Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.9547751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7849 >>7884 >>7913 >>8077 >>8162

De Blasio to Rename Prominent Street in Each New York Borough to ‘Black Lives Matter’


New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced that he will be renaming a street in each of the city’s boroughs to “Black Lives Matter.”


This comes after Mayor Muriel Bowser honored the people terrorizing small businesses and local communities by renaming a street by the White House to the same thing.


Just like the eyesore in DC, de Blasio said that the words will also be painted in the streets.


“A proposal put on the table was to name streets in each borough and to paint the words on the streets of this city. In each borough, at a crucial location,” de Blasio said. “What will be clear in the street name and on the streets of our city is that message that now our city must fully, fully, deeply feel – and this nation must as well – that Black Lives Matter.”


The Hill reports that one of the locations will be near City Hall in Manhattan, and the other locations will be decided by activists and city leaders.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.9547778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7783 >>7795 >>7805 >>7849 >>7913 >>8162

LET THE CITIES BURN: Sen. Kamala Harris Is Latest Democrat to Applaud Defunding the Police


Kamala Harris is the latest Democrat to applaud efforts to defund the police.


After Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced he would cut $150 million from the city’s police budget – despite California Governor Gavin Newsom’s need to deploy the National Guard to help curb violence and looting in LA – Harris went on GMA this morning and said, “I applaud Eric Garcetti for doing what he’s done.”


Kamala applauds these efforts.


It’s no surprise Harris would embrace defunding the police. Not only does Harris think it’s “wrong” that “police equals more safety,” Harris wants to “start from scratch” with ICE, she has compared ICE to the KKK, and she said she wants to have a “conversation” about terrorists voting from prison.


Note: While Joe Biden may feign opposition to defunding the police, if he was actually opposed to the movement that is gaining steam in the Democrat Party, he would condemn the calls from within his party loud and clear.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.9547790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7794 >>7835 >>7859 >>7886

Top De Blasio Aid Quits In Protest, Accuses NYC Mayor Of Being Too Kind To Police


As public opinion coalesces around the view that at least some police reforms are needed, radical leftists and their allies in the press are capitalizing on the surge in public resentment toward the police to push a radical agenda Meanwhile, President Trump effectively plays right into their hands by doubling down on his attacks on demonstrators (demonstrators who even Trump has at times defended).


We've tried to highlight examples of this as the Minneapolis City Council "committed" on Sunday to dismantling the city's police department and building a new "public safety" department in its place, while NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and "mayor in waiting" Comptroller Scott Stringer have called for siphoning more than $1 billion in funding from the NYPD and shifting it to social and youth services. When the protest movement started, it was a backlash against police brutality, a problem that has plagued the public for decades, and has been increasingly spotlighted in the age of cellphone video cameras that have ushered in a new age of accountability.


Police Unions and entrenched interests have continued to reflexively resist reform (after all, that's what public employee unions are designed to do, unless the "reform" somehow lessens their memberships responsibilities or increases their compensation); meanwhile, radical leftists have pushed to move the goalposts, calling for the all-out abolition of police. 10 years ago, this would be unimaginable. Yet, here we are.


Anybody with an ounce of common sense can probably imagine some less-than-desirable consequences to abolishing police departments. But in a sign of just how removed the far-left truly is from the perspective of the ordinary American moderate, consider this: Alison Hirsh,, a senior advisor to NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, just left his office in protest over his treatment of the NYPD.


Hirsch wasn't fired for criticizing her boss; instead, she's being transferred to another city department and will retain her cushy $200k+ salary and generous city benefits (including a taxpayer funded pension).

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.9547800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7878 >>7913 >>8162

Iran to execute ‘CIA agent’ who helped US target Quds Force General Soleimani – judiciary


Tehran’s judiciary has sentenced to death an Iranian man convicted of disclosing the whereabouts of Qassem Soleimani, the renowned chief of the elite Quds Force, who died in a US missile strike earlier this year.


Mahmoud Mousavi-Majd, as he was identified by an Iranian judiciary spokesman, has been sentenced to capital punishment by a “revolutionary court.” The man, who is said to have worked for the CIA and Israel’s secret service Mossad, was a source of information on the location of Qassem Soleimani, a long-serving commander of Iran’s shadowy Quds Force.


