lb notable >>9537222 George Floyd’s Family Asks United Nations to Disarm Police in U.S.-breitbart
predictable, i am sure the Dems and BHO called the UN to ask for riot help, and I imagine for help to fight Potus on our soil.
part of disbanding police will likley be a push for UN peacekeepers to be invited in the police less cities, just as bad as muslim sharia patrols.
luckily potus defends us from the UN and i imagine if he did not take such strong stances against corrupt totalitarian global orgs they would welcome these invitations.
potus is likely working to take over these orgs and purge the commies and NWO types out of them, he is a builder and eliminator of corruption as he has shown. so if he moves to reorg UN in the future i am sure he has a Plan. easier to take over UN than create a competitor me thinks.
in the interim no way he lets them do anything against him/us and no way nations volunteer 'peacekeepers' on our soil, or there will be hell to pay.