Anonymous ID: 78d344 June 8, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.9539186   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hello! I have edits/proofreading corrections for you - I took so long, the General thread finished, so TY for making this thread. And thank you for writing!!


It is not a joke when anons say that editors/proofreaders are standing by, ready to help whenever needed!


I will tag each Part# post with the edits/proofreading corrections for it.

Anonymous ID: 78d344 June 8, 2020, 5:21 p.m. No.9539207   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9538466 Part 1

>>9538490 Part 1 orphan sentence

→ None of these are editorial (changing the information or the tone) - all just grammatical.


>Also it looks like

Eliminate also, begin first sentence:

It looks like

>the 25th amendment ruote


> refusing national guard

National Guard

>child traffic/ pedo shit being on one small

being only one

> They also have been weakening law enforcement's ability to act via, stand down orders

>referred to as "new cycle"

"news cycle"

Remove , after via

>the stars

eliminate extra space

Anonymous ID: 78d344 June 8, 2020, 5:22 p.m. No.9539214   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Part 2

>the ineffectiveness

eliminate extra space

>government was unable to or choose

was unable or chose not to

>card but it is almost dead, they will claim

insert so after comma: almost dead, so they will

>useful later hence the reason

later, hence

>people forget easy

people forget quickly

> new cry became we do not

"we do not enough hospitals, ventilators, or protective equipment,"

>the nation stockpile was ill equipped

the national stockpile was ill-equipped

>set aside money to repurchase supplies

replenish supplies

>over the last decade -either through negligence

(the 2nd sentence is a fragment)

>lucky here for example NY

lucky here for example, NY

>Had Trump back down

backed down

>and went the easy route

gone the easy route

gave them to NY, other

> instead you told them

instead, he told them

>for political reasons", this

for political reasons." This

Anonymous ID: 78d344 June 8, 2020, 5:24 p.m. No.9539233   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For some of these, it was easier to re-write the sentence. You will see.


Part 3

We produced way more than we needed and actually still have auto plants making ventilators, the because America needs to rebuild our stockpile and the rest of the world is going to need them also.

> a "great game" move, in order to try

a "great game" move in order to try

It was meant as a way to say "look, China is saving the world while the US only cares about itself," with the goal of swaying countries to China.

> They also during this time started buying up

Also during this time, they started buying up

>and even larger in store places were sold out.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here - larger stores? larger stores' stock was depleted?

>They had people in the US actually going to stores and buying them all up and mailing them back to China. The goal being that could control pretty much all the supplies needed to combat the virus.

The Chinese government had people in the US go to stores and buy all the masks and mail them to China, so they could control all the supplies needed to combat the virus.

>That is why the whole US is stealing other countries' masks popped up in the news.

That is why the whole " the US is stealing other countries' masks" popped up in the news.

> At the same time you had companies like haines, my pillow switching over

At the same time, US companies like Haines and My Pillow switching over

>point in the timeline the virus/lockdown

point in the timeline, the virus/lockdown

Anonymous ID: 78d344 June 8, 2020, 5:35 p.m. No.9539377   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part 4

>able to provide cover they moved

able to provide cover, they moved

>TP being a good example, another being meat.

TP is one good example, another is meat.

>China owns a lot of the meat processing plants in the US and they started and still are being shut down because of the virus.

There are two conflicting statements in one sentence - China started what?

Are you saying:

China started shutting down their meat processing and packing plants, and they are still shut down today.

If not, it needs clarifying.

>bulk packs of meat occasionally fairly cheap, I saw a

occasionally for fairly cheap. I saw a

>a couple weeks ago which was obviously meant

that was obviously meant

> For the most part people are blind to this and all they see is the items are out that day and in the back of their mind these images build up giving them a false perception of reality because all they remember is the empty shelves and the media has been making sure to remind them every chance they get.

For the most part, people are blind to this and all they see is the items are sold out that day, and it reminds them of the media imagery of empty store shelves which gave them a false perception of reality, and the media has been making sure to remind them every chance they get.

Anonymous ID: 78d344 June 8, 2020, 5:44 p.m. No.9539475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part 5

> cured the virus, the death of George Flyod, locking people up

cured the virus: the death of George Floyd. Locking people up

>them a little restless and those that were

them a little restless, and those that were

>was instantly deemed racists


>get people in the streets, they were already

get people in the streets- they were already

>Now they could have just ran with it there

Now they could have just run with it there

>some valid grievances for the destruction

some valid grievances, for the destruction

>Next the media runs the stories

Next, the media ran the stories

> supremists of whom were heavily armed

supremacists, some of whom were heavily armed

>media wants you to believe, they needed a fall guy for some of the actions of antifa, someone

media wants you to believe. They needed a fall guy for some of the actions of Antifa, someone

> and send the cities into chaos. Eventually having

and send the cities into chaos; eventually it would spill out

> I started writing about.After

need a space after the period