There is no human, or group of humans, on Earth that can pinch themselves off from God, enough to destroy God. They're so fucking stupid. All they can do is pinch themselves off and have a miserable time doing it and then they die and life goes on. God is the only truth, all else is an illusion. They don't feel good, even while they laugh and sip their wine at their gatherings. Evil never feels good because it's disconnected. They have a void inside. What I speak is truth. There is only God and God has no end and no beginning. There is only eternal life. Nothing these morans do can disrupt God's system. It is law that darkness cannot overcome the light. It doesn't take a very smart person to figure that out. They worship a loser. There is only God or the illusion of God's absence. I AM is the awareness of being and consciousness cannot be destroyed. That's why they came up with their faggot synthetic brains and facebook "typing with your thoughts and hearing through your skin with a wristband" and muh consciousness on a chip so you can "live forever". They're so stupid. No human or group of humans can ever overcome God. Fuck, they're retarded.