General Soleimani, who rose to fame during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, led the Quds Force – the most secretive part of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard Corps – from 1998 until his death in January 2020.


He was killed in a targeted missile strike while traveling from Baghdad Airport with a few of his aides and commanders of Iraq’s Shiite militias. Tehran vowed to avenge Soleimani’s killing even before his remains were laid to rest in his hometown of Kerman.


On January 8, Iran launched volleys of missiles at two bases that housed US troops on Iraqi soil. The assault, largely viewed as a warning sign from Tehran, caused damage to military hardware but inflicted no human casualties – although over 100 troops were later diagnosed with brain injuries, according to the Pentagon.


Tehran notified Baghdad before the attack, and the early warning was reportedly passed on to the US military.


Washington later defended the decision to assassinate Soleimani, insisting the general plotted attacks against American forces and had a “horrible past.” Nevertheless, the US’ own defense secretary admitted that he “didn’t see” any specific evidence to suggest those attacks were imminent.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.9547826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7869 >>7959 >>7994

Donations, Including International Funding, to Go Directly to the DNC – This Is Money Laundering appears to be an international money laundering scheme used by the Democrats to raise money from an international audience.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.9547862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7877 >>7883 >>7918 >>8162

US Space Force to lose 1st battle? Netflix already secured trademarks for self-titled show, reports say


Netflix's hit comedy show 'Space Force,' a satirical depiction of the US military, reportedly had registered a trademark for the use of the name before the newly-established branch of the armed forces.


The streaming service filed a trademark application for Space Force as early as January of 2019, cementing its rights in multiple places, including Europe, Australia, and Mexico, according to Hollywood Reporter. The similarly-named arm of the US military – passionately endorsed by Donald Trump – owns only a pending application for registration in the United States.


The US Patent and Trademark Office usually grants trademarks on a "first-to-use" basis, which means that priority is given to whichever entity was first to put a name or a brand to use. But in many other countries, trademarks are reserved on a "first-to-file" approach – and this is where Netflix left the US military far behind.


Netflix's Space Force debuted in late-May; it satirically portrays a fictitious orbital fighting force and the political context around it. The main characters in the show are members of America's top military brass as well as a handful of space exploration geeks.


All in all, trademark law generally allows for the use of similar names in different industries. But as Hollywood Reporter notes, a legal battle could break out if the existence of the two Space Forces plays into merchandise confusion, with customers unable to see who makes a product they buy, Netflix or the US Air Force.


Aside from the branding issues, the US Space Force, founded with great fanfare last December, was caught red-faced when it emerged that their logo conspicuously resembled Star Trek's famous Starfleet emblem.


All in all, trademark law generally allows for the use of similar names in different industries. But as Hollywood Reporter notes, a legal battle could break out if the existence of the two Space Forces plays into merchandise confusion, with customers unable to see who makes a product they buy, Netflix or the US Air Force.


Aside from the branding issues, the US Space Force, founded with great fanfare last December, was caught red-faced when it emerged that their logo conspicuously resembled Star Trek's famous Starfleet emblem.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.9547876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LAPD Investigating Cali Lawyer Who Called For Cops To Be Murdered


Rose-emoji-loving Democratic Socialists seemingly never stop complaining about "dangerous" threatening behavior - at least, so long as the threats are directed against other leftists.


But a white defense attorney in San Gabriel is reportedly under investigation by the LAPD after he published two Instagram posts offering to defend "one or two" cop killers pro bono, claiming that it is "high time" that "somebodies granddad [put] a couple of hollow points between the eyes of these PTSD-addled rednecks."


He added that it "wouldn't be the first time I've represented terrorists".


Here's more at FoxLA:


A San Gabriel criminal defense attorney is under LAPD investigation after posts from his Instagram account called for police to be murdered offered free legal representation to anyone who kills a cop.


FOX 11 exclusively obtained screenshots of highly disturbing social media posts allegedly authored by attorney Mark McBride on Instagram.


Reps from the LAPD police union responded to a request for comment from FoxLA, saying they found the comments "disturbing."


"When we first saw the comments it was disgust, it was anger," said Sgt. Jerretta Sandoz, Vice President of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, the union that represents LAPD rank and file.


"There are so many good police officers in this country and to be painted with a broad brush and then threatened with bodily harm, just for wearing a uniform, it’s disheartening and disgusting."


