Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.9548242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8443

DOJ Issues Official Demand To Prince Andrew: Speak With Us About Epstein


Justice Department officials filed a formal request, Monday, demanding that Britain’s Prince Andrew, who was known to be a close friend of convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein, submit to questioning in their investigation of Epstein’s global sex assault and sex trafficking ring.

“The request, made under a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty, or MLAT, is similar to a subpoena in this case for Prince Andrew’s testimony,” NBC News reported Monday. “It’s a rare move to seek an interview like this through MLAT, officials say, and it’s focused on making sure the investigation is as thorough as possible.”

The request was submitted to the United Kingdom’s Home Office, CNN added, the department of the U.K. government responsible for security matters.

The Department of Justice says that, despite public claims to the contrary, Prince Andrew has been unwilling to answer investigators’ questions about his relationship with Epstein and Epstein’s one-time girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, who is suspected of helping to run Epstein’s global sex trafficking ring. Prince Andrew admitted that he was friends with Epstein and Maxwell in a disastrous interview with the BBC’s “Newsnight.”

Questions also remain as to whether Prince Andrew participated in Epstein’s notorious parties, where Epstein paired rich and famous men with young girls. Prince Andrew denies any involvement with the operation. The DOJ said Monday that the Prince is not a target in their probe.

“Federal investigators have been trying for months to speak with the Duke of York, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II and a longtime friend of Epstein’s who has been accused by one woman of sexual abuse,” NBC News reported Monday, explaining the DOJ’s decision to issue a subpoena to Prince Andrew.

Prince Andrew’s legal team fired back at the DOJ, claiming “that the DOJ reacted to the first two offers of assistance by breaching its own confidentiality rules and claiming that Prince Andrew has offered zero cooperation.”

The team insists that Prince Andrew has offered to serve as a witness and answer questions. “Far from our client acting above the law, as has been implied by press briefings in the U.S., he is being treated by a lower standard than might reasonably be expected for any other citizen,” the team added. “In [issuing the statement, the DOJ] are perhaps seeking publicity rather than accepting the assistance proffered.”

Investigators have had difficulty piecing together the elements of Epstein’s operation. Epstein himself committed suicide in jail last year after being hit with a new round of sex crimes charges. Maxwell, who knew more about Epstein’s operation than perhaps any other individual, went into hiding after Epstein’s death. Before disappearing, she also denied any involvement in Epstein’s operation, though at least one civil lawsuit, filed in 2009, alleges that Maxwell was Epstein’s partner and was directly involved in identifying and grooming girls for his ring.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11 a.m. No.9548261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8274 >>8590 >>8762 >>8873 >>8934

Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is targeted AGAIN as it is covered in Black Lives Matter graffiti


President Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been defaced after it was covered with graffiti.


The star which sits along Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles was vandalized over the weekend after someone used black spray paint to completely cover the star and black it out.


What was left of the star was topped off with a plastic bag full of dog excrement that was dumped on top.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.9548268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8286 >>8383

Classism is the problem, not racism. Unity is the greatest weapon against the globalists and they recognize this, which is why we are divided in nearly every aspect of life.


Why does every major corporation want to talk about racism all of a sudden?


Something is fishy…


The goal is unity, which the globalists hate. They want to keep us divided.


They’ve created a damaged system that hires damaged police, which is an issue, but it’s not the overall issue that will bring about change. We have the wrong people in charge of our government, our financial system, etc.


People are #protesting worldwide, but in fall, we will be locked down again and you’ll let it happen willingly because you’re afraid of a boogeyman #virus because #CNN told you to be. #ChrisCuomo might go back to hiding in his basement. He looks perfectly fine.


It’s easy to hate each other with a crabs in a bucket mentality, but the globalists are holding the bucket and is about to dump the crabs into boiling water. The #Zionist Jews are pulling the strings and for anybody who wants to know how, message me on Telegram @SicSemperTyrannis74.


I feel like, we should NOT have time to hate each other due to skin color, but we have to fight against an oppressive system that keeps us docile. They treat us like we are their pets.


They’ve bailed out their corporate buddies, yet take their time contemplating relief for you and me?


Bill Gates hasn’t spoken on the protests, he just wants to stab you with #ApiJect, and fulfill his fetish for global immunization.


So now you have sheep wearing masks gathering by the hundreds to protest something that’s been happening for centuries?


Police are pawns; they’re a corrupt system no doubt, but like in gang hierarchy, they’re nothing but narcissistic foot soldiers.


The #FraternalOrderofPolice is a MASONIC organization also.


Stay tuned and get ready for the second wave of #coronavirus this fall! I’m going to the beach. Lol

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.9548281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8381

In 2 days US Debt to GDP has gone from 125.08 to 130.05% the US is speeding up exponentially to bankruptcy.


