Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.9522040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2056 >>2065 >>2067 >>2073 >>2389 >>2452 >>2623 >>2678

California Sheriff’s Deputy Killed, Another Injured in Ambush in Northern California – Suspect Steven Carrillo Was Captured and Charged with Murder.


Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller was killed last night in an ambush attack in northern California.


A second officer was wounded in the attack.


Damon’s wife is pregnant with their second child.


Police arrested Steven Carrillo was arrested and will face murder charges.

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, noon No.9522048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2443

Saudi Aramco Boosts Oil Export Prices By Most On Record


One month after Saudi Aramco unexpectedly hiked prices to Asian buyers as OPEC+ started cutting output after a historic price discount that was triggered by the brief price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia (which culminated with the prompt WTI contract plunging to a record low -$40 on April 20), on Sunday the Saudis made a complete reversal to their price-cutting strategy, when they unveiled the biggest increases in the price for its crude exports in at least two decades, doubling down on plans to bolster the oil rally oil a day after OPEC+ producers extended historic output cuts.


As Bloomberg reported with China’s demand for crude once again rising, the Saudis are furiously raising prices in a world where supply has suddenly emerged as the price bottleneck. As a result, Aramco raised the price of Arab Light to Asia by $6.10 a barrel to a premium of 20 cents over the benchmark. This monthly increase in the official selling price (OSP) for flagship Arab Light crude to Asia, which accounts for more than half of Saudi oil sales, was the largest since records began in 2000.

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.9522057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2063 >>2076

Netanyahu Calls on World to Impose ‘Paralyzing’ Sanctions on Iran Over Nuclear Deal ‘Violations’


On Friday, a confidential International Atomic Energy Agency report indicated that Iran is continuing to build up enriched uranium stockpiles beyond limits set out in the 2015 nuclear deal. Tehran has vowed to continue reducing commitments to the treaty until other signatories find a way to bypass crippling US sanctions.


Israeli Prime Minister has called on the international community to join the US in applying “paralyzing” sanctions on Iran over the alleged violation of its obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal.


“Over the weekend, the IAEA determined that Iran had refused to allow IAEA inspectors access to clandestine sites at which Iran had carried out secret military nuclear activity. Iran has systematically violated its commitments by hiding sites and enriching fissionable material, and has committed other violations,” Netanyahu said, speaking at a cabinet meeting on Sunday.


“I believe that the time has come, and I think that the time has passed, but reality certainly requires it in the light of these revelations, for the international community to join the US and reimpose paralyzing sanctions on Iran,” the prime minister said.


Netanyahu stressed that Israel “will not allow” Tehran to achieve nuclear weapons capability, and would “continue to act methodically against Iran’s attempts to militarily entrench on our borders.”


Netanyahu’s comments follow the release of a confidential report Friday indicating that Iran has continued to grow its stockpile of enriched uranium, registering 1,571.6 kg of the nuclear fuel as of May 20, up from 1,020.9 kg on February 19. According to the report, Tehran has also refused to allow inspectors access to access two shuttered nuclear facilities. Enrichment levels, meanwhile, are said to have increased to 4.5 percent, up from the 3.67 percent limit outlined in the JCPOA.


Iran maintains that it has no intention to produce nuclear weapons, or weapons of mass destruction of any kind, and that its atomic program is aimed strictly at producing nuclear energy.


For the moment, the country’s uranium enrichment levels as reported by the IAEA remain far below the purity levels required to build a nuclear bomb. The nuclear bomb the US dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945, for instance, had an enrichment level of about 80 percent.


Iran’s uranium stockpiles are also far below the estimated 7,000 kg that the country had in 2013, before the signing of the JCPOA. At that time, enrichment levels reached up to 20 percent purity.


