Related to BLM "police",and the UN.
Minneapolis, Minnesota is one of the Six Cities Obama Chosen to Test Federal Police Scheme.
"Obama Chooses Six Cities to Test Federal Police Scheme
Under the guise of “restoring trust” between communities and police departments that have been militarized by the federal government, the Obama administration's Justice Department announced this month that it had selected six U.S. cities to serve as pilot sites, to develop and deploy federal guidance for local police to create better procedures, reduce racial bias, and regain citizens' trust.
The first six cities to be targeted as pilot sites will be Birmingham, Alabama; Fort Worth, Texas; Gary, Indiana; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Stockton, California. Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price described the program as “a tool to strengthen our partnership with the justice system.” However, other police departments are also in the cross hairs. According to the official announcement, an unspecified number of “police departments and communities that are not pilot sites” will also be targeted for more DOJ “training” and “technical assistance.”
Indeed, there's little reason to believe that this latest effort by Obama's DOJ has as its actual goal the increased professionalism of police.
… DOJ boss wants even more control over your local police department. “By helping to develop programs that serve their own diverse experiences and environments, these selected cities will serve on the leading edge of our effort to confront pressing issues in communities around the country,” Holder said.
The latest announcements surrounding the controversial Obama-police scheme occurred, supposedly by coincidence, just 13 hours after two police officers were shot in Ferguson amid ongoing tensions there — tensions inflamed by DOJ claims of police racism and injustice in Ferguson. “Incidents like the one we have witnessed throw into sharp relief why conversations like the one we convened today, to build trust between law enforcement and community members, are so important,” claimed Holder. Outlines of the DOJ's plan were first presented in September of last year after a Ferguson police officer, who has since been cleared of criminal wrongdoing in multiple investigations, shot and killed Michael Brown.
In its official announcement, the Justice Department offered few details about the real scope of their planned activities, but it is clearly wide-ranging. “The three-year grant has been awarded to a consortium of national law enforcement experts from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Yale Law School, the Center for Policing Equity at UCLA and the Urban Institute,” the March 12 press release stated. The “Urban Institute” is a far-left federally funded “think tank” that also receives funding from the Rockefeller Foundation and other establishment sources.
“In a holistic approach, the initiative simultaneously addresses the tenets of procedural justice, reducing implicit bias and facilitating racial reconciliation,” the release continued, again without any suggestion of irony even as the administration comes under increasing fire for fomenting and exploiting the racial unrest in need of reconciliation. “The initiative complements and is advised by other Justice Department components such as the Office of Justice Programs, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services [COPS], the Office on Violence Against Women, the Civil Rights Division and the Community Relations Service.” Many of those DOJ units, of course, have come under heavy criticism as even former Justice Department officials lambaste Holder for packing them with politicized radicals.
Efforts to calm a worried public will likely go to no avail because the recent selection of six pilot cities for the controversial policing schemes came less than a week after Obama's “Task Force on 21st Century Policing,” created by unconstitutional executive decree, announced its plans to impose “national standards” on state and local law enforcement across the nation. Essentially, in exchange for unconstitutional federal bribes, the Obama administration plans to in effect further nationalize and federalize local and state police departments — a process remarkably similar to the unconstitutional schemes used to foist the Common Core nationalization of K-12 education on over 40 states…"