It’s interesting the yields on long dated treasuries have popped in the last few days

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.9548297   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police went on strike in 1919 and mass violence and looting took over Boston for 9 days. Governor Calvin Coolidge’s response propelled him to the White House. “There is no right to strike against the public safety, anywhere, anytime,”


Nothing better reveals the depth of the madness afoot in the land than the demands to defund or completely abolish the police. It’s bad enough for airhead celebrities, something worse for the formerly prestigious New York Times, and downright alarming for office-holders state and federal to indulge the fantasy that the thin blue line is all the separates us from anarchy, mob rule, and ultimately a dictatorship spawned by the need to restore order.


The experience of Baltimore following the Freddie Gray riots, when the police there stopped aggressively engaging in minority neighborhoods, ought to be enough to close the case. Even progressive thought leaders at the New York Times and Pro Publica called the results a “tragedy.”


[I]n the years that followed, Baltimore, by most standards, became a worse place. In 2017, it recorded 342 murders — its highest per-capita rate ever, more than double Chicago’s, far higher than any other city of 500,000 or more residents and, astonishingly, a larger absolute number of killings than in New York, a city 14 times as populous. Other elected officials, from the governor to the mayor to the state’s attorney, struggled to respond to the rise in disorder, leaving residents with the unsettling feeling that there was no one in charge. With every passing year, it was getting harder to see what gains, exactly, were delivered by the uprising.


Mind you, the police were not abolished or even defunded. They were simply chastened and behaved as the demonstrators demanded — with a light hand and withdrawing at times from neighborhoods where they were denounced as racists.


Fortunately, there is a real-life experiment in complete withdrawal of police protection that occurred a century ago that is available to learn from. The Boston Police Strike that began September 9, 1919 led to immediate looting and chaos as soon as the sun went down. In August, Boston police had voted to form a union affiliated with the American Federation of Labor but ran up against opposition from Boston police commissioner Edwin Curtis, backed by Massachusetts governor Calvin Coolidge. After attempts at compromise failed, the cops walked off the job at 5:45 PM.


In the language of the day, “hooliganism” broke out, with widespread looting. The following day, the mayor of Boston asked Governor Coolidge to supply the force of the state militia, and he agreed. But in the time it took to raise a force that eventually numbered 5,000, about three times the size of the Boston Police, looting increased on September 10, and continued for 9 days until the militia was able to quell it.


Coolidge took a hard line and built a national reputation. His words, “There is no right to strike against the public safety, anywhere, anytime,” propelled him to the vice presidential nomination of the Republicans in 1920 and eventually to the White House.


I suggest that progressive had better be careful what they wish for.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.9548309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>8762 >>8873 >>8934

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey REJECTS Push To Defund Police Despite City Council Vote


Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is standing by his decision not to support defunding and disbanding the Minneapolis Police Department, even after a veto-proof majority of the Minneapolis City Council voted to abolish the city’s police force and replace it with community outreach programs.

Frey was booed by anti-racism protesters on Sunday, according to CNN, after refusing to commit to defunding the Minneapolis Police.

“Multiple videos on social media show the confrontation, which took place when protesters marched to Frey’s home and called for him to come out,” the outlet reported. “Protesters asked Frey directly if he supported defunding the Minneapolis Police Department. When Frey replied that he did not, the crowd booed him as he walked away.”

“Go home, Jacob, go home,” the crowd chanted. “Shame, shame.”

Frey tried to reason with the crowd by saying he was “coming to grips” with his privilege, but it was too late.

Frey doubled down on his position late Sunday, insisting, despite the incident, that he will continue to keep the Minneapolis Police Department together even after his own city council voted to follow protesters’ demands.

“I’ll work relentlessly with Chief [Medaria] Arradondo and alongside community toward deep, structural reform and addressing systemic racism in police culture,” Frey said in a statement to a local news outlet, per Fox News. “We’re ready to dig in and enact more community-led, public safety strategies on behalf of our city. But, I do not support abolishing the Minneapolis Police Department.”

The Minneapolis City Council, led by Council President Lisa Bender, voted Sunday to disband and replace the MPD.

“Our commitment is to end our city’s toxic relationship with the Minneapolis Police Department,” Bender said after the vote was completed. “It is clear that our system of policing is not keeping our communities safe. Our efforts at incremental reform have failed, period.”

Bender added that she and other members of the council plan “to end policing as we know it and recreate systems that actually keep us safe,” per Fox.

On Monday morning, Bender struggled to defend her vote on CNN, speaking with the network’s Alisyn Camerota.

When Camerota asked Bender, “what if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?” Bender responded with a shocking reference to white privilege, implying that there was no need for law enforcement to protect individuals from crime.

“Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors,” Bender said. “And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege.”

Shen then suggested that “defunding” the police was actually a reference to “reforming” police.

Although over the weekend a number of high-profile Democrats embraced far-left calls to disband and defund police departments in response to George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers, on Monday, former Vice President, and presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, dismissed calls to defund law enforcement, pledging instead to pursue police reforms.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.9548337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8509 >>8583 >>8590 >>8762 >>8873 >>8934

Virginia Judge Temporarily Blocks Northam’s Move to Take Down Historic Robert E. Lee Statue


Governor Ralph “Blackface” Northam announced last Thursday he is removing the historic statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia.


