Those movies have always disturbed me on a spiritual level. I have never had even a glimmer of doubt that they were essentially a documentary. I also thought that the characters are real people the creator/writer knows that related their stories. Just a feeling I have always had. Hostel is so much more than just a couple of movies. It's dead on balls accurate depictions of real life. Sick.
I keep saying this but it bears repeating… I very highly doubt that it's HRC. Hills legs are like tree trunks. She has the gams of a hippopotamus. The legs in that SS are too thin to belong to the Queen of Cankles. JMO.
That's what they tried to play it off as once the got caught. It's not a mannequin challenge at all.
They claimed it was the mannequin challenge after they got caught FFS. If it was just for the picture, why do they start screaming and begging for help after standing still? Wouldn't they just get up because they took the shot? Instead they get the shot and then they all start screaming like they are in a real situation. Mannequin challenge my ass.