worn).

  2. Vocal about rioting and looting but never has been vocal about violent racism or the fact white Europeans looted entire continents by extreme violence along with rape and slavery.

  3. Says all lives matter but never spoken care about migrants dying in the sea trying to escape war and famine.

  4. Posts about the crimes of black people without drawing correlation to oppression, denial of opportunity or poverty and without ever posting about the horrific and far reaching crimes of white people who put them (and keep them) under those conditions.

  5. Enraged about Muslim grooming gangs but says zero about white paedophile rings or systemic child abuse in white run childcare homes or the Catholic Church.

  6. Uses the phrase “virtue signalling” to attempt to silence you supporting causes like BLM.

  7. Starts a sentence with “I hate racism but” or “I’m not racist but”.

  8. Sends racially “edgy” memes to your DMs but doesn’t post them on social media.

  9. Posts about our heroes who fought in WW2 but shits all over their memory by not educating themselves what they were fighting or by just outright spreading fascism.

  10. Talks negatively about POC and Muslims like they’re knowledgeable but has zero friends who are black, Asian or Muslim (and no someone you say hello, just work with doesn’t count).

Anonymous ID: d17f47 June 7, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.9521360   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is the kinda shit I have to wake up to. Frankly I have grown weary of all these "I'm no good if I"… My family is off the chain and all their friends. I stay off fb as much as possible. This pissed me off today.

10 handy ways to spot a racist on your timeline:


  1. Posts about mass gatherings during the pandemic for protests about racism but has never posted about reopening schools or gathering on beaches etc (where there are NO masks worn).

  2. Vocal about rioting and looting but never has been vocal about violent racism or the fact white Europeans looted entire continents by extreme violence along with rape and slavery.

  3. Says all lives matter but never spoken care about migrants dying in the sea trying to escape war and famine.

  4. Posts about the crimes of black people without drawing correlation to oppression, denial of opportunity or poverty and without ever posting about the horrific and far reaching crimes of white people who put them (and keep them) under those conditions.

  5. Enraged about Muslim grooming gangs but says zero about white paedophile rings or systemic child abuse in white run childcare homes or the Catholic Church.

  6. Uses the phrase “virtue signalling” to attempt to silence you supporting causes like BLM.

  7. Starts a sentence with “I hate racism but” or “I’m not racist but”.

  8. Sends racially “edgy” memes to your DMs but doesn’t post them on social media.

  9. Posts about our heroes who fought in WW2 but shits all over their memory by not educating themselves what they were fighting or by just outright spreading fascism.

  10. Talks negatively about POC and Muslims like they’re knowledgeable but has zero friends who are black, Asian or Muslim (and no someone you say hello, just work with doesn’t count).