A Virginia judge this week issued a 10-day injunction and temporarily blocked KKK-Blackface Ralph Northam from ordering the removal of the statue.


The Hill reported:


Judge Bradley B. Cavedo, according to multiple reports, issued a 10-day injunction halting Northam’s order in the face of a lawsuit, contending that the state had agreed to protect the statue when it annexed the land.


In a court filing obtained by The Washington Post, an attorney for plaintiff William Gregory argues that Virginia agreed to “faithfully guard it and affectionately protect it,” referring to the statue when the state annexed the land from Henrico County in 1890. Gregory is the grandson of a couple involved in the land deal, according to court documents.


A spokesperson for the governor’s office said that state officials believe they have the authority to go forward with the statue’s removal. The towering edifice was constructed in the years after Lee’s death in 1870, but Northam announced his support for its removal following the violent 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville that ended with one person dead.


“Our administration is still reviewing the order,” Northam’s spokeswoman, Alena Yarmosky, told the Washington Post. “Governor Northam remains committed to removing this divisive symbol from Virginia’s capital city, and we’re confident in his authority to do so.”


The statue was vandalized by leftists last week in George Floyd protests.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.9548388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>8762 >>8792 >>8873 >>8934

More Than 8,500 Airmen Have Volunteered to Join Space Force


More than 8,500 active-duty airmen have volunteered to transfer into the U.S. Space Force.


Officials announced Tuesday that thousands of airmen across 13 eligible officer and enlisted career fields have signed up to move permanently into the newest military branch.


"I am incredibly proud of the men and women who made the bold decision to volunteer to join the U.S. Space Force and defend the ultimate high ground," Gen. Jay Raymond, Space Force's chief of space operations, said in a release. "It is a critical time for space, and those Airmen will build the Space Force necessary to compete, deter, and win as required to meet the needs of the National Defense Strategy."


The sixth military service, which was signed into existence by President Donald Trump on Dec. 20, 2019, is currently operating with the aid of 16,000 airmen detailed temporarily from what was formerly known as Air Force Space Command.


Officials have said that about 6,000 of those temporary personnel will be offered the opportunity to formally transfer into the Space Force by year's end.


"Volunteers represent officers and enlisted members in the organic space Air Force Specialty Codes [AFSCs] of space operations (13S) and space systems operations (1C6), and officers and enlisted members in several career fields common to both the Air Force and Space Force, including intelligence (14N), cyberspace operations (17X), developmental engineer (62E), acquisition manager (63A), operations intelligence (1N0), geospatial intelligence (1N1), signals intelligence (1N2), fusion analyst (1N4), targeting analyst (1N8), cyberspace support (3D0), and client systems (3D1)," the release states.


The service will begin notifying applicants from these career fields in July to explain the next steps in the transfer process.


Jobs including space operations (13S) and space systems operations (1C6) are considered "organic space career fields" eligible for transfer. Those first transfers are set to begin Sept. 1, officials said.


"For volunteers in common career fields, transfer boards will be scheduled by AFSCs as needed between July and November, and the results will be announced about 30 days after each board is completed," the release states.


"Since the boarding and selection process will take additional time, transfers for personnel with common AFSCs are expected to begin Feb. 1, 2021," it adds.


Should airmen in the organic space fields change their minds or decline a transfer, the Air Force will work with them to apply to transfer into a new career field, move into the Reserve, or apply for separation or retirement.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.9548395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Podcast: Pandemic Profiteering – How Billionaires Are Looting American Taxpayers


In this segment of Mintcast, journalist and author Alan MacLeod discusses how COVID-19 became a boon for the ultra-wealthy and allowed America’s billionaires to accrue more wealth in just three weeks of lockdown than they made in total prior to 1980.


Welcome to MintCast, the official MintPress News podcast hosted by Mnar Muhawesh. MintCast is an interview podcast featuring dissenting voices, independent researchers, and journalists the establishment would rather silence.


In this episode, we are joined by MintPress News senior staff writer, Alan MacLeod. MacLeod covers everything from socioeconomic inequality, the oligarch class in Western nations, U.S. foreign policy in the Global South, and press freedom. He is also the author of “Bad News From Venezuela: Twenty Years of Fake News and Misreporting and Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent.“


Since April, he has uncovered how COVID-19 came to be a boon for the ultra-wealthy, reporting that America’s billionaires, including Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg and others, accrued more wealth in the first three weeks of the lockdown than they made in total prior to 1980. Billionaire wealth surged by $484 billion in just three months, while a record 40 million Americans filed for unemployment.


This economic phenomenon, the largest radical transfer of wealth out of the hands of taxpayers and into the hands of billionaires, was the largest taxpayer bailout of the wealthy in American history.


As MacLeod reported,


In the last 30 years, U.S. billionaire wealth soared by over 1100 percent while median household wealth increased by barely five percent. In 1990, the total wealth held by America’s billionaire class was $240 billion; today that number stands at $2.95 trillion. Thus, America’s billionaires accrued more wealth in just the past three weeks than they made in total prior to 1980.”


