Anonymous ID: b15b5f June 8, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.9538228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8234 >>8241 >>8249 >>8264 >>8278 >>8294 >>8304 >>8347 >>8430 >>8711 >>8792 >>8810

This is a email I was working on that has gotten quite large but outlines the events of this year, asking other anons for input and help, would like to sauce



Part 1

Also it looks like there are breakaways in the military, which may be drumming up support for their next move. It looks like they are trying to use their former positions to find others still in the military who would follow them in the next phase of ops which is looking to be a "government in exile."  They will most likely use the "excessive force" line because Trump has responded to the rioting, or they will go the 25th amendment ruote and try to convince everyone he is insane. Either way they are running out of time and most the people putting their name out there also tend to have connections to some of the shittier things to happen out of the US. I am not 100% on this but it looks like they will try to pull out Obama as the exile president and that the riots were started to just build the "black" and allies support of such an illegal action. That is why certain cities have done nothing to control the situation and limit the damage. They also have been weakening law enforcement's ability to act via, stand down orders, having police/NG not wear protective gear, orders to kneel coming from comped leadership in police and unions, refusing national guard or trying to rescind them like in DC or as extreme as disbanding the police like they want to in Minnesota.I am not just going to make wild claims such as this and will over the day collect up some of the relevant information to support this. What is sad is this is happening so people do not pay for all the horrible things they have done, with the child traffic/ pedo shit being on one small part, it is just one tool they use to blackmail people.  The compromised side is running  out of time and is realizing that they will lose the next election in a landslide which makes them dangerous. Once they no longer think they win they will start to mobilize other means to win/not get caught, so far the last few plans they had have fallen flat. Last year was the year of "Alt right white nationalist shooters", thing is anyone who spent more than a few minutes looking into the facts would realize often the shooters were not white and often followed far left ideologies. But they can leave those details out when it does not fit the  story and it only takes about 2 weeks to kill a story in the media by ignoring it. It is referred to as "new cycle" and takes advantage of the public's apathy, the fact they forget things after 2 weeks, and that they can be sidetracked by shiny objects "the  stars in tv/movies/music." 

Anonymous ID: b15b5f June 8, 2020, 3:58 p.m. No.9538241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8249 >>8264 >>8278 >>8304



So with the  ineffectiveness of those actions they moved to the next plan which was the lockdown/virus hoping that mass deaths would make it look like our government was unable to or choose not to help the public and therefore being responsible for the deaths. They are still trying to play this card but it is almost dead, they will claim a 2nd wave but when it does not materialize after all the rioting and lack of social distancing it will be hard for them to keep the story going. That would be why the impeachment got rushed out at the first news of the virus in China, they needed something shiny to distract the public so they would not pay attention to what was going on there. If the public paid too much attention to what was going on they would have demanded action sooner, which would have made it hard to infect the public. As people started to become aware they down played it, they kept repeating that  "we do not think it spreads through the air" mantra. When Trump put the flight restrictions they said he was racist and was overreacting. A couple weeks goes by and we find ourselves in March and all the sudden the news says the sky is falling and the virus is going to kill millions in the United States alone. People forgot about the earlier cries of "illegal flight restrictions" and the cries of "racsim", although that will still be useful later hence the reason they remind use of it often because people forget easy. So the new cry became we do not have enough hospitals,ventilators, protective equipment and Trump and the federal government failed at protecting US citizens. There was some partial truth here because the nation stockpile was ill equipped to handle this, but how did they know? Well that one is easy because they for many years failed to set aside money to repurchase supplies after the last few outbreaks over the last decade. Either through negligence or possibly even on purpose. Trump had inherited this but he was quickly put to blame in March for not being ready for such an outbreak. We got pretty lucky here for example NY was crying about needing 10s of thousand of ventilators, more than in the stockpile at the time (hmm how did they know), and was demanding they need them immediately. Had Trump back down and went the easy route to save face and gave them to NY other states would have received none, instead you told them they will get them if they really need them and that we were holding them back until that point. Again the media ran this as "he is holding back medical supplies for political reasons", this went on for awhile to get it firmly planted in the public's head until Trump finally disclosed that there was a limited supply in the stockpile, around 10,000. This in turn triggered the response that the federal government was not taking this seriously and it was not ready for such a disaster. This was countered very quickly by breaking out the defense production act and waving it around, and then asking businesses to switch production lines to produce medical supplies. At first some businesses drug their feet but after some very public battles the president won this one and put production into overdrive.