Tehran began reducing its commitments under the nuclear deal in May 2019, a year after the US unilaterally withdrew from the agreement and slapped the country with tough energy and banking sanctions. The nation’s leaders promised to continue to abandon certain of the deal’s components until the JCPOA’s European signatories found a way to bypass the crushing economic impact of Washington’s sanctions, which include secondary sanctions against foreign companies doing business with the Islamic Republic.


Officials in Tel Aviv and Tehran have been engaged in a years-long debate on one another’s nuclear intentions, with Israeli officials accusing Iran of seeking to build a nuclear weapon to target Israel, while Iranian officials have pointed out that Israel is the only nation in the Middle East with an actual nuclear arsenal.

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.9522072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2087 >>2107 >>2167 >>2205 >>2331 >>2332 >>2365 >>2452 >>2623 >>2677 >>2678

Is this the set up?


Minnesota AG Keith Ellison May Have Just Screwed Up Case Against George Floyd Cops


I’m no legal expert, but I wondered to myself if Keith Ellison hadn’t overcharged the cop who killed George Floyd. Now there’s someone much smarter than I who agrees.


Andy McCarthy, who writes for National Review, is a former federal prosecutor and has been a trusted guest on my radio show for the better part of 20 years. He believes Ellison might have just colossally screwed up his case against the cops. My words, not his. McCarthy called Ellison’s amended charges “dangerously flawed.”


Overcharging is tantamount to over-promising. It’s perceived as overly punitive and less thoughtful in some cases. Sure, everyone’s angry. Sure, Floyd’s death appears to be criminal. But you’ve got to be able to prove what you charge.


Ellison may have just Peter Principled himself out of this prosecution.


Police officer Derek Chauvin took a knee on the neck of George Floyd for nearly nine minutes. The hold on his neck, not part of any police training, killed Floyd. Floyd, who had drugs in his system and a heart condition, panicked and couldn’t breathe.

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.9522315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Censorship: Its Central Role in a Multi-Party Dictatorship


A friend happens to run a web-archiving service and has been coming under intense pressure to remove allegedly “false” Web-pages from his archive’s records. This would be censorship by that Web-archive. I sent him this note arguing that he should not:


Once you get into doing that, you will lose all credibility yourself.


Right now, your credibility is that you censor nothing. Censoring is not your function. If you start to censor, then you will be taking sides in partisan conflicts. That’s for others to do — NEVER a Web-archive, because then it’s a selective Web-archive, and that means untrustworthy AS a “Web archive.” The beauty of being a Web-archive is that it makes no content-judgments. (Its users do, whenever they select a Web-page as being something that’s important enough to be archived; but that is their decision, to copy that page, not your decision.) Because if it does — if a Web-archive makes any content-judgments — then it is doing what it should NEVER do. It’s not equipped to make such judgments, of what is worth copying and preserving and what is not. Making such judgments is only for CONTENT-PROVIDERS, and their audiences, to do. If you do it, then your credibility will be shot. (Users will come to know that what they archive there might subsequently become removed. If pages become removed by you, you won’t be reliable to them as an archive.)


But I go even further; I have argued against ANY censorship, at all, ever, even by a content-provider.


The ultimate arbiter regarding what is true and what is false is inevitably going to be the recipient of the given statement, and not the people who produce or ‘authenticate’ it. If that recipient simply has faith in other persons as ‘authorities’ or ‘honest’, then that recipient becomes the mental slave of those particular producers of ‘truth’. Because of such ‘authority’, that individual’s judgment is then being controlled by others. It’s a 1984-type mentality, ideal for any dictatorship to survive; it is deadly to any democracy — it is the mentality that kills democracy. The only individual who has the actual right to censor what one receives is oneself.


