Anonymous ID: 6c3a92 June 7, 2020, 1:43 p.m. No.9523224   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Actually, no

They are to prevent runs on the banks like happened at Northern Rock in 2008

The whole world economy is bankrupt and ALL, yes,ALLthe banks are on the edge of failure. The men behind the curtain have siphoned off many trillions of dollars from the world economy and are sitting on it, trying to tip us into war and other chaos, pestilence etc, so they can wipe out small businesses worldwide, consolidate them all into their mega monopolies, and establish a Neo-Feudalist World Order with no middle class other than a small technocratic bureaucrat elite.

But a multi-decade effort by actors within America's military intelligence and MI6, has resulted in learning their playbook, and since their playbook is tied to their religion of Thelema, it is not easy for them to change it. Also, instructions to the players have been issued long in advance. They can only order ops to start, or end, but not change the content of the plan. It has to do with numerology and astrology and complex interrelationships of occult forces.


So, the militaries of several countries are participating in the plan, and are interfering with their communications and their market manipulations. They were pushing the USA into a great depression with COVID19 but failed when the May numbers came in. This meant they lost their market bets, sending billions, maybe trillions, to the winners, mainly the US Treasury. Now that the USA has streamlined government programs removing embezzlement setups, they can pump cash into the pockets of their citizens, small businesses and large employers to get immediate boosts to the economy.


Those countries not fuilly participating, are watching this and realizing that they are STUPID to not join in. They may not want to risk bets in the market, but every country can realize immediate economic boosts by stopping the embezzlement and giving the cash to citizens and small business.



The Gilets Jaunes in France are a good example, now spreading to Germany and elsewhere. The Umbrella protests in Hong Kong are another. And the recent protests in the US included a large component of people that just want peace, unity, fairness and honesty in government. They may not have gotten much media coverage, but in some cities they are now dominating the protests and pushing the violent rioters away, Washington DC is a prime example. The media might try to hide it, but the powers that be know very well that real change is being demanded and it will have to be done.


This is rather like a peaceful version of the French or American Revolutions on a global scale and with a plan that has taken into account the lessons of 200 years to avoid meaningless actions. They know all the Communist trick to take over revolutions, and have countermeasures in place to keep these proven losers on the sidelines.