They need to start using "SKUNK SMELLING PAINT BALLS"….or Catapult/slingshots some small water balloons with skunk juice in them….as long as you don't get any on you!!! hahaha
It doesn't matter where it hits, if you get any on you, it's like a skunk just sprayed you…
now I ask you…how long would you stand out there and protest if you are smelling like a skunk just sprayed you..
how many protests would you go to if you know they spray the area with skunk balls.
you will have to throw away your clothes, your dog won't come to you when you get home…your spouse won't even come near you….
I don't see any down sides to using "Skunk smelling paint balls".
IT'S A WIN - WIN for the Police…but a LOSE - LOSE for the protesters……I'M OK WITH THAT.