i saw this last night. it was a reaction to a reporter asking him about how the UFC is making so much from being the only game in town and fighters complaining about not getting paid.
I think he was calling them out knowing their fake publications are driven by shit ad revenue that will all be drying up in the next 3 months once all the real shit hits the fan with The Great Awakening.
Half the reporters in that room are paid by sports websites who make their money off advertising, not their shit content.
POTUS number 1
The NFL will lose 40% of its fanbase once Goodell has a roundtable with Colon Kappernick and appologizes for not listen to him.
The facts do not support blacks are getting killed by racist police.
same as fats do not supprt the last 3 months of this scam-demic.
The Federal Reserve has been hijacked and sanctuary cities are being left to eat themselves until all their people wake up and see thie horrid DNC socialist leadership.