However, I failed there to note something that is important regarding how censorship is, in fact, practiced in the United States and other multi-party dictatorships; and this highlights why you especially ought to avoid all content-judgments:


As you know, Democrats expose themselves to Democratic Party (generally called “liberal”) ‘news’-media, and Republicans expose themselves to Republican Party (generally called “conservative”) ‘news’-media; so, the two groups often disagree, but both Parties are controlled by billionaires (just different factions of billionaires); and, therefore, the supreme filter (which excludes the most-essential facts — the facts that all of them want to be secret) is the billionaire-class itself, which controls both Parties and clearly does not represent the public, even though it controls the U.S. Government. Consequently, for example, essential truths (such as these) get excluded by all of the mainstream U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media (which are owned and controlled by U.S.-and-allied billionaires). The multi-partisan consensus, or mainstream, in a multi-party dictatorship will therefore exclude the truths that are the most essential ones in order for the public to be able to understand the socio-political reality. And that’s what a dictatorship does (it filters out the most-essential truths) — regardless of whether it is a one-party dictatorship or a multi-party dictatorship. Such truths, as these, can be found only outside the Establishment’s ‘news’-media.

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.9522386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2403

Nolte: Dr. Fauci Is Either a Liar or a Fraud


Mea culpa: I spent a lot of time on these here digital pages defending Dr. Anthony Fauci. Brother, was I wrong. Fauci is a stone-cold liar. And if he’s not a stone-cold liar, his only defense is that he is a fraud. Either way, shame on him … and me.


For months Fauci has been everywhere, all over TV, urging Americans to lock themselves down, to abandon their jobs, their sick and dying family members, the small businesses they spent their lives getting off the ground; he urged us to drive our economy into the dirt, pull children who desperately need structure out of school, forgo once-in-a-lifetime graduations and graduation parties, cancel weddings and vacations…


Fauci’s message was clear, militant, terrifying, and relentless: If you don’t do these things, if you don’t sacrifice these things, if you don’t give up your liberty and prosperity, you are no better than a serial killer. The coronavirus is a unique and deadly killer, a particularly infectious and fatal disease unlike anything we’ve seen in more than a century.


And because Fauci became America’s trusted scientific (and moral) authority, because he assured us he spoke only as a scientist and infectious disease expert, because he assured us he would always tell us like it is, and do so at any cost because public health was his only priority, look at what happened…


A woman was arrested for reopening the business that fed her family. Christians were persecuted for attending church in the safety of automobiles. Teens were held up to national ridicule for behaving like teens in Florida and the Ozarks. Countless Americans suffered untold anguish after hospital visits were forbidden and funerals canceled. Everyday Americans were relentlessly demonized for daring to speak out or even question the Holy Writ of Fauci…


And God help those who came out to protest the lockdowns, because bitter, power-hungry tyrants such as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) and the hate-filled media that empower her, waved the Holy Writ of Fauci to justify smearing these Americans as racists and punishing them with lockdown extensions.

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.9522394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington DC Sees Another Round of Protests Against Police Brutality - Video


Earlier in the day, US President Donald Trump ordered the National Guard to start withdrawing from Washington DC where it had been deployed earlier amid violent protests against police aggression.


Watch a live broadcast from Dupont Circle in Washington DC where demonstrators are gathering on Sunday to protest against police brutality and racial discrimination following the death of African American man George Floyd in police custody last month.


This comes as President Trump announced earlier on Sunday that he has ordered the National Guard to start withdrawing from the area after the situation with the protests was "under perfect control".—video/

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.9522408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2419

'Trump Derangement Syndrome': Is it real?


In the wee hours of the morning on Nov. 9, 2016, Donald Trump cemented his improbable victory by capturing enough electoral votes to secure the presidency. For Phillip Imanlihen, watching the results come in at his home in Southern California, the only thing Trump’s unlikely victory secured was a speedy trip to the bathroom.


“When the media outlet I was watching projected that he would win, I threw up,” Imanlihen tells Just The News.


Three years of Trump has made it even worse. He just can’t watch the president on television anymore.


“It's hard for me to deal with yes,” Imanlihen admitted.


His story of mental and physical anguish has become all too common since Trump took office.


