Many of us were very seriously black-pilled.
I used to be jealous of Russians (not in a mean way) because they had a leader who actually cares about them, about his country and wished we could have that, too. I never thought we could have that, and that [they] could not be countered and our country, and the world, were doomed to implosion and servitude at 3rd world level.
Then I helped memed Trump into office and have never looked back. Hell, I never even had a flag before, now I fly it proudly.
Now, no matter what happens, what we SEE, I don't worry because Q+ sees, and sees far more than we do, has fare more intel and resources than we do. I've seen enough to be totally confident that he knows what he's doing, and when it "looks" bad, that's what we are being shown by those that hate our guts, not reality.
It is, after all, and information war.
I'm not a summer soldier or sunshine patriot. Now I can see, thanks to Trump, that America really IS great (MISleaders had taught us otherwise, which is [their] vision and NOT reality!), and I can see our true potential, and that the best really is yet to come. Donald Trump has my eternal gratitude for that alone, and my loyalty for taking the slings and arrows meant for us.
It is so incredibly humbling, beautiful and overwhelming to be able to have the opportunity to help with this effort. I was born too early for Space Force, but I can help a rag-tag team of Patriots worldwide un-fuck the world while wearing my pyjamas.