Part 5
> cured the virus, the death of George Flyod, locking people up
cured the virus: the death of George Floyd. Locking people up
>them a little restless and those that were
them a little restless, and those that were
>was instantly deemed racists
>get people in the streets, they were already
get people in the streets- they were already
>Now they could have just ran with it there
Now they could have just run with it there
>some valid grievances for the destruction
some valid grievances, for the destruction
>Next the media runs the stories
Next, the media ran the stories
> supremists of whom were heavily armed
supremacists, some of whom were heavily armed
>media wants you to believe, they needed a fall guy for some of the actions of antifa, someone
media wants you to believe. They needed a fall guy for some of the actions of Antifa, someone
> and send the cities into chaos. Eventually having
and send the cities into chaos; eventually it would spill out
> I started writing about.After
need a space after the period