anyone have input for me on their archiving/research methodology
I've mostly been putting together proofs based on mathematics but I would very much like to expand my web of information
anyone have input for me on their archiving/research methodology
I've mostly been putting together proofs based on mathematics but I would very much like to expand my web of information
Something about the text makes me sick just glancing at it, I try not to read too much of it
I never filter. The thing about darkness and pain is that it provides you with the tools to defeat it by showcasing the methodology of how it harms
could the rapture just be an alternate timeline in which God wins? eventually all timelines? havent read the bible yet
hurr durr if i say lmao people will sympathize with me hurr durr
I bet shills get frustarted with how resistant/immune we are to their bullshit. They sure do seem frustarted.
I haven't finished Doug Wead's Inside Trump's White House yet because I have not been reading lately, but it's a very good book. That's the book recently recommended by POTUS, again.