In a phone call with FOX 11, LAPD called the comments extremely disturbing and said an investigation was underway.


McBride didn’t return any of my calls, texts, or emails on Monday.


When we stopped by the Beverly Hills address his website lists as his law office, nobody there had heard of him and the owners of the property told me they do not lease out any space to anyone named Mark McBride.


The backlash to his instagram posts has clearly been severe enough to upend the life of the poster - a lawyer named Mark McBride. When a FoxLA reporter approached him at a small office he apparently uses for his work (it was listed on his bar license), a "disheveled" man who initially denied being McBride, before affirming that he had no comment, and asking the reporter to please just go away.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.9547894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7961

The Fed’s Mission Impossible


The markets were giddy Friday after a much better than expected jobs report boosted optimism for a quick v-shaped recovery as the economy opens back up. But in his podcast Friday, Peter Schiff poured some cold water on this notion. He said given the amount of stimulus that the Federal Reserve and the US government have pumped into the economy, unwinding it all will be mission impossible.


Friday’s Labor Department unemployment report was a real shocker. Analysts expected another big month of job losses in May. Instead, the economy added just over 2.5 million jobs. The unemployment rate fell from 14.7% to 13.3%.


We know there were a significant number of layoffs in May. New unemployment claims averaged around 2 million a week. But apparently, a lot of the 20 million-plus people who lost their jobs in April were rehired in May.


How do we make sense of these numbers?


Peter said he thinks a lot of the rehiring was incentivized by government programs.


Remember, one of the reasons is the government is paying companies either to not fire people in the first place or to rehire them. Remember, when you took out a loan, the PPP loans – Payroll Protection Program – it’s a grant if you don’t fire anybody. And if you fire people, as long as you bring them back, then you don’t have to repay the loan. So, there probably was a lot of pressure on a lot of businesses to rehire people that they probably don’t even need. But if they don’t bring them back, they’re going to have to pay back the PPP loan, so they brought them back anyway. “


If this is true, then a lot of the people who got rehired may well end up getting refired.


You don’t have to keep these people on the books permanently in order not to repay the loan. You just have to get them back on the books long enough to get the loan forgiven. And remember, there’s a lot of other companies, like the airlines, for example, who got a lot of bailout money upfront on the condition that they didn’t lay people off. Well, there’s a date where now they can start laying people off. So, I think we have a lot of artificial incentives or interference in the market.”


On top of that, the government is spending a lot of money it doesn’t have. Deficits are exploding. The Federal Reserve is printing trillions of dollars. All to keep people employed.


How great would these [unemployment] numbers be if it wasn’t for these massive deficits and all this money printing that is simply postponing a lot of the layoffs that were going to happen eventually anyway? In fact, we may end up exacerbating the number of layoffs because we may be financially weakening a lot of these companies with the incentives that we put into place.”


Peter said that it’s ironic that even with the surprising jobs report, President Trump is calling for more stimulus.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.9547924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8001

This is the Problem: Police Chief Fired for Supporting Rights of Armed Citizens to Protect Property


Lowell, MI — Over the last two weeks, anger in the US toward the establishment spilled over into the streets and while much of that anger was devoted toward government property and law enforcement, another unfortunate reality unfolded shortly after. Opportunists would exploit the the peaceful protests for personal gain and loot and destroy private property.


Looting and rioting has leveled dozens of small businesses and mom and pop shops have seen their life’s work — which was already struggling from the lockdown — burn to the ground. During the destruction, however, many folks refused to lay down and let the looting crush their part of the American dream.


Armed to teeth with semi-automatic assault rifles and handguns, multiple gun owners — both black and white — have reportedly been coming together to protect their private business from looters.


As cops focused on arresting and pepper spraying journalists, thieves and vandals were roaming free, and emptying the shelves of mom and pop shops while laying waste to others. The only deterrent to these bad actors destroying and robbing businesses were good actors — with big guns — who were there to stop them.


Those who protected their businesses with guns were not looted. Unfortunately, however, there is a sentiment in many parts of the country that is anti-self-defense. People who do not rely on cops to keep them safe are looked down upon by many.


One supporter of citizens practicing self-defense was Lowell police chief Steven Bukala who posted on Facebook that he supports people who protect themselves and their town from would-be looters.


