Anonymous ID: fcf7a5 June 8, 2020, 4:15 p.m. No.9538440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8452



>Dr. Steve Pieczenik on General Mattis.


>Contemplated military coup.


>Fire/Force Mark Esper.


>Fire/Force Gen. Milley.


>Trump walk emphasizing USA = Christian country.


>Anglican Church = Roman Catholic Church Lite


>Repetition Compulsion: Understand that people like Colin Powell are the same people who lied about everything, My Lai, Anthrax, WMD, 9/11.


>Biden has senile dementia.


>We are a Republic, not a democracy. Problems/virus/shutdown dealt with imperfectly, but Trump will re-affirm constitutional rights & increase economy.


>He who excuses himself, will accuse himself.


Notable Dr. Steve Pieczenik on General Mattis.

Anonymous ID: fcf7a5 June 8, 2020, 4:28 p.m. No.9538607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8674 >>8769 >>8783 >>8797 >>8882 >>8914 >>8929 >>8930








…What in that speech is divisive? Spending serious time flatly condemning the killing of George Floyd divides the American people? Speaking to George Floyd’s family is divisive? To say “America needs creation, not destruction, cooperation, not contempt, security, not anarchy and there will be no anarchy. Civilization must be cherished, defended, and protected” is dividing Americans? Saying, “Let us also commit to a brighter future for all of our citizens right here on earth. When Americans are united, there is nothing we cannot do” is now not uniting?


With all due respect, the General is simply not paying attention — or, worse, he is paying attention and is deliberately misrepresenting the president to score political points with the Washington Establishment and the Trump-hating media.


In either case, what Gen. Mattis is doing here is wrong. Seriously wrong, divisive, and totally unworthy of an American patriot.