While the pandemic and subsequent lockdown turned the world upside down for working-class people, forcing upon them school closures, long lines at the grocery store, empty shelves, panic buying, record unemployment, and miles-long bread lines, little media attention was given to the Billionaires buying islands and land where they could enjoy life in first-class bunkers built to withstand a nuclear war.


If anything, the coronavirus has lifted the veil to expose the growing inequality in the United States, an unfortunate reality in the world’s richest country.


Macleod leaves us with a salient statistic, explaining that while Amazon owner Jeff Bezos makes $1 million every three minutes, “Amazon staff, directly employed by Bezos, also risk their lives for measly pay. One-third of all Amazon workers in Arizona, for example, are enrolled in the food stamps program, their wages so low that they cannot afford to pay for food.”


Alan MacLeod joins MintCast to explain all of this and how the coming economic crash that is expected to contract the economy by 40 percent will only advance the interests of America’s ultra-wealthy and increase their wealth even further.


America already faces a reality in which less than one thousand billionaires influence policies that ensure more tax obligations for the working class to the benefit of ultra-wealthy oligarchs. Corporate media ensures this reality by presenting billionaires in a positive light, often as philanthropists who run charitable organizations. Yet, in reality, they are little more than big fish eating off of the hard work of the working class.


This program is 100 percent listener supported! You can join the hundreds of financial sponsors who make this show possible by becoming a member on our Patreon page.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.9548427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>8762 >>8873 >>8934

Protests Be Damned, Tennessee To Approve A State Police Highway Surveillance Program


This story proves just how little police care about protests taking place across the country.


What started out as the “Electronic Monitoring Indigency Fund” (EMIF) or “DUI Monitoring Fund” has been transformed into a Kafkaesque, Tennessee state police highway surveillance program.


Originally, the EMIF provided financial reimbursement to installers to cover the costs by indigent participants required by a judge to have an electronic monitoring device installed in a vehicle.


The EMIF provides reimbursement to individuals or entities engaged in the business of manufacturing, selling, leasing, servicing or monitoring alcohol or drug monitoring devices (“Provider”). All Providers submitting interlock claims for reimbursement must be listed on the Department of Safety’s approved Provider list.


So, basically, the state is paying local governments 50% to encourage them to install alcohol monitoring devices in people’s vehicles.


The implementation of the local government matching grant program will require local governments that wish to utilize electronic monitoring devices other than ignition interlock devices to opt-in and cover 50% of claim expenses. This new process for payments will apply to any new claims submitted as a result of a court order issued on or after July 1, 2019.


Providing financial incentives to put corporate monitoring devices in people’s cars is horrible, but things are about to get a whole lot worse for Tennesseans.


If incentivizing installing monitoring devices in people’s cars is not enough to turn your stomach, I give you the latest version of Tennessee’s House Bill 2110 or EMIF.

Activist Post Recommended Book: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism


The latest version of EMIF has been transformed into an exclusive state police highway surveillance program.


No surveillance cameras shall be permitted on federal interstate highways except for Smart Way cameras, other intelligent transportation system cameras, or, when employees of the department or construction workers are present, surveillance cameras used to enforce or monitor traffic violations within work zones designated by the department of transportation; provided, that the cameras are operated only by a state entity.


This bill would transform the State Police into an exclusive taxpayer-funded surveillance entity.


A February 2020 amendment to the bill claims state police can only use Smart Way cameras to enforce or monitor traffic violations within work zones.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.9548435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US, Russia Agree To Hold Nuclear Talks This Month


Last arms control treaty between the two countries set to expire in February 2021


President Trump’s envoy for arms control said the US and Russia agreed to start nuclear arms control talks this month. “Today agreed with the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov on time and place for nuclear arms negotiations in June. China also invited. Will China show and negotiate in good faith?” Marshall Billingslea said on Twitter on Monday. An anonymous US official said the negotiations will start on June 22nd.


The last arms control treaty between the US and Russia, the New START, is set to expire in February 2021. Russia has offered to extend the treaty, but the US insists on including China in the deal. The New START limits the number of nuclear warheads the signatories can have deployed, but China’s nuclear arsenal is much smaller than the US and Russia’s so it is unlikely that China will agree to enter the deal. If the treaty collapses, the US will no longer be able to inspect Russia’s nuclear forces.


China has repeatedly said they do not want to take part in trilateral arms control discussions. Last month, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian said the US and Russia “possess the largest nuclear arsenals” and should have a responsibility to reduce them. Current estimates put Beijing’s arsenal at 320 warheads, the US has 3,800 warheads in its stockpile, and Russia has 4,310. The New START caps the number of warheads deployed at 1,550.


If the US lets the New START lapse, it will follow a pattern of the Trump administration withdrawing from arms control agreements. Last year, the administration withdrew from the Cold War-era Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which prevented the development of medium-range nuclear and ballistic missiles. Most recently, the administration announced its intended withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty, an agreement that allows surveillance flights over the US and Russia.