Last week, the Lowell Police Department took to its Facebook page to claim they support the Second Amendment.


“We at the Lowell Police Department support the legally armed citizen and the Second Amendment,” the chief wrote on the department’s Facebook page.


This entirely peaceful and pro-freedom message was then met with backlash by those who have nothing better to do than to attack the few good cops left who uphold the constitution. The chief then defended his position on his personal Facebook page.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.9547935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8162

Qatar spends billions to support Islamist causes in the West


Qatar allegedly continues to spend billions of dollars to support and finance terrorist and extremist operations throughout Europe. International newspapers have reported that Qatar sends its funds through the Qatar Charity Foundation, which the government recently used to send 71 million euros to the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe under a charitable cover.


Recently, French journalists Georges Malbrunot and Christian Chesnot published a 295-page book titled “Qatar Papers – How the State Finances Islam in France and Europe”, which provides evidence that Qatar is sending large sums of money to the Muslim Brotherhood in order to fund their projects around Europe.


The British newspaper The Times, has also confirmed that the Qatari “Al-Rayan” bank in Britain was involved in providing financial services to terrorist-linked organizations in the United Kingdom.


Another report said that Qatar allegedly spends billions of dollars to penetrate the Western education system to improve the image of the Qatari regime, and to fund Islamist propaganda for the benefit of Doha.


Qatar’s financial contributions to fund a range of educational initiatives at 28 American universities exceed more than 1.5 billion dollars, making it one of the most prolific foreign funders in the American educational system.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.9547949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7963 >>8162

Journalist who was gang-raped trashes Minneapolis City Council president's 'privilege' remarks


'Would have been great to have a police force to call then'


Journalist Lara Logan — who was sexually assaulted by a mob in Egypt in 2011 — slammed Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender for suggesting that concerns over criminals breaking into people's homes come "from a place of privilege."


Bender made the comments during an appearance on CNN Monday where she discussed the council's pledge to "dismantle" the city's police department and replace it with a "transformative new model of public safety" in response to George Floyd's death late last month.


"I remember when I was being gang-raped & beaten by a mob in Egypt, would have been great to have a police force to call then," Logan tweeted in response to Bender. "Would that have been my white privilege talking?"


"My heart breaks for every victim of racial injustice," Logan added to the tweet thread. "And for every person, including police, killed by the mob of anarchists & their powerful political backers. How long before they come for me? No idea. But there is only one truth. That's all we have."


Logan was working as a CBS News correspondent in 2011 when the sexual assault occurred. She was covering the street celebrations in Tahrir Square after President Hosni Mubarak's decision to step down when she was surrounded by a dangerous element of the crowd and separated from her team. She was then raped and beaten before being rescued by a group of women and Egyptian soldiers.


While many have criticized the growing movement to defund police in America, of which Bender is a figurehead, given her tragic past experiences, Logan's outrage at the notion of a "police-free world" is especially powerful.


Yet despite opposition from many, including Democratic Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, the council appears resolute in its mission to disband the city's police.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.9547951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK: Sadiq Khan creates commission to judge whether monuments conform to “diversity”


London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced today that he is creating a commission that will judge whether or not all of the city’s statues, monuments, plaques, street names, and the names of public buildings properly reflect “diversity.”


Khan’s move comes after rioters at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Bristol on Sunday tore down a 125-year-old statue of Edward Colston and threw it in the city’s harbour, as previously reported by Voice of Europe. Police refused to intervene against the rioters on the grounds that they “understand” why the rioters did it.


The Mayor made the announcement while being interviewed by the British media today. The institution will be named the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm. The Commission will be co-chaired by Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries Debbie Weekes-Bernard and Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries Justine Simons. Historians, council members, as well as community leaders and leaders in the arts will also sit on the Committee but have not yet been named.


He said that the Commission’s purview will be to examine all of the city’s landmarks for connections to slavery, according to a report by The Guardian. Landmarks which the Commission decides “do not reflect London’s values” will be removed.


Khan declined to name any specific landmarks that he believes should be eliminated, saying that will be a matter for the Commission to decide.


The Commission will also be able to intercede in discussions about the construction and naming of new landmarks and monuments.


