There is no goal to impart justice or to return power the people. Never was. Trump lied. He appointed those who would carry out his lies. At what point does it become mathematically impossible to appoint nothing but DS stooges? And Q was sent to lull us into a sense of false security that we'd see the justice WE VOTED FOR.
As are all pathological liars.
All tokens that followed orders. The operation was administered by King Nig and the soulless hag.
90% needs to simply be disbanded.
We love our nation and believe in its founding principles. That's our common bond, not Q.
Allegiance only to truth, justice and our Constitution (original intent - we can later everything after the Bill of Rights and add voting rights for taxpayers/landowners only).
Maybe so but /pol/ wouldn't have gotten wasted by a LARP, imo.
True dat!
God can kiss my ass.
In other words, there was never a reason to believe.
>Because /pol/ is always right.
And spectacularly politically incorrect! I miss that. Too many diversity guzzlers on here.
>even project veritas is controlled oppo
Disagree. They may be R biased, but not controlled op. It's not like they can infiltrate committee hearings.
Cool. A dirt nap is fine by me.
>Barr saying, effectively, "we see no reason to proceed."
Fat fucking pig should be waterboarded.
Or why that anon keeps posting about it.
Jersey Shore season finale.
Our only chance is Trump thinking he'll lose our votes, but then we'd only get a token perp who'd be let off on appeal if not during first trial.
He's my favorite.