Anonymous ID: b15b5f June 8, 2020, 3:58 p.m. No.9538249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8264 >>8278 >>8304




We produced way more than we needed and actually still have auto plants making ventilators, the reasoning being that we need to rebuild our stockpile but also that the rest of the world is going to need them also. This is more of a "great game" move, in order to try limit the rapidly increasing influence China had world wide because they pretty much held most of the world's medical supplies and components for producing drugs. This gave them a lot of control over governments that were and still are crippled by the locksdowns and virus. It was meant as a way to say look China is saving the world why the US only cares about itself, with the goal of swaying countries to China.  Luckily the world has caught on that "China Is Asshoe" and they are not going to downplay the fact that they intentionally allowed it to spread. China knew last year when the first cases came out they had to hide it because it would slow growth rate and hinder their economy, and that if it had not entered other countries (specifically the US) they would be weakened in comparison and the Chinese do not like to appear to be weak, it hurts domestically and internationally. So they allowed it to spread, they allowed millions of Chinese to travel world wide for the lunar new year even though they had known about the virus for months. They also during this time started buying up all the protective equipment they could and shipping it back to China. Masks skyrocketed in Feb to $10 each, most online places sold out and even larger in store places were sold out. They had people in the US actually going to stores and buying them all up and mailing them back to China. The goal being that could control pretty much all the supplies needed to combat the virus. Most of that stuff was made in China and the US had very little in the way of existing production, 3m had a plant in Canada but they were shipping their stuff to China, until they were called out and then actions were taken to seize masks leaving the country. That is why the whole US is stealing other countries' masks popped up in the news. The media tried really hard to run with this story but eventually it fizzled. At the same time you had companies like haines, my pillow switching over their production lines to produce protective equipment. The seized shipments bought this country enough time to get our own production up and again we now send stuff out to the rest of the world. Again weaking China's attempt at holding the world "hostage" because of their monopoly on medical supplies. At this point in the timeline the virus/lockdown was starting to fizzle out. Even with all the lying, manipulated statistics, and propaganda the virus was never going to be the deadly event that they had hoped for.

Anonymous ID: b15b5f June 8, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.9538264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8278 >>8304





Without the virus being able to provide cover they moved forward with the next option: civil unrest. The majority of the population has had their income restricted for two months now and has been sitting on their ass at home. We have had scares of shortages, TP being  a good example, another being meat. China owns a lot of the meat processing plants in the US and they started and still are being shut down because of the virus. This has spiked meat prices and has led to intermeninet shortages, which the public notices and creates panic. Most of the public does not understand how the food industry works and therefore thinks we are running out, but the truth is the exact opposite, we have an excess of animals and nowhere to process them because the plants are closed. This is why farmers have had to cull (kill) animals because they have too many and no way of getting them into the supply chain. Some of this was corrected by changing USDA regulations, which allowed for distributors to send out wholesale products to grocery chains. A large amount of meat had been slated for the restaurants now closed and the only problem was the USDA required information was not on the packaging and the portions were larger, look in the meat aisle and you will find massive bulk packs of meat occasionally fairly cheap, I saw a 18lb brisket for less than $50 a couple weeks ago which was obviously meant for a restaurant. For the most part people are blind to this and all they see is the items are out that day and in the back of their mind these images build up giving them a false perception of reality because all they remember is the empty shelves and the media has been  making sure to remind them every chance they get. The goal has always been fear, because fear inhibits rational thinking and leads to an emotional based response which was needed for the next act.

Anonymous ID: b15b5f June 8, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.9538278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8285 >>8304 >>8561







The next twist in the story unofficially cured the virus, the death of George Flyod, locking people up for 2 months and trying to scare the shit out of them did not work only made them a little restless and those that were speaking out mainly wanted to go back to work. Instantly it became about a white cop killing a black man, it was instantly deemed racists and caused by white privilege, because there is no other possible explanation for the events. This sparked protests all over the US and even the world although I fail to see how other countries are responsible for the actions of a couple police officers in the US. People had already been exposed to a heavy psyop campaign of fear by the media and in a heightened state of alert commonly known as "fight or flight."  It was easy to capitalize upon this and get people in the streets, they were already upset and this was meant to be their breaking point. Now they could have just ran with it there but instead of leaving things up to chance they called out the foot soldiers, Antifa, to kick things up a notch. The bricks had been laid out, the molotov cocktails had been hidden in the bushes, they were ready. Destroy as much shit as possible to force a response and blame the protestors, who have some valid grievances for the destruction. Next the media runs the stories of the "boogaloo boys"  and other white supremists of whom were heavily armed and were about to attack the black protestors to start a race war. I am not saying that there were none of these people out there but they were not in the numbers the media wants you to believe, they needed a fall guy for some of the actions of antifa, someone for the protestors to turn their rage upon. They wanted the two sides to kill each other in the streets and send the cities into chaos. Eventually having it spill out into the surrounding areas. They were hoping for a heavy handed response from the federal government so they could blame it on Trump. So far this has failed but this is the "you are here" marker and now we are reaching the point I started writing about.After the repeated failed attempts to instill total chaos, more overt actions are now being taken.