That was me sry.
My life was shit in 2019, shit during covid, continues to be shit though the race riots of Summer 2020 and will still be shit when bald-ass Durham gets up to a podium to announce a bunch of shit we already know. Fear is for people who still think they have anything to lose.
You don't. Don't worry.
Hey APD stop sitting outside my house you fucking losers. You look dopey as fuck with the lights off like you're trying to be all inconspicuous and shit. Who fucking trained you, a literal chimpanzee?
Do it faggot.
/pol/ today is glownigger central for brainlet zoomers to be spoonfed satan-approved traumatic brainwashing. All the pizzagate researchers, the question-askers and the people with brains scattered. Many of them ending up here.
Sprinkle me with delectable spices, you fucking double nigger.
Two words: Nigger nigger
Not all, but you'd definitely have to be the discerning type to gleam anything useful from that cesspit nowadays. Most anons here could do it. Normal impressionable teenagers just starting, probably not so much. I cross-post here and there, here more so now. Good threads on /pol/ are needle in haystack-tier as of 2020. CCP also has a heavy presence there, demoralizing 24/7.
Oh no what ever will I do? Lmao facebook-tier Karen behavior from you fag. I'm surprised you didn't ask to speak to the manager.
Q made me kek when he asked if we'd been following the pen. I sure hope someone was because I certainly wasn't.
Yeah. Any anon acting like we don't have the entire mainstream apparatus and everyone hooked into their system against us is deluding themselves. We will ultimately be the victors, but these people didn't come to control the entire world because they were incompetent losers who live with mommy.
I'm of the opinion that the REAL war (the one with space lasers and DUMB explosions) has been fought and won, and we're now living through the controlled demolition and public reveal of what's occured. I could be wrong, though.
4chan in general has been steadily going downhill since 2007-08, really peaking around the 2016 election. The unique culture that made it fun and interesting is still there somewhat there, but the sheer volume of shills on /pol/ can be overwhelming. Other boards have less, /k/ is still fun for instance.
Not the ENTIRE war, mind you. Public awakening is what will finally win the thing itself, but I think in terms of a major military operation many of the "bad elements" have already been taken care of.
Not exactly what I was getting at, but ok.
I don't know about that one. Even for the amateur tranny-spotter, that's very clearly a man.
>Rhode Island
Not surprising. You might as well call it "The Fuckery State." But yes, that would be extremely alarming to anyone with any awareness.
"Sorry, we have you as 'already voted'. And you. And you. And you. Andโฆ"
Every year, I think it will be the Summer of George. And every year, it's only more malarkey. Maybe 2021 will finally be it.
I was always under the impression it didn't exist in the first place. Then I drove through, still not entirely sure it exists.
Dan can I have some seized assets plz?
Come on nigga, just ONE whole seized asset. I could live off what I make from selling Soros' golden toilet for at least like 5 years. Maybe more if there's still a turd in there.