best of luck to you swissanon
P4-RMA Falcon 900 departing Conarky Guinea after an inbound from Caracas, VZ
It is beleived to an AC used by Khalifa Haftar
The journey of Khalifa Haftar is custom-made for a Netflix mini-series
from yesterday
GNA says Sirte offensive launched as Haftar backs truce
Air raids carried out on Sirte by GNA forces as they reject Egypt-proposed ceasefire initiative.
don't steal my lighter…the general gave it to me.
be careful with this
not 2016 and (((they))) will not want to have a booming market going into the election like 2016 when they thought it was just a hand-off to hillbags
Exchange Stabilization Fund
The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) consists of three types of assets: U.S. dollars, foreign currencies, and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), which is an international reserve asset created by the International Monetary Fund.
The ESF can be used to purchase or sell foreign currencies, to hold U.S. foreign exchange and Special Drawing Rights (SDR) assets, and to provide financing to foreign governments. All operations of the ESF require the explicit authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury ("the Secretary").
The Secretary is responsible for the formulation and implementation of U.S. international monetary and financial policy, including exchange market intervention policy. The ESF helps the Secretary to carry out these responsibilities. By law, the Secretary has considerable discretion in the use of ESF resources.
The legal basis of the ESF is the Gold Reserve Act of 1934. As amended in the late 1970s, the Act provides in part that "the Department of the Treasury has a stabilization fund …Consistent with the obligations of the Government in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on orderly exchange arrangements and an orderly system of exchange rates, the Secretary …, with the approval of the President, may deal in gold, foreign exchange, and other instruments of credit and securities.
wow bruh… all you got?
keep spamming that shit in here.
and you are welcome for the honkler deep dream meme
and the volume is shit.
They are doing it as the markets have no basis in reality-you should know this by now.
It's a game you don't seem to understand very well.
would love to agree with that anon as I have plenty of it.
That appearance will only come when it's divorced from the paper trade-until then the raids and bullshit will continue.
not something I played with much
did some early on but quick in's/out's-they were not so quick settling then.
too many issues with them imo
good luck to you.