In the face of crumbling treaties, Washington’s NATO allies are advocating for negotiations and arms control with Russia. “A new armed race will be dangerous and costly, and we’ve continued to work hard for arms control with Russia,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.9548464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From Superpredators to Black Lives Matter: Hillary Clinton’s Opportunistic Career Arc


An honest reckoning of Clinton’s past unearths a myriad of troubling incidents and positions that are difficult to square with her newfound radical antiracist stance.


After the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis two weeks ago, a spontaneous nationwide movement of millions of people protesting racist policing has gripped the country. Politicians of all stripes have staked out their positions, condemning, endorsing, or trying to co-opt the radical movement. The latest of these is failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The former New York senator published her thoughts on her on Medium blog, where she appeared to endorse the Black Lives Matter movement, something she has previously stayed well clear of doing. “George Floyd’s life mattered. Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor’s lives mattered. Black lives matter,” she began by stating.


“I promise to keep fighting alongside all of you to make the United States a place where all men and all women are treated as equals, just as we are and just as we deserve to be,” she added, positioning herself on the same side as the protestors, many of whom are demanding the abolition of the police. Clinton commended the amazing “power of solidarity” she had seen and promised to “speak out against white supremacy in all its forms,” declaring that America is long overdue for “an honest reckoning” with its racism problem.


Inconvenient Truths


However, an honest reckoning with Clinton’s past unearths a myriad of troubling incidents and positions that are difficult to square with her newfound radical antiracist stance. She supported her husband and Joe Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill that led to an explosion in mass incarceration across the country. In 1996, she went further, using well-established racial dog whistles to argue that a new class of people had emerged in America: that of the superpredators, stating:


We need to take these people on, they are often connected to big drug cartels, they are not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called superpredators. No conscience. No empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way but first we have to bring them to heel.”


In practice, this largely meant young men of color, and was part of the “New Democrats’” swing to the right, turning against working-class people and racial minorities.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.9548473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>8762 >>8873 >>8934

‘Hypocrite’ AIPAC condemned over response to George Floyd’s death


One of Israel’s main proponents in the US, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), has come under sharp criticism over its handling of the killing of George Floyd over two weeks ago in Minneapolis by a white police officer.


The death of the 46-year old black American has sparked weeks of protest that has spread to cities around the world.


In the fierce debate on structural racism and discrimination triggered by the death of Floyd, the internet has been flooded with articles and comments drawing parallels between the injustices suffered by black Americans and Palestinians. The killing of 32-year-old autistic Palestinian man Eyad Hallaq by Israeli forces days after Floyd’s brutal death, reinforced, for many, the idea that the same disease of racism was causing pain and suffering the world over.


AIPAC’s silence over Floyd’s death sparked outrage amongst some of its members. A petition went up on urging the pro-Israel lobby group to condemn racism, saying that its “silence is loud and glaring”.


“We are AIPAC supporters, pro-Israel advocates, AIPAC Policy Conference attendees, former AIPAC campus advocates and interns, and former employees,” the petition began by saying. “For over a week now, protests and outrage over George Floyd’s unjust murder have taken hold of the world, and we have waited for AIPAC to reaffirm its support for the lives, safety, and equality of its Black activists and activists of color, as countless other organizations have done. We have waited to no avail,” the petition added.


The petition called on AIPAC to “acknowledge the pain and suffering of the Black community.”

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.9548481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>8762 >>8873 >>8934

Egyptian Tanks Roll Into Libya, as Factions Prepare to Begin Negotiations


Cairo pushed ceasefire, but found little interest


The Egyptian government has been one of the most vocal backers of Gen. Khalifa Hafter’s self-proclaimed Libyan National Army for years, seeing them as ideologically close to another would-be junta. They’ve pushed international measures supportive of Hafter, and recently suggested a ceasefire, and the immediate pullout of “foreign mercenaries.” This was rejected almost uniformly.


Now, at least 18 US-made tanks and Egyptian attack helicopters have crossed the border, entering Libya to try to back the LNA from further defeats.


But as Egypt invades, the Government of National Accord (GNA) has its own plan to try to negotiate an end to the fighting, rushing to capture the coastal city of Sirte, and intending to push for peace talks with the LNA immediately after they do so.


The GNA fears Russia, another backer of the LNA, wants bases in Sirte. Russia was the lone backer of Cairo’s ceasefire, which meant to stop the fighting before the GNA could reach Sirte.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.9548508   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Signs an Executive Order That Will Have Liberal Heads Spinning


While Democrats are still trying to exploit the tragic death of George Floyd, President Donald Trump is back working to get Americans back to work and unleash the full force of the U.S. economy.


As noted by the Epoch Times, the president signed an executive order on Monday granting emergency powers to government agencies to expedite the permitting process for infrastructure and energy projects.


The White House said that the coronavirus took a heavy toll on the U.S. economy and that the country would face long-term recovery issues if the government did not step in to help.


