Still sounds like claiming ownership /leader position. Not that you are completely wrong about everything but its kind of immature to even post here about this ??? This is adult world . ??Am I wrong here ?
I was wondering what the big picture was . I did not understand everything Q was implying . No surprise there . It has been a chaotic 5 days .
As soon as I see the photo of the ugly insane woman with the blank eyes I filter the poster .
Every Real Anon should put 20 min a day into learning how to bake a bread . We all like to eat WTF?!! Its hard work . I tried its stressful . The baker yesterday went for 10 hrs thru peak time. Lets do our part or we are sucking off the tit filling the bread too fast shitposting. Ok im shutting up now going to the corner to KMs and shoot marine copypasta at myself . Slide over sorry .
I don't want to rip on her I just want her to go away from here wit the commercials for herself. Anons have work to do . Im glad Q and potus approve of her , whatever . Just get the ego boost 1 time and move on or take it to facebook for more praise . Do what you do. Im done thinking about it . We are at war. Us Soldiers getting killed
OH BOY HERE WE GO !!!!!!!!