Part 2
So with the ineffectiveness of those actions they moved to the next plan which was the lockdown/virus hoping that mass deaths would make it look like our government was unable to or choose not to help the public and therefore being responsible for the deaths. They are still trying to play this card but it is almost dead, they will claim a 2nd wave but when it does not materialize after all the rioting and lack of social distancing it will be hard for them to keep the story going. That would be why the impeachment got rushed out at the first news of the virus in China, they needed something shiny to distract the public so they would not pay attention to what was going on there. If the public paid too much attention to what was going on they would have demanded action sooner, which would have made it hard to infect the public. As people started to become aware they down played it, they kept repeating that "we do not think it spreads through the air" mantra. When Trump put the flight restrictions they said he was racist and was overreacting. A couple weeks goes by and we find ourselves in March and all the sudden the news says the sky is falling and the virus is going to kill millions in the United States alone. People forgot about the earlier cries of "illegal flight restrictions" and the cries of "racsim", although that will still be useful later hence the reason they remind use of it often because people forget easy. So the new cry became we do not have enough hospitals,ventilators, protective equipment and Trump and the federal government failed at protecting US citizens. There was some partial truth here because the nation stockpile was ill equipped to handle this, but how did they know? Well that one is easy because they for many years failed to set aside money to repurchase supplies after the last few outbreaks over the last decade. Either through negligence or possibly even on purpose. Trump had inherited this but he was quickly put to blame in March for not being ready for such an outbreak. We got pretty lucky here for example NY was crying about needing 10s of thousand of ventilators, more than in the stockpile at the time (hmm how did they know), and was demanding they need them immediately. Had Trump back down and went the easy route to save face and gave them to NY other states would have received none, instead you told them they will get them if they really need them and that we were holding them back until that point. Again the media ran this as "he is holding back medical supplies for political reasons", this went on for awhile to get it firmly planted in the public's head until Trump finally disclosed that there was a limited supply in the stockpile, around 10,000. This in turn triggered the response that the federal government was not taking this seriously and it was not ready for such a disaster. This was countered very quickly by breaking out the defense production act and waving it around, and then asking businesses to switch production lines to produce medical supplies. At first some businesses drug their feet but after some very public battles the president won this one and put production into overdrive.