The Epoch Times reports:


The order aims to expedite transportation infrastructure projects, civil works projects from the Army Corps of Engineers, and infrastructure and other projects on federal land.


According to the June 4 order, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has, in emergency situations, provided flexibility to government agencies in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)—a law that environmentalists view as essential in determining the environmental impacts of infrastructure and other projects.


According to the executive order, the CEQ’s regulations “provide that when emergency circumstances make it necessary to take actions with significant environmental impacts without observing the regulations, agencies may consult with CEQ to make alternative arrangements to take such actions.” Such emergencies would include, among others, natural disasters, threats to national defense, “and employment and economic prosperity.”


Trump argued that ordering state agencies to jump start permit acquisition for companies in a range of fields, such as infrastructure and energy, will unleash investments, increase jobs, and get the economy rolling again.


The plan would also play a big roll in calling for bridge and highway construction, public works, and energy projects such as pipelines and LNG terminals to be fast-tracked through the permitting process.


The Epoch Times continued:


On Jan. 9, Trump announced that his administration would seek to cut what he called “job-killing regulations” in the form of federal permitting and approval processes, which meant that some infrastructure projects were being subjected to delays of decades before construction could begin—if approved at all.


Many of the delays Trump spoke about were a result of the NEPA, which requires federal agencies to assess the environmental impacts of federal projects—a process that has become more complex and protracted over the years. Key components of NEPA’s environmental protections include the requirement for (often lengthy) environmental impact assessments and public consultations.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.9548528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>8762 >>8873 >>8934

PA submits ‘counter-proposal’ to US plan, providing for demilitarized Palestine


‘Palestine will be a state along the 1967 borders and its capital will be East Jerusalem,’ PM Shtayyeh says, urging international pressure to stop Netanyahu’s annexation project


The Palestinian Authority has sent the diplomatic Quartet a plan for Palestinian statehood in response to the US Mideast proposal, which sees parts of the West Bank being annexed by Israel, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh said Tuesday.


“We submitted a counter-proposal to the Quartet a few days ago,” he said, referring to the group mediating the conflict, made up of the United Nations, United States, Russia and European Union.


Shtayyeh said that the PA’s plan provides for the creation of a “sovereign Palestinian state, independent and demilitarized” with “minor modifications of borders where necessary.”


The Palestinian text foresaw possible land swaps between the two future states on a like-for-like basis, he said at a press conference.


Announced at the end of January in Washington, US President Donald Trump’s peace plan provides for the annexation by Israel of 30 percent of the West Bank — covering all the settlements and the Jordan Valley — with conditional provisions for a Palestinian state in the rest of the territory, including some areas on the outskirts of East Jerusalem.


The Palestinians have rejected the US plan in its entirety. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to annex the 132 settlements, home to some 450,000 Israelis, next month, and the rest of the territory allocated to Israel soon after, subject to American approval.


Shtayyeh said the Palestinians were hoping that Netanyahu would not go ahead with his annexation plan.


On Monday, Hussein al-Sheikh, a senior Palestinian official and close adviser to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, took a different tack, telling the New York Times that the government in Ramallah was weighing cutting off civil services to its population in the hope of compelling Israel to abandon its plan.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.9548554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8684

Tucker Carlson: Defund the police simply a power grab


The Black Lives Matter movement is insane, AND it is now become a political party, perhaps the most powerful political party in the United States at this point. The ability this movement and its supporters have had on an already weakened and dispirited American populace is dangerous, despite the polled prevalence of common sense. The “Defund the Police” drive is really a drive to replace the present police force with a new one, one that has partisan alignment, much as such forces in Third World nations have. Tucker analyzes all of this. This report is particularly good because all of the relevant information is in one place.


To any person capable of critical thinking and even a modicum of logic, of course, Defund the Police is patently absurd. But there are a lot of Americans now who are either too lazy or too conditioned by fifty years of liberalizing left-wing influence to even wish to think this matter through on their own. Political opportunists have a field day when a population is like some of ours is now.


The point of view I hold on this is that Black Lives Matter is a complete farce. George Floyd’s killing was so convenienty depicted on video that we can easily forget the fact that most such events do not happen where someone has a high-quality camera on hand and is able to catch the killing as it takes place. While this does happen now somewhat, because of the ubiquity of smartphones with good cameras, the skill and precision with which the Floyd events were recorded suggests some degree of professionalism. I see a lot of poorly made high-res video clips of various events, even with our modern technology. There is something patently staged about what happened here. For all I know, Mr. Floyd might even be alive and well somewhere, unless those same powers decided that for insurance purposes it would be better to off him anyway.


This certainly sounds like conspiracy nuttery, but consider: We are still coming through a massive exercise in fearmongering that extended its reach all over the world – the COVID-19 pandemic. The disease is far, far less than the fearful narrative that we have been given, and most of the world shut down for three months as people cowered in fear of a virus that now appears to have something like 0.1% mortality rate.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…


That is not going to happen.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.9548563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8762 >>8873 >>8934



The Florida Supreme Court has thrown out a ballot initiative that would have enshrined in the state constitution a ban on some kinds of semi-automatic firearms.


