>Fuckery Afoot
Should point out that the mathematical pixel analysis is misleading. Perspective skews a lot.
That being said, that casket does look short AF. I could understand if they were on a budget, and had to buy a smaller casket, and break the corpse's kneecaps, folding the legs, etc. But I doubt they'd really be on a budget, seeing how there's millions of dollars being donated, right now. They really gonna break the legs to give him a "proper burial"? Definitely seems fishy…
Second photo gives a slightly better perspective, and yeah, there is no way that George Floyd fits in that thing in one piece. Casket was closed, which has been kind of a common theme. Maybe the casket is supposed to be symbolic? Perhaps they cremated him, but figured he should get a casket? Baller style?
>Would you like a casket burial or a cremation?
Throws stacks at mortician's face, then makes it rain moar stacks
I dunno. Trying to find rhyme or reason. But we're in clown world and people do do dumb shit all the time, so there's always enough plausible deniability to gaslight us, calling us rayciss conspiracy theorists, then send pack of seething libturds to throw bricks at us for being insensitive or whatever.