Anonymous ID: b0a4e2 June 7, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.9523319   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3354


Dude who fucking cares. Are you people that stupid??? This is a massively complex operation especially in regards to foreign relations. He’s not shilling for Israel he’s following a plan and making sure we get our dicks in everywhere we have to so we have control. Theres only a limited number of elite fuckhead “jews” or just elites in all of these countries that have control. Nothing matters at this point as for who supports who. This is not a normal war, none of the rules we think are relevant actually are.


Fuck off, the last two breads questioning the “validity” of Q. You are not real anons. All the anons I see during the week are obviously enjoying their sundays because the fake and gay around here is reaching faggot levels.

Anonymous ID: b0a4e2 June 7, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.9523426   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3437 >>3447


Anon, if you can’t see EXACTLY what is happening right now, then you haven’t been following this long and have no fucking clue what you are talking about.


This is a slow game not a round em up. This is about drenching our enemies in guilt and pulling the snare. It takes time.


How can anyone not see that this barrier of protection the enemy has has been corroding and thinning since the time Trump was sworn in. All of the things that have happened. I just don’t get it. You’re a shill, or you are concernfag who doesn’t understand the movement you have been observing and the necessary details. Period.


They are losing. They spent over a hundred years since at least the civil war trying to destroy and take over, while patriots have hindered them in the past, we finally have been gaining enough meat to take them out of the picture.


They fucking killed McCain. He was in camera the DAY BEFORE HE DIED. We got Bush Sr. We finally fucking got Epstein and who even cares what happened to him, the fact he even got arrested was amazing. All of the pedophile rings. North Korea, meeting with Kim.


People forget. Our attention spans are small. We have been poisoned, fighting devils every day that give us wary minds and make us simple. Don’t stop looking at the big picture. This hasn’t been a long time. Three years is NOTHING. It’s such a small amount of time.


When this is all over, a normie will see some youtube video explaining and illustrating the course of events that led to the fall of evil from when Trump took office until the time after removal and they will perceive a quick step by step process but the fact is this has taken time but is actually happening so fast. Cognitive dissonance.


Stop acting so forgetful. Stop ignoring things and shitting out of your mouths anons, we are fucking winning. So what if every day isn’t some action movie. Get the fuck over it. We are winning TAKE FUCKING NOTICE MORANS.

Anonymous ID: b0a4e2 June 7, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.9523484   🗄️.is đź”—kun


You’re an idiot we are the most successful racial group on the planet, just because these idiots are rioting and beating the shit out of people means nothing.


Stop acting like a baby and be fucking patient or GTFO and come back when this over and pretend you never doubted with your “we did it anons!” You’re not helpful.


I’m positive you’re a shill. Anons resolve is unbreakable. Because we know our victory is inevitable.