In a 4-1 decision, the court ruled that the initiative was defective because the summary of the amendment used unclear language that contradicted the text of the amendment.


The summary indicated that weapons possessed prior to the initiative would be exempt from the ban, which would have allowed those firearms to be transferred to another person. The actual text of the amendment, however, only allowed the owner of the weapon to be exempt.


“While the ballot summary purports to exempt registered assault weapons lawfully possessed prior to the initiative’s effective date, the initiative does not categorically exempt the assault weapon, only the current owner’s possession of that assault weapon,” the majority wrote. “The ballot summary is therefore affirmatively misleading.”The ballot initiative was written and promoted by a group called Ban Assault Weapons Now (BAWN). They’re seeking to garner the 766,200 petition signatures necessary to get their “assault weapons” ban on the list of measures voters can consider for ratification in the state constitution.


Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody stood her ground on Monday when asked whether in the wake of the weekend’s mass murders, she’d reconsidered her opposition to a constitutional amendment banning “assault weapons” that could appear before voters on the 2020 ballot.


Calling the proposal “far-reaching” and “misleading,” she explained that the ban’s language would go far beyond the guns commonly used in mass murders to include firearms like those her grandfather gave her father and his brother 60 years ago.


“The way that they have phrased this language, it would ban virtually every firearm, including those that in no shape of the imagination would one think would be described as an assault weapon,” she said during a press conference about a different topic.


But Politico reported last week that the group has only garnered about 175,000 signatures, a 75,000 increase since GunsAmerica reported in June of last year that BAWN had broken the 100,000 mark. At 75,000 signatures per year, it will take the group more than a decade to reach the necessary threshold. That isn’t stopping the group from continuing its push.


“The Supreme Court, now controlled by the NRA in the same way as our Governor and our Legislature, has fundamentally failed the people of Florida,” BAWN Chair Gail Schwartz said in a statement. “Not only has the Legislature recently made it harder to pass ballot initiatives, now the people must also face a court of rightwing ideologues who will only approve initiatives they agree with politically.”


“The Supreme Court’s rejection of BAWN’s amendment does not change our commitment to rid Florida of these killing machines,” Schwartz said. “After striving for two years for a safer state for our families, we’re just getting started.”


Schwartz is the aunt of one of the victims of the Parkland massacre. The group also lists David Hogg as its “Chief Organizing Coordinator.”


Gun rights groups applauded the ruling, including the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), which submitted a brief opposing the ban.


“On behalf of our industry members in Florida we are thankful the Florida Supreme Court rejected the Mayor Bloomberg-funded deceptive and misleading effort ballot initiative to ban state-wide the lawful sale of virtually all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns in the state to law abiding Floridians after of background check,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel. Our appreciation to GunsAmerica and Jordan Michaels for this article.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.9548599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Malaysian Airlines MH17 was not downed by jet plane — Prosecutor


A number of independent journalists have a different opinion, referring to a video uploaded to YouTube, in which witnesses confirm presence of military planes over Donbass on July 17, 2014, the day of the tragedy


Schiphol /the Netherlands/, June 9. /TASS/. Dutch Prosecutor’s Office believes that the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, which crashed over Ukraine in July 2014, could not have been downed by a military plane, Prosecutor Ward Ferdinandusse said Tuesday.


"The question of whether the [MH17] Boeing could have been downed by a military plane was studied from different angles," he said. "Many sources showed that such scenario was impossible. The most important and objective information was obtained as a result of analysis of radar data, flight recorders, radio communications of Russian and Ukrainian dispatchers and during forensics expertise, conducted by a number of independent experts."


"The Prosecutor’s Office believes that this scenario was studied in full, and an air-to-air attack could not have caused the MH17 crash," Ferdinandusse underscores. "These conclusions are based on the data of primary radars that indicated no presence of other aircraft in the airspace at the moment of MH17 crash, […] and that an attack by a military plane is not supported by the flight recorder data. This makes further investigation of this scenario pointless."


The Prosecutor’s speech took place within yet another set of hearings on MH17 case, which bear mostly technical character. Within its framework, the Prosecutor’s Office must provide a comprehensive presentation of its investigation, after which the defense will be allowed to request additional investigative actions on the case.

Independent journalists disagree

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9548617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8641

WHO Walks Back Comments About Rarity Of Asymptomatic Transmission


WHO official says she was referring to a small number of studies that found asymptomatic transmission was rare

Other studies suggest 40% of global transmission may be due to asymptomatic individuals

Another WHO official said there is too much still unknown about "transmission dynamics"


The World Health Organization on Tuesday walked back statements that asymptomatic coronavirus carriers rarely transmit the virus to others. At a hastily called news conference, Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging disease and zoonosis unit, said her remarks had been misunderstood.


“In that I used the phrase 'very rare,' and I think that's misunderstanding to state that asymptomatic transmission globally is very rare,” she said in clarifying her statement. “What I was referring to is a subset of studies,” adding, “We do know that some people who are asymptomatic, or some people who do not have symptoms, can transmit the virus on.”


