Anonymous ID: 207359 June 9, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.9547592   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Given that the lack of a firm date has left the elite in the establishment unable to effect Martial Law, what measures are they planning during the agonizing wait? Increasing weather and quake related disasters, the looming presence of a Bright Object next to the Sun, the disconcerting arrival of Red Dust in the atmosphere, and blustering scientists unable to explain any of it satisfactorily, have pressed their plan to stonewall to the point of cracking. Had our Dates of May 15 or May 20 held, the public would simply have been dispensed with, the media shut down, and the elite smug about how they disinformed the public. Now that they are in the same boat as the common man, an agonizing wait, and the cracks in their stone wall, the lack of an adequate explanation, pressing them, they must muster forth an alternate plan. Short of telling the truth, an abomination to this establishment used to lying about almost everything to enhance their perch atop the common man, what can they say?


trust your government, they will care for and protect you

we didn’t know

we did the best we could

here’s the plan


Where the wealthy elite in fact arrange via their wealth to install the politics they want in government, and where these governments only give lip service to the common man who pays for it all via taxes or other tribute, they will until the last minute insist that they, the Governments who have failed to alert mankind, be looked to for direction. Should you trust them? How likely is it that they did not know? They had, and withheld, Hubble images, SOHO images of the Sun, and information from probes sent forth regularly toward Planet X. The common man, who pays for this setup, is told only what the establishment wants them to know, not the truth. Will the common man, seeing a monstrous red and writhing glowing orb in the sky, seeing rotation slowing to a stop, believe that the US and Russia and their cronies did not know this was approaching? They hope you will! They hope you will act like the mindless drones they assume you to be! Now, here’s the plan!


leave the coastal or river basin cities and move into government run camps

allow self-appointed Pied Pipers to lead the masses

ignore the source that predicted 2003, the inbound route, and the current earth changes

assign the church or local do-gooders to manage the death camps, until death


Whom should you trust, when a limited amount of information is finally dribbled out to the common man. Government spokespersons? They will advise you to trust a government that has shown zero interest in informing the public, while clearly preparing to save the elite among them. They will advise you to move into government sponsored camps, run by the church and local agencies concerned about welfare, and leave the lot to drown or starve. They will most certainly avoid any source that advises otherwise, such as ourselves, the obvious source of truth in that we predicted the timing, the manner, and the outcome of the passage as did No Other. Should you trust the new Pied Pipers who will be placed before you as times get tense? Consider the source. Consider the lack of truth coming from these sources in the past. Consider who controls the media, and look at the cold hand of evil behind any such attempts


Looking at Q

Anonymous ID: 207359 June 9, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.9548002   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Weak…… Where are the e mails…. Where is wieners laptop….. Most of the NYPD that has seen it is dead. All that was found in pizzagate. Where the fuck is justice….. Q is the deep state or on the bad side…..


Fuck these dumb cunts

Anonymous ID: 207359 June 9, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.9548079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Where those in power positions around the world, what we refer to as the establishment, are firmly determined not to have panic in the populace break out and will thus work to prevent any full disclosure of the coming pole shift, they cannot prevent or suppress all word of this. At some point, the excuses of Global Warming or solar cycles or a wobbling jet stream are too weak to explain utterly confused weather patterns and heightened volcanic activity. At some point, the worry over the rising price of food causes hard questions about steps the government will take, and the answers found oddly vague or the plan without substance. Has the government not noticed, or do they have plans not yet revealed? Those who have formerly been distracted will begin to look, and ask questions, and the establishment will find themselves in need of spin control. How to keep the public from being aware, yet answer the questions so as to settle alarm?


Absolute Denial

Absolute denial is a ploy often used, and most often first used, by liars. The philandering husband finds that absolute denial regarding questions about lipstick on his collar or that blond hair on his suit jacket settles the wife back into her role as laundress and housekeeper. She prefers not to know, and will accept his firm statement as a reassurance. Absolute denial requires two things in order to succeed - the liar and a desire to be comfortable, to return to the daily routine, in those being lied to. Thus, absolute denial is the first ploy that will be used by the establishment when faced with the need for spin control. There are no crop shortages, in fact there is a boom crop in this or that part of the world or country. There is no increase in the severity of storms, in fact history tells us that climatic swings have happened in the past, so this is normal and when averaged out over years or eons is not extreme. Those wanting the discomfort of anxiety removed will grasp at the reassurance with a sigh of relief.


Stay Tuned …

The populace, busy with their life and seldom having an opportunity to lift their eyes to the horizon and think about what might be coming, relies on their government to do this for them and the media to inform them of such trends and plans. Given rising food prices or disasters such as floods and droughts, they are encouraged to feel certain that their government is taking steps. What they need, in order to continue in this facade, is reassurance. Thus, as matters get worse, going into the pole shift, the public can expect an increasing patter of announcements about studies, research, government programs, committees being formed, and all staffed by experts well known to the public or with impeccable credentials. Those wanting to get back to their busy life, relying on a parent figure to handle matters for them in the larger view, will make a note of this and put their worries aside. Someone else is handling this, I’ll just stay tuned.



As all trial lawyers know, one has only to create an element of doubt in the jurors minds to counter the opposition’s statements. She was raped by Bruto there, and the doctors confirm sexual contact and bruises, but she has, as reported by Buddy here, been promiscuous and have a liking for rough sex. Any argument, or conclusion, can be countered by any statement casting doubt. If the oceans are rising, heating up from the bottom up, this is because of Global Warming, and as the average man knows that warm air in a room will melt ice cubes in a glass, he buys this. Unless one is highly logical and informed, with the capacity to balance and mentally entertain many factors at once, this argument flies. If Global Warming is the cause, then why increased volcanic activity, and is the increased temperature in the air enough to make the poles melt? The average person, however, will accept that the statement has opposition, has been countered, and put it out of their mind.