This is a email I was working on that has gotten quite large but outlines the events of this year, asking other anons for input and help, would like to sauce
Part 1
Also it looks like there are breakaways in the military, which may be drumming up support for their next move. It looks like they are trying to use their former positions to find others still in the military who would follow them in the next phase of ops which is looking to be a "government in exile." They will most likely use the "excessive force" line because Trump has responded to the rioting, or they will go the 25th amendment ruote and try to convince everyone he is insane. Either way they are running out of time and most the people putting their name out there also tend to have connections to some of the shittier things to happen out of the US. I am not 100% on this but it looks like they will try to pull out Obama as the exile president and that the riots were started to just build the "black" and allies support of such an illegal action. That is why certain cities have done nothing to control the situation and limit the damage. They also have been weakening law enforcement's ability to act via, stand down orders, having police/NG not wear protective gear, orders to kneel coming from comped leadership in police and unions, refusing national guard or trying to rescind them like in DC or as extreme as disbanding the police like they want to in Minnesota.I am not just going to make wild claims such as this and will over the day collect up some of the relevant information to support this. What is sad is this is happening so people do not pay for all the horrible things they have done, with the child traffic/ pedo shit being on one small part, it is just one tool they use to blackmail people. The compromised side is running out of time and is realizing that they will lose the next election in a landslide which makes them dangerous. Once they no longer think they win they will start to mobilize other means to win/not get caught, so far the last few plans they had have fallen flat. Last year was the year of "Alt right white nationalist shooters", thing is anyone who spent more than a few minutes looking into the facts would realize often the shooters were not white and often followed far left ideologies. But they can leave those details out when it does not fit the story and it only takes about 2 weeks to kill a story in the media by ignoring it. It is referred to as "new cycle" and takes advantage of the public's apathy, the fact they forget things after 2 weeks, and that they can be sidetracked by shiny objects "the stars in tv/movies/music."