Anonymous ID: b6288d June 7, 2020, 8:33 p.m. No.9528379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8404 >>8443 >>8720 >>8829

Police Chief Forced To Resign After Supporting Citizens Who Armed Up Amid Riots


Lowell, Michigan Police Chief Steven Bukala was forced to resign on Thursday after 25 years with the force, after writing on Facebook in support of four young men who armed themselves against potential violent protesters.


Responding to phone calls that 2nd Amendment demonstrators were open carrying down Main Street, Bukala wrote on the Lowell Police Deparment's Facebook page on Tuesday: "We are aware and no need to call us," adding "We at the Lowell Police Department support the legally armed citizen and the Second Amendment," according to WZZM13.


After a flood of complaints as part of what WZZM says was a "pattern of inappropriate behavior," the city manager told Bukala to resign by 5 p.m. on Friday or be fired at 5:01 p.m.


A disciplinary action report from city manager Michael Burns said Bukala was directed to make the post so residents were aware of the demonstrators. But when Burns read the last line, it appeared to be a political position, "possibly escalating rhetoric."


Burns asked him to remove that line, and Bukala responded with "This is a true statement."


The post gained some traction within the community, and Burns described the social media activity around it as "hostile." The official Lowell Police Department Facebook page also added to the statement and defended it in the comments.


"People!" started one comment, which said Lowell has had open carry demonstrators in town before. "Yes people are hypersensitive due to the riots and anarchists that have come to Michigan. They are exercising their right to open carry. No one has to agree or disagree." The comment was signed "Chief." -WZZM


Three days after a riot in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Bukala wrote on his personal Facebook page: "So these fine young men called me today. They wanted to exercise their Second Amendment rights and walk down Main Street. They saw what happened in Grand Rapids. They said it’s not going to happen here. We have your backs. I thanked them for letting me know they were in town and to call if they see something."

Anonymous ID: b6288d June 7, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.9528463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8486 >>8515 >>8534 >>8684 >>8720 >>8829

DC Archbishop Gregory Orders Priests to Dress in Cassocks and Protest Trump on Monday – He Attacked President Trump and Catholic First Lady on Religious Freedom Event!


Washington DC Archbishop Wilton Gregory released a statement on Tuesday lashing out at the President of the United States for visiting the John Paul II National Shrine.


Clueless Archbishop Gregory lectured President Trump on “defending the rights of all people even those with whom we might disagree” while at the same time attacking him for visiting a Catholic Shrine.


President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited the Catholic Shrine before signing an executive order promoting religious freedom.

First Lady Melania Trump is a practicing Catholic.


The media failed to report this important detail in their hit pieces on President Trump.


Instead, Archbishop Gregory made the headlines because he LECTURED President Trump for visiting the shrine!

What a petty and disgraceful man.


Now there are reports that Archbishop Gregory is ordering Catholic Priests to dress in cassocks and protest President Trump on Monday in Lafayette Park.


This really is a stunning development by this wicked churck leader!


Church Militant reported:


In a bald-faced violation of their individual civil rights as American citizens, Washington, D.C.’s Abp. Wilton Gregory is ordering his clergy to dress in cassocks (or at least blacks) and protest President Trump at 11 a.m. Monday morning at Lafayette Park, and then march to the White House at noon.


It’s being billed as a pro-life, anti-racism rally, but at least one email from the archdiocese to clergy being circulated (see below) explicitly calls it a “protest”.


Archbishop Gregory is a very dishonest man.

President Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in US history and Gregory is pretending his event is a Pro-life protest?


This same fool presided over a funeral last yearwhere pro-abortion Democrat Nancy Pelosi delivered the eulogy.