“It is an uncomfortable truth that our nation and city owes a large part of its wealth to its role in the slave trade,” Khan said during the interview. “And while this is reflected in our public realm, the contribution of many of our communities to life in our capital has been wilfully ignored. This cannot continue.”


“The Black Lives Matter protests have rightly brought this to the public’s attention, but it’s important that we take the right steps to work together to bring change and ensure that we can all be proud of our public landscape,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.9547972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8162

Minnesota Freedom Fund Faces Scrutiny for Antifa and Soros Ties, Demands Defunding of Police


As major cities begin picking up the pieces after days of destruction, the rioters and looters can rest easy knowing that they have a get-out-of-jail-free card waiting for them. Bail-out charities are suddenly flush with cash, especially the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF), which has received an unprecedented level of donations from Hollywood stars including Justin Timberlake, Steve Carell, and Seth Rogen.


The revolution will be celebrified, thanks to aggressive Hollywood crowdsourcing.


The MFF’s stated objective is simple — it raises donations that it uses to bail out suspected criminals from jail and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention. The once-obscure group used to pull in a mere $110,000 a year in donations, according to public tax records. But since the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody, it has raked in more than $20 million in less than a week.


MFF’s sudden windfall raises questions about how the organization, which is led by a George Soros acolyte who is also a convicted drug offender, is actually spending its money. Are funds being used to bail out violent Antifa members? Will some of that cash find its way into the coffers of Democrat politicians or special interests?


The group’s aggressive demands to defund the police are also garnering attention. MFF is encouraging donations to Reclaim the Block, which has called for government divestment from the Minneapolis police. Reclaim is receiving financial support from the “Squad” — Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


MFF has been suspected of harboring Antifa sympathies through its close collaboration with the National Lawyers Guild, a radical leftist organization that has been called Antifa’s “unofficial legal arm.” President Donald Trump’s decision to classify Antifa as a domestic terror group could bring federal scrutiny to how MFF is using its money.


In the days since #BlackLivesMatter protests have swept the country, the MFF has become more brazen in its political rhetoric, including demands that Minnesota Gov. Tim Waltz (D) defund the police. It has also attracted support from prominent Democrat politicians — including several Joe Biden staffers.


MFF, which didn’t respond to a request for comment, is legally restricted from giving money to political campaigns due to its 501(c)(3) non-profit status.



Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.9548043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8162

Khan’s Red Guard: London Mayor Vows to Replace Monuments with Statues of LGBTQ+ and Minority Figures


Harkening back to the times of the Cultural Revolution in Maoist China, Sadiq Khan has announced a review of all landmarks in the British capital to determine whether they conform with the city’s values and ‘diversity’, suggesting that the supposedly racist monuments be replaced with tributes to LGBTQ+ and racial minority figures.


As monuments in British cities have been vandalised by Black Lives Matter and Antifa activists in the wake of the death of U.S. citizen George Floyd, the London mayor said that the city he represents is “one of the most diverse” in the world and therefore has tasked the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm to review the status all landmarks, including statues, memorials, street art, street names, and public murals.


“Our capital’s diversity is our greatest strength, yet our statues, road names and public spaces reflect a bygone era. It is an uncomfortable truth that our nation and city owes a large part of its wealth to its role in the slave trade, and while this is reflected in our public realm, the contribution of many of our communities to life in our capital has been wilfully ignored,” Khan said.


His announcement came after Black Lives Matter radicals tore down a statue of parliamentarian and philanthropist Edward Colston in Bristol over wealth he gained from the slave trade. Over the weekend, activists also defaced the statues of Abraham Lincoln and Sir Winston Churchill in London. Protesters were also witnessed attempting to burn the British flag on the Cenotaph, the nation’s war memorial.

Anonymous ID: 4fd433 June 9, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.9548063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8162

Mexican President Claims International Conspiracy Plotting to Remove Him


The president of Mexico claimed that business leaders, politicians, and international news outlets are conspiring to take control of the country’s legislature in 2021 and to remove him from office thereafter. While presidential terms in Mexico last six years, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) promised to hold a midterm election and step down if his ruling party performed poorly.


During his daily morning news conference, AMLO and the head of his press department, Jesus R. Cuevas, claimed they obtained “confidential” document outlining a plan by rivals to take control of the federal legislature in the 2021 elections and the 2022 Mandate Revocation.