“We don’t actually have that answer yet,” she said.


WHO emergency programs head Mike Ryan said there is too much still unknown about the disease to be certain about “transmission dynamics.”


“It’s clear that both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals are part of the transmission cycle. The question is what is the relative contribution of each group to overall number of cases,” Ryan said.


To confuse the situation further, there is disagreement about the meaning of asymptomatic: There are people who are infected but never develop symptoms; there are those who are infected who have yet to develop symptoms and should be considered presymptomatic, and there’s a third group with only mild symptoms and aren’t aware they had the disease until later on.


“It’s a mess. I don’t know why they would say asymptomatic transmission is very rare when the truth is we simply don’t know how frequent it is,” Eric Topol, a professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research, told the Washington Post.


Studies indicate about 16% of the population may be asymptomatic; others suggest 40% of global transmission may be due to asymptomatic individuals. But the majority of infections are transmitted by people who have symptoms.


Van Kerkhove's Monday remark created a firestorm on Twitter, prompting backlash about the necessity of confining people to their homes to stem spread of the virus.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.9548668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8738 >>8762 >>8873 >>8934

Trump Admin To Provide Nearly $3 Billion To Support Homeless Americans


The Trump administration is giving $2.96 billion of CARES Act funding to support homeless Americans and those at risk of becoming homeless as a result of the economic shutdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced in a Tuesday press release.


“Homelessness was a major issue in some cities across our Nation long before this pandemic occurred, and unfortunately the dire living conditions of our most vulnerable Americans left many without a home to isolate in or proper medical and healthcare resources to defend themselves against this invisible enemy,” HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in a statement.


“As we continued to monitor the effects of COVID-19 in at risk communities, the Department and our partners worked quickly to respond to outbreaks and minimize the spread from hotspots to other locations,” Carson added. “This increased funding to help provide for our homeless will make a difference now as we combat the coronavirus and inform long-term, innovative solutions for addressing homelessness in the future.”

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.9548697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Liberal Leaders Aiding and Abetting Rioters Just the Latest Campaign Strategy to Usurp Trump


In a fractious election year that has already witnessed Russiagate, impeachment and a pandemic, Americans are now forced to contend with the malignant scourge of rioting and looting following the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a white cop. Now, many Democrats seem content to the let the whole house burn down to achieve some sort of twisted justice .


To get a true sense of the mob mentality that is now leading the United States straight to the abyss, you could do no worse than a visit to the nation’s embattled capital. There, District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser recently evicted 1,200 members of the National Guard from hotels where they had been staying during their brief deployment, which included everything from cleaning graffiti from buildings to patrolling the streets.


The eviction notice came just days after the White House was the scene of heavy protests and just before the weekend (June 6-7) when hundreds of thousands of demonstrators are planning to march in Washington, D.C. against racism and police brutality. And considering what is already known about the involvement of ANTIFA, the radical leftist organization that is slated for status as a domestic terrorist group, wouldn’t any mayor be grateful for the additional layer of security? Not Mayor Bowser, apparently, who explained in a letter sent to various state governors that the presence of the Guard is “inflaming demonstrators” and therefore should be removed from the U.S. capital. In other words, the city should be expected to bow to fears of upsetting the mob as opposed to preparing for a worst-case scenario of destructive riots, a word that has become politically incorrect for the mainstream media to even mention.


Unfortunately, this sort of strategy for dealing with the possibility of violence is not restricted to D.C., but prevalent in a number of other cities currently under Democratic control.


In Los Angeles, for example, police officers are up in arms over the city’s decision to partially defund the police department while donating a quarter-of-a-billion dollars to – wait for it – Black Lives Matter, the activist group that is not only organizing protests across the country against a purportedly endemic ‘racism,’ but demanding a display of fealty to their objectives as well.


Unless one wants to be branded a foaming at the mouth ‘white supremacist’ it is necessary to publicly absolve oneself of this original sin by ‘taking a knee,’ a controversial gesture first performed by former NFL player Colin Kaepernick who refused to stand during the pre-game singing of the national anthem in protest of police brutality. While many people would agree that a major overhaul of police tactics is desperately needed, showing disrespect for the American flag and everything good it stands for is not best way for moving forward as a nation.

Anonymous ID: 091b05 June 9, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9548756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8873 >>8934

Protesters at Oxford University Demand Removal of Cecil Rhodes Statue


Following the toppling and throwing into a river of a statue of politician and slave trader Edward Colston at a Black Lives Matter protest in Bristol, the "Rhodes Must Fall" movement has renewed its calls to remove a statue of Cecil Rhodes at Oxford University.


Live outside Oxford University, where people have gathered to call for the removal of a statue of Victorian imperialist Cecil Rhodes.


Back in 2016, hundreds of Oxford students campaigned for its removal and for the university curriculum to be updated to reflect the diversity of thought - but the university said the statue would remain.—video/


It should be removed as he was a pedophile