Khazarian Mafia's Long-Planned 666 Revolution Fizzles
Ben Fulford 6/8/20
The forces of light scored a huge victory against the Khazarian Satanists as their long-planned 2020/06/06/.06 offensive was stopped dead in its tracks, multiple sources agree. Instead of massive bloodshed involving armed demonstrators (million man occupation of the white house) and the U.S. military, there was a small, peaceful march against racism.
This was because the armed saboteurs and their financial backers were all rounded up before their planned climax of mayhem, Pentagon sources say.
The plan that was stopped, (with or without divine intervention) aimed to use massive bloodshed to replace the Republic of the United States with a draconian totalitarian government.
As Rothschild front man George Soros, told Bild Magazine in September 2014:
“I’m going to bring down the U.S. by funding black hate groups. We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate.”
Note: attempts to label this quote as fake appear at the top of internet searches such as “Lead Stories” but NSA sources say it’s real.
U.S. military intelligence says the rioting was stopped only after over a thousand armed looters were shot. In addition, U.S. and Russian Special Forces teams went around hunting down and killing the financiers and Khazarian agents stoking the flames.
Also, on June 5th U.S. military White Hats found and disarmed three nuclear devices, seized countless pipe-bombs, and arrested two snipers,” according to NSA sources.
CIA sources, for their part, are saying the trigger for the recent chaos really was the murder of George Floyd.
“George Floyd was a hit. [His killer] Derek Chauvin was controlled by dirty PD & organized crime involved in sex-trafficking. Young girls/teens were being sold. The club where Floyd & Chauvin worked was cover. Floyd tried to get out. He talked. Chauvin is already dead. This is why they burned the club and the cop shop.”
So according to these sources, his death was real and not a staged psy-op as many believe. In any case, paid Antifa=Al Qaeda=ISIS agents used the death as the trigger for their planned insurrection, CIA sources say.
As a part of this, they began releasing hardened criminals onto the street and paying them to cause mayhem. “Every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested was released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner,” the CIA sources note.
NSA sources add the electromagnetic wavelengths that are known to agitate people were pumped last week through TV stations, especially those with large African American audiences.
The military White Hats were able to turn this situation around by June 6th. So that in the end “black lives matter” protests on four continents, North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia may have led to real police reform,” Pentagon sources say.
“Now the city, county, state, and national policy changes are banning Israeli knee-on-neck training of local and federal law enforcement,” they say.
Furthermore, they add, the Pentagon has been banned from donating surplus military equipment to police departments.
Also, Palestinian lives matter protests in Israel and the U.S. are setting the ground for economic sanctions and war crimes prosecutions against Israeli criminals like Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the sources say.
Israel will be forced “not just to cancel annexation [of the West Bank] but to end the occupation and apartheid,” the Pentagon sources promise.