lmao MAGA Riots out run my gun.
John Mark is a fucking genius. He's done more to wake Conservatives up than Q has. Q thinks we can have unity with non white violent marxists who hate western civilization and that California will go Red again lmao. John Mark is actually talking about demographics and how we aren't going to be able to win elections anymore. Civil War is coming and Democrats are going to get fucking wrecked.
Q is absolute bullshit meant to keep Americans on their ass. It's some of the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen in my life. If anyone believes that non whites are going to give two shits about Obama committing crimes while in office, then they are fucking retarded. Their hatred for America surpasses anything Obama could have done. They will always stick to their agenda. John Mark advocates for peaceful separation. I doubt this will happen because the Dems want to kill us. In their eyes, letting us separate would be like letting Hitler live. Civil War is inevitable. We could be having it right now if Q wasn't still feeding complete asinine bullshit to so many people and making them think everything is going to be okay.
I know there won't be much of a war. Dems have nobody. They are just a bunch of low status misfits who can't achieve anything on their own so they just blame "racism", "capitalism", and "millionaires" for all of their problems. We have all of the guns too. This is why Q is such bullshit. We are dealing with nationwide riots right now when we could easily put these scumbags down in no time. We should be taking action rather than sitting on our asses trusting a non existent plan.
All of that is meaningless when we burn their properties to the fucking ground. Do you seriously think these people will continue to talk shit and fight us once we take the gloves off? They are all pussies and they have no idea what it's like to have millions of pissed off Americans coming for them. They will all either submit or be destroyed. Why in the fuck would we negotiate with them when we have all of the guns and already have their shit hole cities completely surrounded by hundreds of miles in every direction? These people are nothing but insurgents who should be arrested and imprisoned for the rest of their miserable lives.
>trying to turn in an assignment
I've got an assignment for you. Are you ready for question #1 ?? Okay here it isโฆ
1.) How many deep state traitors have been criminally prosecuted since Q started posting bullshit riddles?
If you answered zero, then you are absolutely correct and aren't nearly fucking retarded as I thought you were lmao.
Q's gotten BTFO so many times now that I have no idea why anyone would even take the shit seriously anymore. Not to even mention the fact that none of the traitors have been arrested. If the movement gross any bigger, Trump will probably be forced to disavow.
Lmao Epstein got whacked in a maximum security prison with many irregularities with security cameras/ guards and yet nothing fucking happened. McCain had a brain tumor. Why would McCain have been executed bts but not any of the other senators? You have nothing, zero.
You're calling me delusional? You are literally taking the word of an internet larp with absolutely no accomplishments lmao.
No arrests, no prosecutions, trust sessions lmao.
If police get defunded, Minneapolis will look like a third world country. Inner city niggers are among some of the dumbest people in the entire country. You will have murders, rapes, robberies, looting, shootings, drugs, etc. Not to even mention the real estate market will completely collapse. Democrats who are doing this should be in prison. If Trump wasn't being such a pussy, he could have already declared these mayors and city counsel members insurgents due to their sanctuary city status. But of course, Trump does nothing other than twitter.
Fuck that. We all know it won't take long for their crime and destruction to leave the city and move into the rest of the state.