“The presidency of Donald Trump has affected my mental health,” Fred Robbins from New Jersey tells Just The News. “I have cut back on watching and reading news articles because anything about Trump is upsetting."


Robbins is ready to do just about anything to make sure this president is removed from office. “I'd crawl across broken glass and vote for a tuna fish sandwich over Trump,” Robbins says.


On social media, the anti-Trump vitriol and griping reaches new heights. A cursory recent stroll through Twitter saw President Trump painted as “worse than Hitler” or “The White Devil,” one person losing sleep over him, and another even wanting to see the president drop dead and die of a massive stroke.

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.9522444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2524

Actor Tom Arnold Calls For Armed Insurrection Against Trump Supporters


Desperately trying to stay relevant, Hollywood has-been Tom Arnold has taken to twitter to call for an armed confrontation with Trump supporters by urging black men and “us white liberal men” to borrow their dads’ hunting rifles and go “nose to nose with Trump’s gang of misfit tools.”


Rather than recognize how insane he sounds, Arnold doubles down on the notion in subsequent tweets:


So apparently he thinks all black folks and all women would happily join his revolt, armed with prop guns and dad’s old hunting rifle.


The comments are hilarious:

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.9522456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2511 >>2565 >>2623 >>2678

Minneapolis Cop Charged In George Floyd’s Murder Was Hired Despite Having A Criminal Record With 7 Convictions


We must address how bad cops such as Derek Chauvin and Thomas Lane get to stay on the force despite a long record of violence and abuse. Lane was hired despite a criminal record.


Blaming all cops for the failures of Democrat mismanagement compounds the horror of George Floyd’s death.


Virtually every official in Minnesota with influence over the Minneapolis police and the decision to keep Derek Chauvin on the force despite his alarming record is a Democrat: the governor, the attorney general, the Minneapolis congresswoman and the mayor. The city council consists of 12 Democrats and a Green Party member. The Democrat Party is the “system” that protected the bad cop and led to George Floyd’s death. (more here)


Where are the hearings?


Chauvin, the officer involved in Floyd’s death, was involved in the death of another citizen while Amy Klobuchar was prosecutor. Chauvin was one of six officers who fired on and killed Wayne Reyes in 2006 after Reyes reportedly aimed a shotgun at police after stabbing his friend and girlfriend. While the death happened during Klobuchar’s tenure at the helm of the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office, Klobuchar did not criminally charge other police involved in the more than two dozen officer-involved fatalities.


Where are the hearings?

Anonymous ID: 1e32bc June 7, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.9522579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2591 >>2694

269 Companies Supporting ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter – Just In Case You Want To Know Who Wants You Dead & Overturn The Culture


One would think that the united States intelligence services would know this kind of stuff, along with the elites supporting the same criminals involved and actually bring justice against those funding these thugs. Actually, maybe they do have it and they are just looking the other way to implement the agenda of their masters. In either case, it’s important that the people know exactly which companies are supporting these criminals that are not protesting, but engaged in insurrection and crimes against the people in the US.


With that said, Ashley Rae Goldenberg produced a comprehensive list of companies that are supporting ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.


Currently, Ashley is an investigative journalist who is out of work so, if you would like to donate to thank her for the list, please do so via PayPal or Patreon.


Here’s the list.


Companies defending the rioters:





Abbey Road Studios:

The Academy (the Oscars):

Activision Blizzard:



Alaska Airlines:



American Airlines:

American Express:

American Apparel:

Apple Music:



Astro Gaming:


Atlantic Records:



Barclays Bank:

Barnes & Noble:


Bank of America:


Bergdorf Goodman:


Ben & Jerry’s:




Boost Mobile:


Burger King:



Burt’s Bees:


Call of Duty:


Capitol Records:

Canada Goose:

Cartoon Network:



Chips Ahoy:



Coca Cola:

Colourpop Cosmetics:

Conde Nast:


Rest of list